Habitats - LIVE: Teaching Through Nature

 To be able to make suggestions about where to find sea birds
 To be able to describe the types of sea birds they expect to find in a coastal habitat
 To know that a coastal habitat has particular features
 To be able to identify living things found in coastal habitats
 To be able to identify the physical features in a coastal habitat
 To be able to describe what sea birds need to live in a coastal environment
Habitat, colonise, condition, ecosystem,
Use of Internet & CD ROMs to research different habitats
interdependence, species, suited,
Google Maps
burrows, marine, terrestrial, coast,
beach, gannetries
 Make a simple map of Burhou Island. Predict what you will find there. Mark on the map
 Books and CD ROMs.
the location of any living things.
 Discuss why particular sea birds and other living things are found in particular places.
 Photographs
Link to work on rocks and food chains.
 Maps of Burhou
 Describe/draw how you think the habitat would look in spring, summer, autumn and
 Internet (Google Maps),
winter, morning, afternoon and night. Discuss your answers.
Project website
 Create a poster/advertisement for a Puffin Home.
 List the reasons why Burhou’s puffins are under threat from nature and human activity.
 Alderney’s Gannets nest out on large rocks in the ocean. What are the benefits of this? Are there any negative factors?
NC Outcomes:
Key stage 1
Pupils Should:
Key Stage 2
Use simple terms to describe a coastal environment e.g. name more than one feature
plus plant/animals/sea birds likely to be found there.
Name some sea birds found in a coastal environment (when shown picture of
Suggest where specific sea birds might be found.
Give a simple account of why they need to look after the environment and the sea
birds and wildlife found there.
Tell you simply why sea birds live in particular habitats e.g. fish needs water.
Identify two physical features in a coastal habitat.
Suggest some birds, plants and animals that are found on our coastlines.
Identify some of the sea birds, plants and animals found in a coastal habitat.
Give one reason why sea birds choose to live on a rocky coastline.
Pupils Should:
 Be able to draw a “physical features” map of Burhou Island.
 Make sensible suggestions about why sea birds, plants and animals are found on Burhou.
 Predict accurately some of the sea birds, plants and animals they would expect to find in a
coastal habitat.
 Suggest links between physical features and the presence of sea birds on Burhou Island