Series: Abundant Living Title: Abundant Living over Failure Text


Series: Abundant Living

Title: Abundant Living over Failure

Text: Matthew 26:31-35, 9-75

Text: Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75

Title: Abundant Living over Failure (How to Abound After Failure)

Introduction: I believe every Christian should have a goal to truly abound in the

Christian life. A desire to know Christ, and live for Him should be the heartbeat of every


Yet, along the way to this abundant Christian life are setbacks, disappointments, and failures. Even Jesus said,

“In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Ill – Pastor who felt like a failure…Parents who feel like failures…

Note – Many are failing to keep commitments to the Lord.

But, failure is not final. Romans 8:28 is still in the Bible.

A man who could tell us all about failure is the Apostle Peter. He never intended to fail.

He never thought he would fail Christ… but he did!


Peter’s Pathway to Failure – verses 31-35



“ Pride goeth before destruction… ”

1 Corinthians 10:12

12 Let he that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

Note – Peter had an unteachable spirit.

Ill – Man who went to church when he was younger. He didn’t want to hear anymore.


Wrong Companionship – verses 56-69

Note – After the betrayal the disciples fled. Jesus is taken before the

Sanhedrin for a mock trial.


Outside the palace


With the wrong crowd

Note – Some of you are failing at work or with your marriage because you have the wrong friends.

Ill – Peter never cursed until he got with this crowd!


Series: Abundant Living

Title: Abundant Living over Failure

Text: Matthew 26:31-35, 9-75


Pronouncement of Failure – verses 69-75





Note – You cannot deny Christ or His Word and be happy!

Ill – teenage suicides/marriage counselors


Pardon after Failure

Mark 16:7 – Mary Magdalene entered the tomb of Jesus and saw the angel who said,

“But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee, there shall ye see Him, as He said unto you.”

Note – I’m glad we serve a God who seeks failing sinners personally!

Note – Later in John 21, Peter is discouraged again. He says,

“I go a fishing.” He fished all night, and when the morning came, verse 4 says,

“Jesus stood on the shore.”

Ill – Eternal security – 2 Timothy 1:12

Note – Perhaps you’ve failed the Lord, He is waiting for you!


Peter’s Pursuit beyond Failure

Acts 1:14 & 41

Ill – Abraham Lincoln

1831 – Failed at business

1832 – defeated for legislature

1833 – failed in business

1834 – elected to legislature

1835 – sweetheart died, nervous breakdown

1838 – defeated for speaker

1839 – defeated for elector

1843 – defeated for Congress

1846 – elected for Congress

1848 – defeated for Congress

1855 – defeated for Senate

1856 – defeated for V.P.


Series: Abundant Living

Title: Abundant Living over Failure

Text: Matthew 26:31-35, 9-75

1858 – defeated for Senate

1860 – elected President

Note – He learned that failure was not final. When you are saved, failure is never final!


Perhaps you’ve been on the pathway of failure. Let Christ pardon you and save you! If you are saved, He will restore you and use you!

