April 2012 Meeting

AIHA-NCS Developing World Outreach Initiative
Minutes for the April 12, 2012 DWOI meeting and teleconference call at 5 pm until 6pm.
Present: Garrett Brown, Perry Gottesfeld, Karen Gunderson (by phone from Indonesia),
Rich Hirsh, Mike Horowitz, David Hornung, and Nina Townsend.
Topics Discussed
1. Welcome - Richard Hirsh
2. Approval of February 23rd meeting minutes
Minutes approved.
3. Committee Reports:
Request/Response (Mike/David)
1. Reference Materials:
A. Update on reference book inventory:
David provided a brief update on the books project. We have received a few new books
from the DWOI dinner meeting. Shohreh Kheradpir received these books but they
haven't been inventoried yet.
There are two requests for shipments that have not yet been sent. One of the two
shipments will be going to the Sudanese Embassy in Washington D.C., for shipment to
Sudan via the Embassy, and the other shipment will go to Kadiri Shamusideen in Nigeria.
B. Update on shipment deliveries:
See above.
C. Update on remaining shipments:
See above.
D. Update on book shipment request from Turkey (via
Andrew Cutz):
The book list was sent to potential recipients in Turkey, but we received no response.
David sent follow-up email on 4/17/12 and a recipient responded with an address to
ship the requested books.
E. Update on AIHA Social Concerns Committee project on
electronic references:
No update on the AIHA SCC's book project.
F. Other issues?
David provided an update on his email correspondence with Sarah Gruber regarding
starting a conversation with AIHA Publications about getting digital access to their
publications. Sarah Gruber said that the AIHA publications department was not
interested for fear of piracy/loss of control over copies. David to follow-up with Sarah
and suggest a meeting at the AIHce (email sent 4/18/12).
Publicity & Fundraising (Rich)
1. March dinner meeting wine auction proceeds:
$412 were raised through the wine auction, and many DWOIers (Rich, Garrett, and
David) all went home with wonderful bottles of wine. Rich and Garrett discussed the
auction and whether it would be better in the future to hold a raffle. Rich had discussed
the options (raffle/silent auction) with Joe Barsky, Rob Kleinerman and others prior to
the auction. Garrett thinks a raffle may get more funds, more participation and would
be a better option for next time.
2. NCS newsletter article, photos from Shohreh:
Shohreh took photos and gave photos to David. David to write the newsletter article
and Rich will edit. Will send to Martin ASAP.
3. UC Berkeley International Health Career Symposium:
Rich talked to about 20-25 undergradate students at this roundtable on Tuesday, April
10 and stirred up some interest for DWOI. In particular, a philosophy major, Miranda,
wants to get involved in Occupational Health and Safety. Rich gave her some graduate
program contact info, info on HESIS, and DWOI info. Rich handed out a few business
cards at the Symposium and will hopefully hear from more interested people.
Perry has an internship opportunity. Perry will send the details to Rich to pass on to
Miranda or other interested parties (completed).
Liaison Committee Update (Garrett)
1. CLSN training project proposal update:
DWOI hasn't yet paid International affiliate membership dues, costing $40/each, for
Omana George of AMRC (their Health and Safety Officer) and Mohit Gupta of ANROAV.
Jas stated that Golder is putting on more OH Learning.com 5 day classes, which cost
$800-$1000. Golder isn't organizing short courses any more. Garrett believes the days
of low rate classes are gone. Now, courses are high quality/high cost.
Rich commented that many consultants and other organizations are using the OH
Learning modules and there is a set cost for the BOHS final exams to be administered.
We discussed supporting another grassroots training program. Some options included
Mohit Gupta, Darisman, or Athit Kong. Karen hasn’t heard from Darisman lately.
Garrett thought Athit Kong would be a good option to organize a training in Cambodia.
2. Mike Cooper – activities in Cambodia:
Mike didn’t provide many details on the meeting, but said it went well.
3. Nina Townsend update on Central America plans:
Nisha Parikh will likely not be doing a project in Central America, but instead, may focus
on doing something in India.
Nina is traveling to Venezuela in October and may be available around Oct 22, 2012. If
any DWOI member has contacts in Venezuela, please let Nina know. Garrett said
there’s a Venezuelan OHS association which contains individuals from the oil industry.
Nina is also traveling to Angola in June. (right before the AIHce). She doesn't believe
she'll have any time to perform DWOI project work however.
4. Karen Gunderson – update on activities in Indonesia, SKC
equipment offer, Chevron equipment offer thru Nina, contact
with Workplace Health Without Borders on asbestos project:
Karen met with people at the University of Indonesia. She gave them the DWOI
donated books. The University is short on equipment -- they have two pumps and some
rotameters (which are used as a primary standard). Next week Karen is going to talk to
SKC about donating new equipment for the university. Karen talked about how she
could support them. Karen is also applying for the PhD program there.
Karen is going to look into providing her own training in Indonesia, with DWOI
financially supporting translation services or other related costs.
5. Mike Ratelle – Thailand updates:
No update.
6. Business Travel Coordination – any takers:
See Nina's update.
1. Trevor Bausman – any new issues:
Karen to meet with Trevor in Indonesia. They'll send a DWOI photo. (Completed)
2. Post meeting minutes
 Other issues?
DWOI co-sponsored dinner meeting was a success! Feedback was excellent and David
Rodriguez, the speaker was engaging. Great work DWOI!
4. Next meeting date/action items
Next meeting scheduled for May 31st, 5-6pm