CYPS EXEC 13th May 2011 Sustain Comm Strat Outcomes

Children and Young People’s Executive
13th May 2011
Sustainable Communities Strategy Outcomes Framework
High level priorities and outcomes for Leicestershire Together Sustainable
Communities Strategy (SCS) 2011-13 have been agreed. It is now necessary to
agree the supporting sub-outcomes. The deadline for proposals to Leicestershire
Together is 18th May 2011 in order that the strategy can be presented to the 20 th
June Leicestershire Together Conference.
Decisions needed by Executive
Agree the proposed SCS children’s sub-outcomes contained in Appendix 2.
Agree that appropriate performance measures and indicators for the suboutcomes should be drafted.
Agree that actions to be taken to achieve each sub-outcome be identified
from existing business and service plans etc. and, if necessary, managers
be asked to identify actions required.
The Leicestershire Together Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) provides
the agreed outcomes framework for public sector organisations working in
Leicestershire. The high level priorities have been agreed as being:
Supporting individuals and families
Enhancing children’s lives
Improving our communities
Protecting our environment
Developing our economy
Delivering effective services
A list of all the priorities and high level outcome is attached as Appendix 1 (SCS
Priorities and Outcomes) and it is now necessary to agree the sub-outcomes to
provide the basis of the SCS performance framework. It is anticipated that
services and partnerships within Leicestershire Together will be responsible for
performance against this framework.
The majority of sub-outcomes relating to children and young people relate to the
“Enhancing children’s lives” priority but some are also relevant to the Supporting
individuals and families priority. The proposed sub-outcomes (taken from the
priorities agreed by the Children and Young People’s Executive in December
2010), are attached as Appendix 2 (SCS proposed children and young people’s
sub-outcomes). It should be noted that services for children and young people
will also contribute to proposed sub-outcomes contained in other SCS priorities.
These are described in Appendix 3 (“Contribution to Supporting individuals and
families” sub-outcomes)
It is planned that, once these sub-outcomes have been agreed, performance
measures will be proposed which will create a children and young people’s
performance framework and enable performance management against these
outcomes to take place.
Financial Implications
Although there are no immediate financial implications the SCS priorities,
outcomes and sub-outcomes will inform financial decision making over the
lifetime of the SCS.
People implications
There are no immediate HR implications
Equalities issues/implications
The proposed sub-outcomes reflect equalities issues, particularly in respect of
reducing attainment gap for vulnerable children
Safeguarding issues/implications
Safeguarding remains a priority and is reflected in the proposed sub-outcomes
Environmental Implications
10. None identified
Information Management Implications
11. Information management implications will be considered when performance
measures and indicators are identified.
ICT Implications
12. ICT implications will be considered when performance measures and indicators
are identified.
Author: Peter Chester
Date: 10th May 2011
Appendix 1: Sustainable Communities Strategy 2011-2013 Priorities
and Outcomes
Supporting Individuals & Families
Improved life chances for vulnerable individuals and families
More older people are able to live independent lives at home
Improved health outcomes for people in Leicestershire, in particular in
reduction in health inequalities
Fewer people smoke
More people are physically active at a level which makes them healthier
A healthy weight in all age groups is promoted, encouraging a whole family
approach to eating well and being active
Improved mental health and well being
More people walk, cycle and use public transport as part of their daily journeys
Minimise the negative impact on children and families of substance misuse
Improve the health and well being for all substance users
Reduce re-offending, with a particular focus on earlier intervention with families with
complex needs and those at risk of becoming families with complex needs
Enhancing Children’s Lives
Children in Leicestershire are safe
Children in Leicestershire have improved health outcomes
Young People enjoy high morale and self-esteem
Children in Leicestershire achieve
Improving our Communities
Improved quality of life for people living in the most disadvantaged
neighbourhoods (at a faster rate than the County generally)
Everyone participates in the cultural life of the County
Leicestershire is made up of stronger, thriving, integrated and cohesive
Communities are empowered to play a role in decision making
There are more well supported volunteering opportunities
The number of road casualties is reduced
There is improved satisfaction with our transport system amongst residents
and service users
Existing housing is improved to better meet the needs of the people of
An enhanced, accessible and protected natural environment
Improved green infrastructure
Continue to reduce anti-social behaviour, particularly in those areas with the
