Advertising.resources - Oakton Community College

Since most of you will soon be working on revisions of Essay #2 (the analysis paper),
you might want to look at a few of the Websites below. Some of the parts are more
interesting and worthwhile than others, but I’ll let you think about these and decide what
is useful. Remember that anything you use from these must be documented in the essay
and added to the Works Cited list.
If you have questions about citation format, please consult the Purdue site and then ask
me if you cannot find the answer there.
Next week, I'll ask you to read a beginning chapter from a book that is available online.
Please read it and be ready to discuss the structure on Thursday. If the link does not work,
go to Amazon and search for Roosevelt and Churchill by John Meacham.
Link to Amazon:
Read Chapter 2: “Two Lions Roaring at the Same Time” up to the part that ends with
"Roosevelt was blackballed from
Porcellian, his father's and his uncle's Harvard club." Pay attention to the
comparison/contrast method and Meacham's use of parallel structures.
------------------------------------------------------Some Sources on Advertising:
AD Text is a lengthy “text book” freely available online and produced by academics,
with many sections discussing issues in cultural analysis, especially advertising.
Available at
The Library of Congress offers a number of online image collections, with a timeline on
the history of advertising in American, and many other resources. Available at
Collections of advertisements, mostly historical, put together and online by Duke
University library. Available at
About Face is an unabashedly activist site with examples of advertisements that some of
the staff think parody or counter the sexist views prevalent in media. Available at
Advertising Age is perhaps the most important trade publication (written by and for
“insiders” in the business) in the field; the company also produces other periodicals on
branding, for example. Available at
Beverly Crockett, Instructor
English Department
Oakton Community College
Des Plaines, IL 60061veryone,