Merger of FAR & Clinical Procedures

PAPER 07/CE/05
CSPPD proposal
To combine the two CSPPD themes that are currently First Aid and Resuscitation
and Clinical Procedures to form one theme called Clinical and Resuscitation
Currently both themes are largely taught at the Clinical Skills Centres on the
three main sites in Edinburgh. There is significant crossover in terms of the
teaching from the three clinical skills facilitators and the resuscitation training
officer. Combining the themes would allow both to be delivered efficiently within a
clearer line management and budgetary structure.
The themes could be combined with minimal change to the structure or
assessment of either, which are well established. Janet Skinner (Director of
Clinical Skills) would be overall theme head and should attend both the CSPPD
and Vertical themes meetings. The department of Anaesthetics would continue to
have significant involvement and input into the Resuscitation theme.
Rory Mayes (Anaesthetic Consultant) would be Head of Resuscitation
Val MacDowall (Undergraduate Resuscitation Training Officer) would remain as
Deputy Head of Resuscitation
Janet Skinner would remain as Head of Clinical Skills (formerly Clinical
Stephen Lynch (SpR from A&E) will be Deputy Head of Clinical Skills until August
This should result in minimal change to structure, format and assessment
systems. Rory will be invited to monthly Clinical Skills Team Meetings and Janet
to Resuscitation meetings.
A clear priority for the theme will be to identify a group of interested teachers.
With the advent of Specialist Training programmes and tighter Consultant job
plans that it is becoming increasingly difficult to deliver some core aspects of
Clinical Skills and Resuscitation teaching. This is particularly important in
teaching that requires several tutors, for example, the regular delivery of ILS
courses to year 5 students.