Complete Minutes - Missouri Chess Association

Minutes of the MCA Board Meeting, October 5th, 2014
The meeting was held at the Ramada Inn, Kansas City, during the Missouri Open
Tournament. Meeting was called to order by President Thomas Rehmeier at 8:02 am.
Board members present were Thomas Rehmeier, Ed Baur, Bob Holliman, Bob Howe,
Ron Luther, Martin Stahl, and Selden Trimble. Absent: CJ Armenta and Matthew Barrett.
The future meeting date was set for Saturday, January 17th at 1pm at the Student
Union on the MU campus. Backup date is two weeks later, on Saturday January 31st.
The minutes of the July 12th, 2014, meeting were approved with minor corrections.
Officer Elections: Offices for the 2014-2015 term were elected. All were approved by
President: Selden Trimble
Vice President: Bob Holliman
Treasurer: Martin Stahl
Secretary: Bob Howe
The treasurer’s report from Martin Stahl was accepted. (See Appendix A.)
Webmaster Report: Tim Nesham was named as the MCA Webmaster. Martin will
work with him to transition. Motion by Bob Holliman, Bob Howe 2nd. Passed.
The Membership report showed 147 members, a lower number than has been seen in
some time. Eleven memberships were picked up at the tournament, which were not included
in that total.
Old Business:
State Scholastic: State should be on March 28th at the Battle High School in Columbia. There
are a few details remaining to work out with Columbia Public Schools, however it should be
just a matter of clearing the last of the red tape. Thomas will alert the board as soon as it is
After discussion on again subsidizing USCF memberships at state, Thomas Rehmier made the
motioned for the MCA to purchase 100 memberships from the USCF bulk purchase program.
Ron Luther 2nds. Passed. Left over vouchers will be given as prizes or to in need programs
after state. Bob Howe will secure the vouchers.
Bob Howe presented the By-Laws regarding abolishment of the printed version of the
Missouri Chess Bulletin (MCB) that were discussed in the July meeting. The changes passed
7-0, which meets the criteria for bylaw changes. (Bylaw wording is attached as Appendix B)
After discussion, Martin Stahl was named to the new position of Web Content Manager.
Martin will be in charge of editing and reviewing content in the new online news format, as
well as the website in general. This will allow the webmaster to focus on the technical work
on the website without being responsible for reviewing and editing submitted content.
Selden Trimble presented his ideas for Online voting, which CJ Armenta had proposed at the
July meeting. After discussion, a process for normal motions (but not bylaw changes) was
approved. Passed 6-1-0, with Trimble, Baur, Rehmeier, Holliman, Luther, Howe for, Stahl
Opposed. Exact wording listed in Appendix C.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:02pm
Appendix A:
The Missouri Chess Association
Treasurer’s Report: July 12th, 2014 - October 2nd, 2014
Account Summary
Beginning Balance: $ 14,038.06
Total Deposits: $ 1,370.00
$ 65.00 membership dues
$ 1,305.00 MO Open Pre-registrations
Total Expenses: $ 0
Closing Balance: $ 15,408.06
MCA Balance: $6,909.62
MCA Scholastic Balance: $ 8, 498.44
Martin Stahl
Appendix B: MCB Bylaw Changes - Howe
Bylaw Change #1. MCB language removal
Article II - Qualification of Members
3.. Rights and privileges: Each member shall be entitled to receive a regular copy of the "Missouri Chess
Bulletin," to participate in the annual membership meeting, and to enjoy all other rights and privileges not
herein enumerated provided, however, that in order to serve on the board of directors, vote in elections for
the board of directors, or vote at membership meetings, a member must be a Missouri resident 16 years old
or older by April 15th of the election year, and a member in good standing of the United States Chess
3..Rights and privileges: Each member shall be entitled to receive a regular copy of the "Missouri Chess
Bulletin," to participate in the annual membership meeting, and to enjoy all other rights and privileges not
herein enumerated provided, however, that in order to serve on the board of directors, vote in elections for
the board of directors, or vote at membership meetings, a member must be a Missouri resident 16 years old
or older by April 15th of the election year, and a member in good standing of the United States Chess
Bylaw Change #2. MCB Language removal.
Article III - Meetings of Membership
Written or printed notice stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting shall be published in the
"Missouri Chess Bulletin" between five and ninety days before the start of the meeting.
Article III - Meetings of Membership
Written or printed notice stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting shall be published in the
"Missouri Chess Bulletin" on the Missouri Chess Association website, between five and ninety days
before the start of the meeting.
Appendix C. Trimble Bylaw Amendment Change: Online Voting
The following paragraph shall be added at the end of Article V entitled
“Board of Directors.”
The Board of Directors may conduct regular business by email in the following
Any Director can email a motion simultaneously to all of the other Directors.
Within 7 days, at least one Director must simultaneously email all of the other
Directors with a second to this motion. If no such second is so emailed,
the motion dies for lack of a second.
Within 7 days of the first second, each Director may simultaneously email a
response to all of the other Directors with the answer to one question: (1)
Are you in favor of the proposed motion?
The proposed motion passes if the returned emails show an affirmative vote of at
least five directors.
The Secretary shall record all such motions, seconds, and votes in the minutes of
the next regular meeting