June 28 - Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia & PEI




For the Diocese of


April 5 Easter Sunday


Ecum Secum, Nova Scotia

Vacant at time of printing.

St. Barnabas’, Ecum Secum

St. John’s, Necum Teuch

St. Paul’s, Ecum Secum West

Shared Ministry of the Anglican Parishes of Musquodoboit & Ship Harbour

The Reverend Tricia Ingram and Dave

The Reverend Michael Foley, Assistant Priest and Janice

The Reverend Marilyn Murphy, Assistant Priest

St. Thomas’, Musquodoboit Harbour

St. James’, Head of Jeddore

Ship Harbour, Nova Scotia

St. Stephen’s, Ship Harbour

St. John’s, Oyster Pond

St. Matthew’s, Owl’s Head

St. James’, Upper Lakeville

Port Dufferin, Nova Scotia

Archdeacon Marilyn Newport and Reid, Priest-in-Charge

St. James’, Port Dufferin

St. Mary’s, Harrigan Cove

St. Margaret’s, Sober Island

St. Andrew’s, Watt Section

April 12

Seaforth, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Kyle Wagner and Julie

The Reverend Fred Grainger, Assistant Priest and Heather

St. James’, Seaforth

St. Mark’s, Porter’s Lake

St. Augustine’s, Lake Echo

St. Barnabas’, Head of Chezzetcook

Christ Church, Lower East Chezzetcook

April 19

Tangier, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Lorraine Otto

Holy Trinity, Tangier

St. James’, Spry Bay

St. Andrew’s, Spry Harbour

St. Thomas’, Mooseland

St. Paul’s, Mushaboom

St. Peter’s, Murphy Cove

St. Michael’s and All Angels, Sheet Harbour

Retired Clergy of Eastern Shore Region:

The Reverend Pamela Bishop and Bill

The Reverend Kathleen Knott

The Reverend Katherine Tait

Widows of Eastern Shore Region:

Mrs. Bernice Logan

Mrs. Sandra Wagner


April 26

Christ Church, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Bruce Murray, Priest-in-Charge

The Reverend Jane Clattenburg, Pastoral Visitor, and Mike

St. Andrew’s, Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Katherine Bourbonniere and Brian

The Reverend Walter Beazley, Assistant Priest, and Brenda

The Reverend Gary Giles, Assistant Priest, and Dawn-Marie

Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia

The Reverend John Ferguson and Carolyn Tomlin

St. Peter’s, Eastern Passage

Christ Church, Cow Bay


MAY 2 ND , 2015


May 3

Holy Trinity Emmanuel, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Kees Zwanenburg

Holy Spirit, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Edwin Ebsary and Monica

St. Alban’s, Woodside, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Frances Drolet-Smith and Paul Smith

St. Andrew’s, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Kees Zwanenburg, Priest-in-Charge

The Reverend Barry Connor, Associate Priest, and Wanda

The Reverend Bert Chestnut, Associate Priest

The Reverend Canon Ed Fiander, Honorary Assistant, and Carol

May 10

St. Luke’s, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Matthew Sponagle, and Katie

The Reverend Debra Burleson, Honorary Associate, and Chris

St. John’s, Westphal, Nova Scotia

The Reverend David Puxley and Katie


MAY 14 th , 2015


May 17

Retired Clergy of Dartmouth Region:

The Reverend Canon Charles Black and Shirlie

The Reverend David Ferguson and Sheila

The Reverend Canon Edward Fiander and Carol

The Reverend Ernest Linton and Margaret

The Reverend Canon Peter MacDonald

The Reverend Louise MacHardy

The Reverend Kirby Walsh and Linda

The Reverend Bruce Ward and Susan

The Reverend Carolyn Tomlin and John


Mrs. Mary Cluett

Mrs. Corrine Earle

Mrs. Edith Ebsary

Mrs. Elizabeth Pitt

Mrs. Patti Reid

Mrs. Marjorie Davis Snow


May 24

The Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Very Reverend Paul Smith, Dean, and Frances

The Reverend Heather MacEachern, Deacon, and Blair

The Reverend Ray Carter, Deacon, and Heather

The Reverend Dr. Helen Ryding, Associate Priest, and David Lyttle

The Reverend Dr. Davena Davis, Honorary Assistant

The Reverend Ronald Harris, Honorary Assistant, and Gwyneth

The Reverend Canon Fred Krieger, Honorary Assistant, and Janet

The Reverend Canon John Smith, Honorary Assistant

The Reverend John Swain, Honorary Assistant

The Reverend Keirsten Wells, Honorary Assistant, and Tony Barresi

May 31 st

St. James’, Armdale, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Rachael Parker and Robert

St. George’s, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Christopher Snook, and Barb

The Reverend Canon James Purchase, Pastoral Visitor

St. Margaret of Scotland, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Canon Charles Bull and Michelle

Diocesan Synod

May 28 th , 29 th and 30 th , 2015

June 7

St. Mark’s, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Reverend John Morrell and Kathy

The Reverend Vivien Hannon, Assistant Priest

The Reverend CanonJames Purchase, Honorary Assistant, and Patrick

Church of the Apostles, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Mark Marshall and Daphne

June 14

St. Augustine’s, Jollimore, Nova Scotia

The Reverend James McCorriston, Priest-in-Charge

Falkland and Purcell’s Cove, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Helen Ryding, Priest-in-Charge, and David Lyttle

St. Philip’s, Purcell’s Cove

St. James’, Herring Cove

St. David’s, Portuguese Cove

June 21

St. Paul’s, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Dr. Paul Friesen and Janet

The Reverend Canon Gordon Redden, Honorary Assistant, and Mary Lu

The Reverend Neale Bennet, Honorary Assistant, and Sharon

Trinity, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Rob Elford and Lindsay

Emmanuel, Spryfield, Nova Scotia

The Reverend Gloria McClure Fraser, Priest-in-Charge, and Carl

St. Peter’s, Birch Cove, Nova Scotia

The Reverend David Dellapinna, and Beverley

June 28

Retired Clergy of Chebucto Region:

The Reverend Carson Baxter

The Reverend Canon David Boston

The Reverend Kerry Bourke and Natalie

The Reverend Jane Clattenburg and Mike

The Reverend Dr. Davena Davis

The Reverend Ronald Harris and Gwyneth

The Reverend Randal Johnston

The Reverend Canon Fred Krieger and Janet

The Most Reverend Arthur G. Peters and Elizabeth

The Reverend James Purchase

The Reverend Don Shipton and Corinne Steele

The Reverend Canon John Smith

The Reverend John Swain

The Reverend Dennis Walsh and Maureen

The Reverend Mary Wilkie and Raymond

Clergy Widows:

Mrs. Margaret Clattenburg

Mrs. Beverley Dye

Mrs. Barbara Ellis

Mary Kirby

Mrs. Verena Dowding Smith

Mrs. Lillian Miller

Mrs. Louise Reid

Mrs. Kaye Pottie

Mrs. Gwen Richard

As we commit to pray for one another…
