Enrica Boda

Enrica Boda
Place and date of birth Turin, 8 May 1981
Present position
Post-doctoral fellow at NICO (Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri
Ottolenghi)-University of
Turin, Regione Gonzole 10, 10043
Orbassano (TO), ITALY
2000 High school diploma (100/100).
2000-2003 Faculty of Biology (Biomolecular curriculum), University of Turin.
2003 Bachelor degree in Biology (110/110 cum laude).
Thesis: “Bidimensional migration assays on GnRH immortalized neurons” (Cellular and
Molecular Biology Laboratory, supervised by directed by Prof. Isabelle Perroteau,
Human and Animal Biology Department, University of Turin).
2003-2005 Faculty of Neurobiology, University of Turin.
2005 Master degree in Neurobiology (110/110 cum laude and mention).
Thesis: “Stathmin regulation in GnRH neuron migration: a functional approach in vitro”
(Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory, supervised by Prof. Isabelle Perroteau,
Human and Animal Biology Department, University of Turin).
2005-2009 PhD course in Neuroscience (University of Turin)
2007 Post-graduate course of “Basic Statistics for the analysis of biological data”.
Post-graduate course of
“Basic Bioinformatics”, Fondazione per le Biotecnologie
2010 PhD in Neuroscience (Excellent) under the supervision of Prof. Filippo Tempia
and Dr. Annalisa Buffo (Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin). Thesis: “The
GPR17 receptor participates in oligodendrocyte progenitor postnatal maturation and
reaction to acute and chronic brain injury”.
2010 Spring School “Axon-Glia Biology in Health and Disease”.Cambridge Center for
Brain Repair, Cambridge (UK).
2010-today: Post-doctoral fellow at NICO (Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi)University of Turin, supervised by Dr. Annalisa Buffo
Awards and Fellowships:
2005 “Antonio Marzullo” Award, as the best undergraduate student in Cellular Biology,
by University of Trieste
2006 OPTIME Award 2005-2006, as one of the best graduate students of the University
of Turin, by Unione Industriale di Torino.
2009 Research Fellowship (Progetto Neurolesi, founded by the Italian Ministry of
Health), to study oligodendroglial precursor reaction to acute and chronic brain injuries
2001 Travel grant to attend the 2011 IBRO congress (founded by the Italian Society of
Publications on International Journals:
Boda E*, Viganò F*, Fumagalli M, Rosa P, Labat-gest V, Tempia F, Götz M, Abbracchio
MP, Dimou L, Buffo A The GPR17 receptor in polydendrocytes: focus on in vivo cell
maturation and participation in acute trauma and chronic damage. Glia in press
Boda E; Pini A; Hoxha E; Montarolo F; Tempia F. Brain expression of Kv3 genes in
development, adulthood, aging and in a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease. (in
Bianchi FT, Camera P, Ala U, Imperiale D, Migheli A, Boda E, Tempia F, Berto G, Bosio
Y, Oddo S, LaFerla FM, TaraglioS, Dotti CG, Di Cunto F The collagen chaperone
HSP47 is a new partner of APP that modulates the levels of beta-amyloid peptides.
PlosONE in press
Ceruti S, Viganò F, Boda E, Ferrario S, Magni G, Boccazzi M, Rosa P, Buffo A,
Abbracchio MP Expression of the new P2Y-like receptor GPR17 during oligodendrocyte
precursor cell maturation regulates sensitivity to ATP-induced death. Glia. 2011;59:36378
Boda E, Buffo A. Glial cells in non-germinal territories: insights into their stem/progenitor
properties in the intact and injured nervous tissue. Arch Ital Biol 2010 148 (2).
Sacco T*, Boda E*, Hoxha E, Pizzo R, Cagnoli C, Brusco A, Tempia F. Mouse brain
expression patterns of Spg7, Afg3l1, and Afg3l2 transcripts, encoding for the
mitochondrial m-AAA protease. BMC Neurosci. 2010;11:55 (*the two authors
contributed equally to the work)
Di Bella D, Lazzaro F, Brusco A, Plumari M, Battaglia G, Pastore A, Finardi A, Cagnoli
C, Tempia F, Frontali M, Veneziano L, Sacco T, Boda E, Brussino A, Bonn F, Castelletti
B, Baratta S, Mariotti C, Gellera C, Fracasso V, Magri S, Langer T, Pievani P, Di Donato
S, Muzi-Falconi M, Taroni F. Mutations in the mitochondrial protease gene AFG3L2
cause dominant hereditary ataxia SCA28. Nat Genet. 2010;42:313-21.
Boda E, Pini A, Hoxha E, Parolisi R, Tempia F. Selection of reference genes for
quantitative real-time RT-PCR studies in mouse brain. J Mol Neurosci. 2009;37:238-53.
Giampietro C, Luzzati F, Gambarotta G, Giacobini P, Boda E, Fasolo A, Perroteau I.
Stathmin expression modulates migratory properties of GN-11 neurons in vitro.
Endocrinology. 2005;146:1825-34.
