Theories and Practice of Golf and Outdoor Leisure Pursiuts

Theories and Practice of Golf and Outdoor Leisure Pursuits
KinL 213
Office: KHS 171
Meeting times:
Course Description: SLU catalogue- 1 hour. Skills, rules, strategies, and teaching methods of
golf. A recreational laboratory class emphasizing introductory instruction and experience in a
wide variety of outdoor leisure pursuits. Topics may be selected from but not limited to the
following: golf, camping, canoeing, boating, backpacking, day hiking, fishing, water and hunting
safety, and wilderness first aid.
Objectives: By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Define terms associated with scoring, handicapping, etiquette, course architecture,
safety, and equipment
 Explain the basic rules of scoring
 Demonstrate correct techniques in driving, putting, and chipping
 Develop a lesson plan to teach a skill in golf or outdoor rec
 Implement an effective peer taught lesson in golf
 Choose the correct club based upon the situation encountered during play
 Compile a wilderness first aid kit
 Set up a campsite
 Construct an oven and bake a cake
 Present a topic or “how to” lesson associated with outdoor recreation
Texts: Teaching Cues for Sport Skills for Secondary School Students; Hilda Fronske, 4th ed.
Notes and other material will be provided via blackboard.
Class Policies:
Attendance: Class attendance is regarded as an obligation as well as a privilege, and all students
are expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they enrolled. Failure to do
so may jeopardize a student’s scholastic standing and may lead to suspension from the
university. Absences will negatively affect your grade. There are assignments completed during
class which cannot be made up. Every 2 tardies will count as one absence. If a student misses
10% or more sessions of any class due to unexcused absences prior to the published withdrawal
date, the instructor may withdraw the student with a grade of "W."
Late Assignments and Make-up work: Assignments must be completed within the allotted time.
Failure to complete assignments and turn them in on time will result in a grade of 0 (zero). Late
assignments will not be accepted. You are also expected to take exams when scheduled. Makeup exams are unusual and will only be given to those students who have the absence excused by
the instructor before the scheduled exam date. Otherwise, your grade will be a 0 (zero).
Professionalism: As you prepare to enter the teaching profession, you will be held to high
behavioral standards. Do your best to maintain a professional demeanor. Use of cell phones
during class is strictly prohibited. Using a cell phone during instruction will be counted as a nonparticipation in the class for the day.
Academic Misconduct: Academic misconduct will not be tolerated and will result in receiving
an F in the course. Student behavior which inhibits the teaching or learning of the class,
routinely entering late or leaving class early, use of cell phones or electronic devices in any
manner, and repeatedly talking in class will not be tolerated. Use of cell phones during class is
strictly prohibited. Using a cell phone during instruction will be counted as a non-participation
in the class for the day.
SLU Email Policy: SLU policy dictates that all email correspondence between faculty and
students be done through the SLU email system. As a result, the instructor will not communicate
with you via email using addresses other than the SLU system (e.g., yahoo, bellsouth)
Evaluation: Your course grade will be based upon the following:
Class participation (15 points per day x 27 days)
405 pts
1 written exam
50 pts
Peer Teach Lesson
50 pts
Lesson plan
50 pts
Golf & Outdoor rec portfolio
50 pts
Golf skill test
30 pts
Camping skills & participation
100 pts
735 Pts
Evaluation descriptions:
Lesson Plan: Format will be provided.
Peer Teach: Topic will be provided by instructor. The lesson should be 1 hour in length. A
handout of the activities you teach is to be provided to the instructor as well as each of your
peers. A written lesson pan should be turned in 1 week prior to teaching. If you do not have
your lesson plan on the day you teach you will not be allowed to teach and will receive a score of
“0”…..No make ups
Skill Test:
Golf- driving, chipping, and putting
Camping- evaluation will be based upon ability to set up an effective camp, cook over an open
fire, construct an oven and bake a cake, effectively navigate a canoe. All students are required to
attend the camping session at midterms or at the end of the semester as part of the final/midterm
Portfolios: a collection of drills, skills, games, lesson plans, and assessment ideas that can be
used to teach the specified unit.
Grading Scale:
If you are a qualified student with a disability seeking accommodations under the Americans
with Disabilities Act, you are required to self-identify with the Office of Student Life in the
Student Union.
Important Dates
- Last day to withdraw or resign from term 1 classes
- Mardi Gras Holiday
- Last day to withdraw or resign from regular classes
- Spring Break
- Last day to withdraw or resign form term 2 classes
- Last day to return rental textbooks without a fine
- Final exams
Final Exam - TBA