highest levels of incidents
Protect the most vulnerable in communities, particularly previous and repeat
victims of crime
Reduce substance related crime and disorder
Increase user satisfaction with local crime and disorder services, especially in
priority areas
Protecting our Environment
Our contribution to climate change is reduced
There is a high resilience to the effects of climate change
Less waste is produced and a reduced proportion of this goes to landfill
The negative impact the transport system and our operations has on the
environment and individuals is reduced
Developing our Economy
A productive economy with high performing businesses
Improved job opportunities for vulnerable people and communities
A highly sustainable environment with an excellent infrastructure, especially
for rural communities
Our transport system and its assets are effectively managed and well
The housing supply meets the needs of Leicestershire people
More consistent, predictable and reliable journey times for the movement of
people and goods
All residents have efficient, easy and affordable access to key services
Delivering Effective Services
Access to information, facilities and services is enhanced across the County
Public services are provided in the most efficient and effective way
Appendix 2: Sustainable Communities Strategy, proposed children
and young peoples sub-outcomes
Enhancing Children’s Lives
Children in Leicestershire are safe
Safe and effective framework in place for safeguarding children and young
people, underpinned by:
Effective child protection processes and procedures embedded in practice
Appropriately skilled and trained workforce
Reduction in reported bullying
Reduce harm caused from domestic violence and adult substance misuse
Children in Leicestershire achieve
Improved outcomes for Children in care and other vulnerable pupils
Reduced attainment gap for vulnerable children in County Council schools
Young people qualified and 'job ready' as result of
Continued improved attainment at County Council schools
Improved achievement of basic numeracy and literacy skills
Increased proportion of young people with qualifications
Increased take up of vocational learning and apprenticeships
Further reduction in young people not in education, employment or training
Ensure that there is a good supply of high quality schools
Young people enjoy high morale and self-esteem
Increased active involvement of wider range of children and young people
Children and young people can access effective support
Further improved access to, and provision of, a wide range of positive
Provision of personal development opportunities for all young people including national citizen service
Better parenting
Children in Leicestershire have improved health outcomes
Maintained healthy weight through:
Families making healthy food choices including physical activity in children
and young people’s lives
Increase breast feeding rates
Reduced prevalence of smoking in children and young people
Improved sexual health
Further improved support for children and young people with genetic disorders
and complex disability needs
Meeting increased demand for mental health services through integrated
 Responding to needs of increasing number of children and young people
identified as having Autism Spectrum Disorders
 Appendix 3: “Contribution to Supporting individuals and
families” sub-outcomes
Improved life chances for vulnerable individuals and families
People (including children, young adults and their families) with long term
illness or disability are supported to be independent and in control of their
Reduced isolation of older people, disabled and young people living in rural
Vulnerable people access appropriate housing and housing related support
Improved health outcomes for people in Leicestershire, in particular a
reduction in health inequalities
Best possible start in life for families, mothers and children
Fewer people smoke
Every smoker is motivated and assisted to quit
More people are physically active at a level which makes them healthier
Family oriented interventions (particularly in our most deprived areas) promote
physical activity for 0-5 year olds
All schools in the county timetable at least two hours a week of physical
A healthy weight in all age groups is promoted, encouraging a whole family
approach to eating and well-being
Families make healthy food choices and build physical activity into their daily
Healthy food choices and opportunities for physical activity are available on
workplaces , schools and colleges
Minimise the negative impact on children and families of substance misuse
People and communities are advised of the harm associated with alcohol
Staff that encounter problem drinking will be trained to offer advice and
support to prevent the need for hospital
Improve health and well being for all substance misusers
Number of drug and alcohol users in effective treatment is increased and
fewer cause harm to themselves and/or the wider community
Reduce re-offending, with a particular focus on earlier intervention with
families with complex care needs and those at risk of becoming families with
complex needs
Levels of re-offending by both young and adult offenders are reduced
The number of first time entrants to the Criminal Justice system is reduced