Assessment Criteria - EDED11401 Assessment task 1 criteria doc

EDED 11401 - Building Learning Partnerships - Assessment task 1 criteria – Individual written response
High Distinction
Student demonstrates that
he/she has acquired and
integrated the facts,
concepts and issues related
to resilience and social
and emotional learning
(SEL) drawing on a
theoretically informed
With an insightful and
detailed explanation of the
concept of resilience and
social and emotional
learning (SEL). Evidence
of integration of a wide
range of relevant, scholarly
literature to support
justification of your views
is provided.
With accurate and
reflective description of
two SEL programs.
Response also includes an
in-depth consideration of
suitability for the learning
contexts as well as personal
Response includes an
insightful and in-depth
knowledge of the SEL
framework. Detailed
examples of classroom
application are provided. A
deep and comprehensive
understanding of three
HOMs is evident by
perceptively applying what
you have learned to the
SEL context.
With an accurate and
detailed explanation of the
concept of resilience and
social and emotional
learning (SEL). Evidence of
integration of a range of
relevant, scholarly literature
to support justification of
your views is provided.
With an accurate
explanation of the concept
of resilience and social and
emotional learning (SEL).
Evidence of integration of
relevant scholarly literature
to support justification of
your views is provided.
With an accurate explanation
of the concept of resilience
and social and emotional
learning (SEL).
Evidence of some use of
scholarly literature to
support justification of your
views is evident is provided.
With incomplete
understanding and/or
severe misconceptions of
the concept of, and issues
related to resilience and
social and emotional
learning (SEL). Little
evidence of scholarly
literature is evident.
With accurate and reflective
description of two SEL
programs. Response also
includes an in-depth
consideration of suitability
for the learning contexts.
With accurate description
of two SEL programs.
Response also includes
detailed consideration of
suitability for the learning
With accurate description of
two SEL programs.
Response also includes
evidence of consideration of
suitability for the learning
With limited description
of two SEL programs.
Response includes
minimal consideration of
suitability for the
learning contexts..
Response includes a well
considered and in-depth
knowledge of the SEL
framework. Detailed
examples of classroom
application are provided. A
deep understanding of three
HOMs is evident by
applying what you have
learned to the SEL context.
Response includes a well
considered knowledge of
the SEL framework.
Comprehensive examples
of classroom application
are provided. A clear
understanding of three
HOMs is evident by
applying aspects of what
you have learned to the
SEL context.
Response includes a sound
knowledge of the SEL
framework. Examples of
classroom application are
provided. A sound
understanding of three
HOMs is evident.
Response demonstrates
poor knowledge of the
SEL framework.
Examples of classroom
application are minimal.
Limited understanding of
three HOMs is evident.
Student demonstrates that
he/she has acquired and
integrated knowledge of
two social and emotional
learning (SEL) programs,
and has considered their
suitability for the learning
Student demonstrates an
ability to acquire and
integrate knowledge of the
five core competencies of
the SEL framework, and
provided examples of
classroom application.
Habits of Mind are
embedded in authentic
Student demonstrates
an ability to
communicate in
academic writing
adhering to English
(spelling, punctuation,
grammar) and APA
referencing of
literature sources.
Overall Grade HD
With a response that
consistently communicates
in fluent academic writing
by using coherent, concise
and cohesive expression by
adhering to English
Accurate referencing of all
sources using the APA
convention is evident.
With a response that
communicates in fluent
academic writing by
using coherent, concise
and cohesive expression
by adhering to English
Accurate referencing of all
sources using the APA
convention is evident.
With a response that
communicates in fluent
academic writing by using
coherent, concise and
cohesive expression by
adhering to English
conventions. Accurate
referencing of most
sources using the APA
convention is evident.
Lecturer………………………….………………………………………. Date…………………..…
With a response that
communicates in academic
writing by using coherent
and cohesive expression by
adhering to English
conventions. Accurate
referencing of most sources
using the APA convention is
With a response that is
poorly structured and
shows little evidence of
adhering to English
conventions. Inaccurate
or minimal referencing of
sources using the APA
convention is evident.