TNSPD Old Constitution - Tennessee Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

Constitution of the
Tennessee Society of Pediatric Dentists
Article I
Name and Jurisdiction
Section 1.
The name of this society shall be the Tennessee Society of Pediatric Dentists. This
society may become a component of the Southeastern Society of Pediatric Dentists, when such
provision is made by the Southeastern Society of Pediatric Dentists.
Society 2.
The confines for active membership shall be the geographical limits of the State of
Article II
Section 1.
The purpose of this society shall be as follows:
A. To promote study, research, fellowship, cooperation and understanding among the
pediatric dentists of the State of Tennessee.
B. To act as spokesperson for Tennessee pediatric dentists in legislative matters,
publicity and public relations.
C. To act in advisory capacity to state and local dental societies on matters pertaining
to pediatric dentists.
D. To provide liaison to the Tennessee Board of Dental Examiners and the Tennessee
State Licensing Board for the Healing Arts.
E. To provide liaison to the Tennessee State Dental Association and the Southeastern
Society of Pediatric Dentists.
F. To provide counsel and liaison, through state and component dental organizations,
to government at all levels, teaching institutions, and dental service corporations.
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Article III
Section 1.
The membership shall consist of charter, active, life and honorary members.
Section 2.
Charter membership shall be recognized as limited to those specific members of this
society who were qualified for membership at the time of the organization of the society.
Section 3.
Active membership shall include charter members and they shall have met the following
A. The proposed member shall be eligible or has passed the Tennessee Specialty Board
in Pediatric Dentistry.
B. They shall be in the active and exclusive practice or teaching of Pediatric Dentistry.
Section 4.
Life members shall have met the requirements for active membership prior to
retirement. They shall be exempt from dues.
Section 5.
Honorary members are defined as those individuals who have made significant
contributions to pediatric dentistry and who have received a unanimous vote of the active and life
membership present in business session. Honorary members have no voting rights and are exempt from
Article IV
Section 1.
The officers of this society shall be a President, President-Elect, and a Secretary-
Section 2.
The officers shall be elected annually and serve for one year.
Section 3.
The Executive Committee of the society shall consist of the officers outlined in Article IV,
Section 1 and the immediate past president.
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Article V
Section 1.
The time and place for the annual meetings shall be determined by vote of the majority
of the active membership present on regular business session.
Article VI
Business Status
Section 1.
This society shall exist as a nonprofit organization chartered under the laws of the state
of Tennessee.
By-Laws of the Tennessee Society of Pediatric Dentists
Article I
Section 1.
Thirty percent of the active members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
the business of the society.
Article II
Nomination and Election of Officers
Section 1.
The President shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of at least three active
members. This committee shall be appointed at least ninety (90) days prior to the annual meeting. This
committee shall forward their report to the Secretary-Treasurer for inclusion in the mailing of the
annual program and roster.
Section 2.
The nominating committee shall select for the approval of the membership a candidate
for each of the following offices: President, President-Elect, and Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 3.
Following the report of the nominating committee at the annual meeting, the floor shall
be opened for additional nominations by active members.
Section 4.
The officers shall be chosen by a simple majority vote of the active membership.
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Article II (Continued)
Section 5.
With the exception of the Secretary-Treasurer, the officers of organization shall not
succeed themselves in office.
Article III
Duties of Officers
Section 1.
Duties of the President:
A. Preside at all meetings of the society.
B. Appoint all committee and serve as a member ex-officio of all committees.
C. Call a special session of the society upon the written request of twenty-five percent
of the active members.
D. Deliver a President’s address before the society.
E. Perform such duties as usually pertain to this office and serve in this office until
their successor is duly elected and installed.
Section 2.
Duties of the President-Elect:
A. Assist the President in the performance of his or her duties.
B. They shall succeed to the office of President in the event of death, resignation, or
removal of the President. They shall serve until their successor is installed.
Section 3.
Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer:
A. Keep the records of the society and make an annual written report to the society.
B. Notify in writing all officers and committee persons of their election or
C. Send notice to the members of all sessions of the society.
D. They shall keep an accurate account of money collected and pay bills of the society.
E. They shall conduct the correspondence of society and maintain a file of official
letters along with the replies to same.
F. They shall have printed the official program, with members’ names in good standing
included, and mail same to membership (30) thirty days prior to each annual
meeting. This mailing shall include the report of the nominating committee.
G. They shall have printed stationery to be used by the society and send a supply to
members that may need it.
H. They shall serve until his or her successor is elected and installed. At the expiration
of his or her term in office, they shall turn over all records of the society to their
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Article IV
Order of Business
Section 1.
The order of business is as follows:
Meeting called to order by the President.
Reading of minutes of the previous meeting.
Secretary-Treasurer’s report.
President’s report.
Report of special committees.
Unfinished business.
New Business.
Report of the nomination committee and election of officers and committees as
provided in Article II of the By-Laws.
Installation of Officers.
Section 2.
The order of business may be altered or suspended by a two-thirds vote of the active
members present.
Section 3.
All business of this society shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of
Order, Revised where not in conflict with the constitution and the by-laws of this society.
Article V
Section 1.
The constitution and by-laws of this society may be amended by a three-fourths
majority vote of the active members attending the annual official business meeting, provided the
proposed amendment has been presented in writing to the membership at least sixty days prior to the
annual meeting.
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Article VI
Section 1.
The annual dues of the society shall be set by a three-fourths majority vote of the active
members present in a business meeting. Pediatric dental residents from any program may be members
and are exempt from annual dues and from registration fees. Retired and disabled members will be
evaluated as to their responsibility to pay dues by the Executive Committee. Dues will be set at the
annual meeting and should be returned by a deadline determined at the meeting. Dues returned after
the deadline are subject to a late fee.
Article VII
Application for and Selection to Membership
Section 1.
A prospective member must have met the membership requirements set forth in Article
III of the Constitution and they must submit a letter and/or application to the Secretary-Treasurer
stating his or her desire for membership thirty days prior to the annual meeting.
Section 2.
The Secretary-Treasurer will add new prospectives to the mailing list before the next
business session. An affirmative vote of the majority of the active members present at the annual
meeting grants membership.
Article VIII
Termination of Membership
Section 1.
Membership shall be terminated for the following reasons:
A. Resignation
B. Violation of the constitution and by-laws of the American Dental Association of its
code of ethics.
C. Violation of the responsibilities of membership as defined by the constitution and
by-laws of this society.