UCU Congress 2015 Fringe meetings and social events Fringe

UCU Congress 2015
Fringe meetings
and social events
Fringe meetings take place in the Loch Suite rooms on the ground floor (Alsh and
Boisdale rooms) and upper level (Carron rooms). These rooms are well signed
within the venue.
Fringe meetings, Saturday 23 May, 13:00-14:00
Bargaining for better jobs
Alsh 1
It is important for branches to take a pro-active role in negotiating decent jobs and better
working lives for our members, not just focus on fighting against changes imposed by
employers. The Bargaining and Negotiations team have produced resources to help
branches submit claims to their employers. This fringe will look at those resources already
available and seek feedback from delegates about areas we should focus on next.
More differences in higher education policy than just tuition fees
Alsh 2
With devolution firmly established and making a difference to post 16 education policy in
Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales we are now seeing proposals for devolution within
England. Join UCU representatives from across the UK to discuss the differences in policy
across the country and find out what we can learn from each other.
Chair – Tom Freeman, journalist, Holyrood magazine; representatives from UCU Scotland,
UCU Northern Ireland, UCU Wales, and UCU North West.
Work-related stress - dealing with the problems
Boisdale 1
Work-related stress is now the most common reason for sickness absence in the UK, and
education is one of the five worst sectors. Official enforcement has not protected workers,
a view recently reinforced by Hugh Robertson, former member of the HSE board. We need
to rely on our own resources and organisation.
Come and find out what’s possible, and discuss what we need to do in the workplace to
improve our members’ working conditions and lives.
Fringe meetings Saturday 23 May, 18:00-19:00
Policy and campaigns reception: ‘Learning for life’
Alsh 1 and 2
This year’s policy and campaigns fringe reception celebrates the union’s continuing
professional development programme ‘UCU CPD: Learning for Life’ and is a chance for
delegates to find out more about the range of courses and online resources now available
to members. Delegates are invited for refreshments, socialising and this year’s new t-shirt
design launch and giveaway.
Adult and Community Education networking meeting
Boisdale 1
Adult and Community Education should be seen as a vital part of our educational system.
ACE has measurable economic, social and health benefits. It also delivers breath-taking
stories of individual change. However, SFA funding cuts and pressure on LA budgets are
looming. Join us for an informal session to discuss how UCU ACE members can work
together, locally and nationally, to defend decent jobs and the future of the service.
Fringe meetings, Sunday 24 May, 13:00-14:00
Bargaining guidance for teachers and assessors in FE
Alsh 1
Many colleges are introducing roles that are expected to teach and/or assess students
without receiving the professional recognition or the pay of a main grade lecturer. This
fringe will introduce a revised branch support pack and new bargaining guidance for FE
staff who are members of the teaching and assessing team, who are not lecturers and are
employed on support staff contracts. Examples of organising and negotiating successes for
this growing category of staff who go by many and varied titles (trainers, instructors,
assessors, demonstrators etc.) will be explored.
The trade union movement against casualisation
Alsh 2
Casualisation is an issue for workers across the economy. Trade unions are the only force
capable of leading the fight for better jobs and right across the movement, unions are
campaigning and bargaining for decent jobs. This fringe will situate UCU’s fight against
casualisation in post-secondary education within the broader fight for decent jobs across
the union movement and look at what we can all learn from one another.
Resisting the politics of hate – why immigration is good for all of us
Boisdale 1
The politics of hate is creating a society which is becoming hostile to different equality
groups and creating a climate of fear for many. This includes the current immigration
debate which is poisonous, racist and negative and makes our voice for social justice and
equality so important. There will be a guest speaker before discussing what we can do as
UCU in this post election period to develop a positive, inclusive agenda for all.
The fossil fuel divestment debate
Carron 1 (upper level)
The University of Glasgow became the first in Europe to vote for the divestment of funds
out of fossil fuel companies. The campaign has gone global and throws up important
questions for our sector. Come and hear arguments for and against university divestment.
Speakers: Franklin Ginn, University of Edinburgh; Fin Stuart, University of Glasgow; NUS
Social Event: Sunday 24 May, from 19:30
Congress dinner with drinks reception
Dinner co-sponsored by Aviva. Drinks reception sponsored by Recourse.
Congress dinner will take place at the Hilton Hotel, 1 William Street, Glasgow G3 8HT.
The Hilton Hotel is a 10-15 minute walk from the Congress venue. It is also close to
Anderston station, one stop on the train line from the Exhibition Centre station.
Drinks will be served from 19:30. Delegates will be invited to move into the dining room
from approximately 20:15. There will be a brief presentation of Distinguished Service
Awards at 20:30 after which dinner will be served. A disco will follow the meal.
Note: Delegates must register in advance for this event and were asked to do so as part of
their registration for Congress. Please bring your dinner ticket with you. If you have
booked to attend but no longer wish to do so, please contact Sue Bajwa at the
Congress registration desk.
Film showings - daily
All films show in Carron 2 (upper level)
Social model of disability
Saturday, 13:00-13:15 and 13:40-13:55
The social model of disability challenges the traditional way disability is viewed in society.
This film was produced as a contribution to Disability History Month (22 November to 22
December) to help raise awareness in branches and local associations.
A woman’s place is in the union
Saturday, 13:15-13:40 and Monday, 12:15-12:40
To celebrate International Women's Day on 8 March, UCU has produced a film entitled 'A
woman's place is in the union' to raise awareness and to encourage UCU women to play an
active role within the union at local as well as national level.
Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration film
Sunday, 13:00-13:30
This film features UCU members who speak passionately about the impact of the Holocaust
on their families and themselves. It won joint first prize for the TUC Communications
Award in 2013.
Journeys to safety: Memories of the Kindertransport
Sunday, 13:30-13:55
This film features three kinder children (Lord Dubs, Ruth Barnett and John Fieldsend) who
gave their account of leaving their families in Nazi occupied Europe via the Kindertransport
to the safety of the UK.