T.V. Milevskaya,
Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Published: Collected research articles, Bulletin of Russian
COMMUNICATION", Issue 1 / Edited by I.N. Rozina, Rostov-on-Don:
Institute of Management, Business and Law Publishing, 2002. 168 p. P. 67-70</i>
The development of general theory of verbal communication as a science of
compound interaction of language, thought, culture and society presupposes
elaborating common principles and techniques of analysis in the adjacent spheres
of humanities - linguistics, sociology, psychology, culturology and others.
No doubt dominant position among the branches, the deal with the systems of
communication, is taken the linguistics as a science of leading and universal means
of communication - the language. Paradoxically, but linguistic research, carried out
before the 60-s of the 20-th century, possess the least explanatory power
concerning transferring and receiving information: F. de Sossure, who suggested
the antinomy of the language as a system and the speech as an asystemic,
occasional, individual phenomenon excluded the situation of communication from
the sphere of linguists attention. That the term discourse in modern linguistic
researches was confirmed marked turning the science of language to the extra
linguistics sphere: the static structural-semantic approach ceded to a dynamic
communicative one.
Understanding of discourse as speech immersed in life (Arutunova) is bound up
with the notion of communicative situation. It`s considered, that in the most
general aspect verbal communicative situation may be determined as a real-life by
speech-reflective behaviour of communicants. Psychologists describe speechreflective behaviour as a peculiar sort of activity - speech activity: specific form of
human activity, its independent sort, single-minded, motivational active process of
receiving and (or) transferring the message.., through of forming and formulating
the thought in communication (Zymnaja).
Thereby discourse activity may be determined as speech-reflective activity of
communicants, connected with speaker's knowledge, comprehension and world
outlook on the one hand and comprehension, reconstruction of the language picture
of the producent`s world by a recipient in the resulting communicative situation on
The analysis of discourse as a specific kind of activity, in particular, allows to
comprehend anew way one of the most disputable, but at the same time key
notions of modern linguistics the notion of text.
From the point of psycholinguistics text is a product of such kinds of speech
activities as speaking, writing… the whole complex of psychological conditions of
activity and individual-psychological peculiarities of the subject are objectivated
in text through utterance (Zimnaja). The notion of text as a product of the
discourse activity allows to analyse text as a static phenomenon, the zone of power
cancellation. Such an understanding of the text is not common for native
linguistics, though Turaeva notices, it is a closed system, for which the state of rest
is typical (Turaeva).
Adaptation in linguistics of the postulate of quantum nature of thought as
background for science of intellect allows to speak about text as a product of
discourse. Chafe`s distinguishing the units (clauses) in the informational flow
which are commensurable with thought quantum, leads to the notion of discreetwave nature of discourse. Hence, we can suggest that discreteness is a priory
feature of any discourse, and the dividing informational flow into clauses happens
independent on the speaker's intention and communicative situation in general.
Involuntary and spontaneous discreteness predetermines the connectedness of an
engendered text as a dominant strategy of the speaker: from the point of linguistic
structure, the forming adequate speech form may be the process of utterance
engendering from structurally relevant units of the lower order and their linking
into greater blocks, with the help of which a man is able to consolidate and express
his thoughts (Kolshansky).
The necessity of transformation is determined by the incompatibility of discreet
structure of the concept and superficial forms of text, it is connected with
transforming configuration of mental notion into the kind of a liner structure. This
transforming is an essential of successful communication: unconnected text cannot
be adequately decoded by the addressee. This transformation occurs through the
establishment of global and local connectedness of discourse. Global
connectedness, which understood as a unity of topic of discourse, is established by
the producent (the author) on the initial stage of elaborating of discourse: relevant
ties between the structures of the knowledge are established connecting model of
the situation is represented. The establishment of local ties takes place on the stage
of text formatting and requires revealing the ties between the proportions and
superficial structures revealing of the relationships of cohesion. Author's intentions
on this stage assume the choice of adequate superficial structure for explication of
ties between the clauses, relevant for the producent.
Our understanding the text as a static immanently connected (and whole) product
of the discourse allows to determine it as any length succession of the linguistic
marks, which is contained between two stops of communication. Such an approach
draws the text together with the utterance and ignores the difference, which is
principal for static analysis of the language, between written and oral mode. The
dynamic approach allows to answer the question, concerning the units of research,
which is significant for the linguistics: the text is the product of the present
discourse until the producent (recipient) initiates finishing communication.
If the text is the product of discourse activity, then its result, as said above, is
creation of such a communicative situation, which may be appreciated by a speaker
and a listener as a successful one.
In the process of interaction a speaker and a listener realise different motives, aims
and intentions, which can be represented as oppositely aimed vectors. The
communicative situation can not be created by one character and defined from one
side or as a situation of comprehension/incomprehension; that is the result of the
common discursive activity of the interaction participants. The speaker pursues his
most general object to be understood, which is co-ordinated with the discursive
purpose of the recipient to understand what have been said. The result achieving of
these aims is a communicative situation, which can be assessed as a successful one.
The rapprochement of the notions of discourse and speech activity, in our opinion,
not only extensively corresponds to epistemic aims of linguistics itself, but has
undoubted methodological value in the creation of integrated theory of
Zimnaja I.A. Lingual psychology of speech activity.-M.-Voroneg, 2001
Kolshansky G.V. About linguistic method of text outcome// Linguistic questions-1983-No 3P.44-51
Turaeva Z.J. Text linguistic (Text: structure and semantics). Moscow, 1986
About the author:
Milevskaya Tatyana
Ph.D., Associated Professor, Department of Russian Language, Rostov State
University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, e-mail milevsky_jr@mail.ru