Abstracts at International Meetings:
Boda E*, Viganò F *, Parolisi R, Fumagalli M, Rosa P, Abbracchio MP, Dimou L and
Buffo A. The GPR17 receptor in oligodendroglial cells: cell heterogeneity, maturation
and participation in CNS damage. EuroGlia 2011, Prague, September 2011
Boccazzi M, Viganò F, Boda E, Magni G, Rosa P, Buffo A, Abbracchio MP* and Ceruti
S*. Expression of the new P2Y-like receptor GPR17 during oligodendrocyte precursor
cell maturation regulates sensitivity to ATP-induced death. EuroGlia 2011, Prague,
September 2011
Rolando C, Boda E, Schwab ME, Rossi F and Buffo A. NOGO-A/NgR signalling
regulates neuroblast migration and cellular interactions in the SVZ-RMS system.
EuroGlia 2011, Prague, September 2011
Boda E*, Viganò F *, Parolisi R, Fumagalli M, Rosa P, Abbracchio MP, Dimou L and
Buffo A. The GPR17 receptor in oligodendroglial cells: cell heterogeneity, maturation
and participation in CNS damage. 8th World congress of IBRO (International Brain
Research Organization), Florence, 14-18 July 2011
Menichetti G, Boda E, Rosa P, Abbracchio MP, Buffo A, Rossi F. GPR17 expression
pattern in the developing and adult cerebellum. 8th World congress of IBRO
(International Brain Research Organization), Florence, 14-18 July 2011
Rolando C, Boda E, Schwab ME, Rossi F and Buffo A. NOGO-A/NgR signalling
regulates neuroblast migration and cellular interactions in the SVZ-RMS system. 8th
World congress of IBRO (International Brain Research Organization), Florence, 14-18
July 2011
Boda E, Rosa P, Abbracchio MP, Buffo A. The GPR17 receptor: a new marker for
oligodendrocyte progenitor heterogeneity participating in the reaction to acute and
chronic brain injuries. Axon-Glia Biology in Health and Disease. Cambridge (UK), March
Labat-gest V, Boda E, Rosselli G, Parmigiani E, Rosa P, Abbracchio MP and Buffo A.
The GPR17 receptor: a new marker for NG2+cell heterogeneity participating in the
reaction to acute and chronic brain injuries. Forum of European Neuroscience (FENS)
Amsterdam, July 2010.
Boda E, Hoxha E, Montarolo F, Rosa P, Abbracchio MP, Buffo A and Tempia F. The
P2Y-like GPR17 receptor participates in oligodendrocyte precursor cell reaction in a
model of chronic cerebral amyloidosis. Alzheimer's Association 2009 International
Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (ICAAD) , Vienna, July 2009.
Hoxha E, Boda E, Montarolo F, Tempia F. Delayed motor learning and cerebellar
electrophysiological alterations in a murine model of Alzheimer's disease with massive
amyloidosis. Alzheimer's Association 2009 International Conference on Alzheimer's
Disease (ICAAD), Vienna, July 2009.
Montarolo F, Boda E, Hoxha E, Tempia F. Time course of intra- and extracellular
amyloidosis in a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's Association 2009
International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (ICAAD), Vienna, July 2009.
Hoxha E, Boda E, Montarolo F, Tempia F. Beta amyloid effects on cerebellar Purkinje
cell excitability. Forum of European Neuroscience (FENS) Geneve, July 2008.
Abstracts at National Meetings:
Vigano´ F, Boda E, Rosa P, Buffo A, Abbracchio MP, Götz M, Dimou L.
Characterization of GPR17 expression in oligodendrocytes precursor cells of the
postnatal and adult mouse cortex: focus on proliferation activity. 1° meeting on The
pharmacological modulation of adult neural stem/progenitor cells. School of Pharmacy,
Novara. October 2010.
Lecca D, Fumagalli M, Boda E, Daniele S, Gelosa P, Sironi L, Trincavelli L, Rosa P,
Buffo A, Cimino M, Martini C, Abbracchio MP. The P2Y-like receptor GPR17 as a
potential target for the modulation of adult oligodendrogliogenesis. 1° meeting on The
pharmacological modulation of adult neural stem/progenitor cells, School of Pharmacy,
Novara. October 2010.
Boda E, Mantovan T, Rosa P, Tempia F, Abbracchio MP, Buffo A. The P2Y-like GPR17
receptor participates in oligodendrocyte postnatal maturation and reaction to acute and
chronic brain injury. National Congress of the Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF)
Boda E, Mantovan T, Rosa P, Tempia F, Abbracchio MP, Buffo A. The GPR17 receptor
participates in oligodendrocyte postnatal maturation and reaction to acute and chronic
brain injury. National Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience (SINS) 2009.
Boda E, Hoxha E, Montarolo F, Buffo A, Tempia F. Expression pattern of the potassium
channel accessory subunit Mirp2 in the mouse brain during development, in the
adulthood and after lesion. National Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience
(SINS) 2009.
