Decision Notice (Planning)_A4

AREA) ACT, 1990
Application Ref: 050265
Mr D Scanlon
2 Varley Road
L19 3PU
Real Estate Investments Limited
Westbury Castle
Abbey Drive
LL19 9TD
In pursuance of their powers under the above Acts and Order the County Council as
Local Planning Authority CONSENT to:PROPOSAL: Listed Building Application - Conversion of west wing into 11no.
LOCATION: Westbury Castle, Abbey Drive, Gronant, Prestatyn, LL19 9TD
In accordance with the particulars and plans comprising your application received
completed on 15 November 2012. Subject to the attached conditions.
Ref: 050265
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1. The development hereby approved shall be commenced before the expiration of
five years from the date of this permission.
REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to sections 18 of the Planning Listed
Buildings and Conservation Areas Act, 1990.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the
plans(s) and specifications, (which are listed in the 'Notes to Applicant' below),
unless specified otherwise by the conditions of this permisison, or otherwise agreed
in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the
approved details.
3. The repairs to the existing roof shall be undertaken using natural mineral slate
and completed to the written satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority, prior to any
other repairs, alterations or conversion works being carried out.
REASON: In order to preserve the special architecutral and historic character of the
4. The proposed treatment/repairs to the stone flooring on the lower ground floor
shall be undertaken in accordance with the specification/methodology approved as
part of this consent.
REASON: In order to preserve the special architectural and historic character of the
5. Notwithstanding the details shown upon the approved plans, prior to
commencement of any further development, samples of all rainwater goods to be
used in the development, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority. The approved details shall be implemented in full thereafter.
REASON: In order to preserve the special architectural and historic interest of the
6. Notwithstanding the details shown upon the approved plans, all repointing shall
be undertaken using lime mortar.
REASON: In order to preserve the special architectural and historic interest of the
7. Notwithstanding the details shown upon the approved plans, prior to
commencement of development, samples of the internal and external ironmongery
including soil pipes, boiler flues and television ariels used in the development shall
be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The
approved details shall be implemented in full thereafter.
REASON: In order to preserve the special architctural and historic interest of the
Ref: 050265
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8. Notwithstanding the details shown upon the approved plans, prior to
commencement of further development, samples of all internal plaster shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved
details shall be implemented in full thereafter.
REASON: In order to preserve the special architectural and historic interest of the
9. Notwithstanding the details shown upon the approved plans, there shall be no
damp proof course installed in the building.
REASON: In order to preserve the special architectural and historic interest of the
10. No development shall commence until an appropriate photographic survey of
the existing building has been carried out in accordance with details to be submitted
to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
REASON: In order to ensure that an historic record of the building is undertaken.
11. The proposed replacement door/window frames shall be undertaken in
accordance with the details as approved as part of this permission received by the
Local Planning Authority on 23rd May and 3rd June 2013.
REASON: In order to preserve the special architectural and historic interest of the
1. This permission relates to the following particulars received by the Local Planning
Application forms and particulars date received 5th November 2012.
Proposed site/location plan date received 5th November 2012.
Proposed lower ground & rear view date received 5th November 2012.
Proposed upper ground floor date received 5th November 2012.
Proposed first floor date received 5th November 2012.
Proposed second floor date received 5th November 2012.
Lower ground floor structural details 23rd May 2013.
Glazing bar & door detail received 23rd May 2013 & 3rd June 2013.
Lower ground floor stone flooring treatment received 16th May 2013.
Photographic survey received 29th January
2. You are reminded that this permission must be carried out strictly in accordance
with the above specified plans and the conditions referred to upon this certificate of
decision. If any amendments are proposed, you should NOT proceed without first
obtaining the written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
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3. Any development carried out without compliance with the plans and particulars
approved and the conditions of this permission, may be liable to enforcement action.
You are also advised that separate approval under the Building Regulations and/or a
licence under the Environmental Health Regulations may be required. Further advice
on this may be obtained from the relevant department of the County Council.
4. You are reminded of the need to read this Listed Building Consent in conjunction
with any planning permission which is required for the proposed development.
Dated: 2nd September 2013
Signed: ………………………………………………
Head of Planning
Ref: 050265
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