S. 705 grassroots alert draft

S. 705 grassroots alert draft
We have posted this alert at:
https://www.votervoice.net/SAFEROUTES/campaigns/39493/respond. If your organization does
not have your own Congressional action alert system, you can use our link.
Or, you can adapt the text below to suit your organization and send using your organization’s own
Please help local governments access transportation dollars for biking and walking.
Congress is preparing to take action on a new transportation bill. Given the shortfall of federal transportation
dollars, already some members of Congress are questioning why the federal government provides any funding
for bicycling and walking.
We need your help to make sure that Congress doesn’t cut funding to help local communities build sidewalks,
crosswalks, bike lanes, trails and more.
The Transportation Alternatives Program provides hundreds of millions of dollars each year to local
communities to invest in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. It’s the only federal program specifically
focused on local transportation priorities. Please ask your Senators to stand up for the Transportation
Alternatives Program by cosponsoring S. 705, the Transportation Alternatives Program Improvement Act.
For decades, our federal transportation system has focused the bulk of its resources on building roads, leaving
many of our communities with few transportation options and rising safety risks for people bicycling and
walking. More and more Americans want options for bicycling, walking and transit to live healthier and safer
lives. More and more cities and towns are clamoring for more facilities for biking and walking to make their
communities more attractive to residents and to improve their economies. S. 705 would help make sure that
Congress continues to invest a small share of federal transportation dollars in these types of projects.
Ask your Senators to cosponsor S. 705, the Transportation Alternatives Program Improvement Act to ensure
that our federal transportation system continues to provide funding for bicycling and walking.
Dear (Senator),
I write to ask you to co-sponsor S. 705, the Transportation Alternatives Program Improvement Act.
The Transportation Alternatives Program makes sure that communities like mine are able to compete for
funding to build sidewalks, bike lanes, trails and other local transportation priorities. This program is critical to
helping make sure that small towns and big cities are able to build the local transportation infrastructure that
is so needed for the health and safety of residents, and for the economic competitiveness and quality of life of
the community.
The Transportation Alternatives Program Improvement Act would make sure that more funds are fairly
distributed among rural areas, mid-sized areas and large metropolitan areas. It would help gives states
additional flexibility to make sure that small towns and low-income areas can compete for funds and ensure
that these projects can be built without delays.
I urge you to co-sponsor S. 705 to show your support for giving local communities access to much-needed
funding for local transportation priorities.