Hoxha E, Boda E, Montarolo F, Parolisi R, Tempia F. GABAergic and excitability deficits
in cerebellar Purkinje cells in APPPS1 mice, a murine model of Alzheimer's disease
with massive amyloidosis. National Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience
(SINS) 2009.
Montarolo F, Boda E, Hoxha E, Tempia F. Amyloid deposition during life span of
APPPS1 mice, a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease. National Congress of the Italian
Society of Neuroscience (SINS) 2009.
Bianchi FT, Camera P, Ala U, Imperiale D, Migheli A. Boda E, Tempia F, Dotti C, Di
Cunto F. The collagen folder HSP47 is coexpresseed with APP-770 and modulates the
levels of A-beta peptides. National Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience
(SINS) 2009.
Boda E, Pini A, Buffo A, Tempia F. Kv3 channels involvement in CNS development and
aging. First Meeting of Italian Doctorate Students and Bursars in neuroscience and
related subjects (SINS) 2007, Torino.
Boda E, Pini A, Tempia F. Developmental time course of Kv3 voltage-gated potassium
channels expression in mouse brain. Italian Physiology Society (SIF) Meeting 2006,
Giampietro C, Boda E, Lo Giudice L, Nicoloso M, Baldassarre G, Fasolo A, Perroteau I.
Stathmin regulation in GnRH neural migration. National Congress of the Italian Society
of Neuroscience (SINS) 2005.
While preparing my master degree thesis under Prof. Perroteau’s supervision, I
contributed to study the role of Stathmin, a protein involved in microtubule dynamics, in
GnRH neuron migration during CNS development (Giampietro et al, 2005). Afterwards,
during the first two years of PhD course, under Prof. Tempia’s supervision, I began to
study the nervous tissue reaction to acute and chronic injury, looking for changes in ion
channel expression in neurons in mouse models of Alzheimer’s Disease and upon
traumatic brain lesion (Boda et al.; in preparation). During my PhD, I also collaborated
with Prof. Di Cunto’s research group (Molecular Biotecnology Center, University of
Turin) and contributed to study the role of the chaperon protein HSP47 in beta-amyloid
deposition in murine models of Alzheimer’s Disease (Bianchi et al, 2011, PlosONE; in
press). Moreover, in collaboration with Prof. Brusco’s (Department of Genetics,
University of Turin) e Prof. Taroni’s (Istituto Neurologico “Carlo Besta”, Milan) research
groups, I contributed to characterize the expression pattern of the mitochondrial
protease Afg3l2 in mouse CNS (Di Bella et al, 2010; Sacco*, Boda* et al, 2010). The
mutation of this protein is responsible for a human dominant form of ataxia called
By 2008, under Dr. Buffo’s supervision, my studies have been concentrated on the
characterization of glial progenitor reactivity and reparative potential upon injury
conditions (Boda and Buffo, 2010). In particular, we established a collaboration with
Prof. Maria Pia Abbracchio’s (University of Milan) and
Dr. Leda Dimou’s (Ludwig-
Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany) groups with the aim to study the role of the
purinergic receptor GPR17 in oligodendroglial differentiation and reaction to chronic,
traumatic and demyelinating brain injuries (Boda et al, 2011, in preparation for second
submission to Glia; Ceruti et al, 2011).
Mother tongue Italian
Other languages English (very good)
Technical skills and expertise
Immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence reactions on tissue slices and
cell cultures. Confocal microscopy.
Neural cell and tissue cultures (immortalized lines; primary astrocyte and
cerebellar granule cell cultures; hippocampal, cortical and cerebellar organotypic
cultures). In vitro proliferation, migration and morphology assays
Gene expression analysis: RT-PCR, Real Time quantitative RT-PCR, Western
Subcloning of DNA sequences in plasmids, trasformation of bacteria and
transfection in immortalized cell lines
Experimental murine model handling. Stereotaxic surgery.
Behavioural tests: rotarod test, footprinting test, fixed bar test, gait analysis
Computer skills
Image analysis softwares: Neurolucida, ImageJ and Adobe Photoshop.
Statistics: SigmaStat, GeNorm, NormFinder.
Primer design and use of sequence databases analysis softwares
Bibliographic research on Pubmed
Office for Windows and Macintosh.
Reviewer activity
Guest referee for technical papers using quantitative RT-PCR applications (BMC
Molecular Biology, Theriogenology).
Teaching activity
Teaching assistant in Physiology and Biophysiscs, Faculty of
Biotechnology, University of Turin.
Science communication activity
Scientific Summer Academy 2011 (organized by agoràscienza and founded by
Fondazione Agnelli): supervision and organization of one week-long laboratory activities
for high school students
Coordination and organization of the NICO participation for the Researchers’ Night 2010
Collaboration to the activities organized by Dept. of Neuroscience for the Researchers’
Night 2008 and 2009
Other job experiences
2011 Tutor for the under graduate students of the Scuola di Studi Superiori, University
of Turin
2007-2008 Content revision of the book series “IL TESTardo, manuali di preparazione
ai test d’ingresso ai corsi di laurea in area biologico-sanitaria”, Edizioni Il Capitello