
T u e s d a y 2 8 F e b r u a r y, 2 0 1 2
New law s w ould entrench coercive measures for
another ten years
The Stronger Futures legislation passed the House of Representatives
y e s t e r d a y, w e e k s b e f o r e t h e c o m p l e t i o n o f a S e n a t e i n q u i r y i n t o t h e
b i l l s w h i c h w o u l d e n t r e n c h c o e r c i v e m e a s u r e s f o r a f u r t h e r 1 0 ye a r s .
“The lack of parliamentary scrutiny of these bills, which would have f ar reaching and long -term effects on affected communities, is extremely
concerning,” says Jacqueline Phillips, ANTaR Nation al Director.
“Instead of waiting for the Senate Committee's report, informed by
consultations in affected Aboriginal communities, the legislation has been
fast-tracked through the lower house with limited debate.”
“Five years on, the Government’s new Str onger Futures laws would
maintain coercive aspects of the original ‘emergency response’ for a
further 10 years.”
“This is directly at odds with a commitment to moving from intervention to
building saf e and sustainable communities.”
disadvantaged, remote communities.”
“These laws introduce penalties for possession of alcohol on Aboriginal
Land, including up to 6 months imprisonment f or a single can of beer and
18 months for a 6-pack.”
“W ith a 13 week non-payment period for non-compliant parents or carers,
the proposed School Enrolment and Attendance Measure (SEAM) imposes
a severe financial penalty on families. It is the most severe social security
penalty in living memory.”
“International experts like Dr. James Anaya, the UN Special Rapporteur on
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, have condemned Australia for
discriminating against Aboriginal peoples and imposing stigmatising
measures like pornography bans under the Northern Territory Emergency
“Despite this, the Labor Government seeks to maintain blanket bans on
pornography and alcohol, without obtaining community consent to these
controversial measures.”
“The design and conduct of consultations were inadequate. Disputed
income management measures and bans on customary law in bail and
sentencing were excluded f rom group discussions. The Government’s
ANTaR PO Box 568 Dulwich Hill NSW 2203 | Tel 02 9564 0594 | Fax 02 9564 0195 |
claim to widespread support for its controversial measures is highly
“W e urge the Government to open a meaningful and op en dialogue with
affected communities.”
ANTaR has welcomed the Government’s efforts to improve access to
healthy food through community store licensing but now calls on the
Government to improve affordability in the May budget.
“ANTaR is calling for a r emote fresh food transport subsidy in the May
Budget to reduce the cost of fresh food for remote communities, based on
a similar Canadian scheme.”
ANTaR acknowledges the Government’s broad commitment to continuing
funding for communities in the Northern T erritory. However, with funding
due to expire in June, ANTaR urges the Government to release details on
new and ongoing expenditure well bef ore the May Budget. This is
essential to avoid interruptions or delays to vital advocacy and service
delivery f or communities and organisations in the Northern Territory.
“W ith funding f or vital services due to end in June 2012, it is absolutely
vital that the 2012-13 Budget delivers investment in infrastructure and
services to build safe and healthy remote communities .”
“ANTaR calls on the Commonwealth Government to adhere to the
principles that lie at the heart of its international and domestic
commitments: self -determination of Aboriginal peoples, community -led
development and evidence -based policy.”
“ANTaR has proposed necessary, practical budget proposals which will
produce tangible benef its in the short, medium and long -term.”
ANTaR’s key budget recommendations include:
$500m over two years to f und necessary capital works (new buildings,
classrooms, repairs, ma intenance) in NT remote community schools.
$100m per year to maintain additional teachers in remote community
$500m over four years to sustain Aboriginal community -directed health
services in the NT and increase the Aboriginal health workforce by at
least 30% over the next decade.
$40m over four years to resource communities to develop appropriate
and effective solutions to alcohol misuse
$2b over 5 years to address the deepening housing crisis in the
Northern Territory.
For m ore information, see ANTaR’s:
Stronger Futures Subm ission: ission%20to%2 0Stro
nger % 20F utur es % 20in% 20the% 20N or ther n % 20T err itor y% 20 Bil l % 202011% 20I
nquir y%20final.pdf
Pre-Budget Submission 2012-13: ault/files/Pre%20Budget%20subm ission%202
Media contact: National Director, Jacqueline Phillips - 0423 773 395