English week 43-48

English planning week 2-6
Fram till och med vecka 6 jobbar vi med temat ”Crime”. Under denna period ska ni lära
er/träna :
 Ord och läsförståelse genom att jobba med två texter och ord till dem i Good Stuff (några
läser istället ett par artiklar). Uppgifter till texterna. Göra en ordlista med ord som har med
brott att göra.
 Muntligt genom att förklara ord, prata om texterna ni läser, diskutera olika frågor som har
med brott att göra, berätta om ett brott ni läst om i tidningen/nyheterna
 Hörförståelse genom att lyssna på texterna, lyssna på hörförståelseuppgifter i Good Stuff,
diskutera och lyssna på varandra.
 Realia - prata om ett par brott som nyligen begåtts i två engelsktalande länder.
 Skriftligt – skriva en artikel om ett brott
 Grammatik - there is/there are samt användning av it/there
Homework for Friday week 2, January 11: Read the newpapers/watch the news before Friday. On
Friday you are going to present a crime you have read/heard about. What happened? Where did it
happen? How did it happen?
Homework for Monday week 3, January 14: Read the text you are going to work with a
couple of times. Check the wordlist so that you recognize the words.
Homework for Friday week 3, January 18: Learn the words from the text you´ve read:Was it a
crime/The great train robbery/Organised crime (or words from exercise B p.41). Read the
text and make sure you can talk about it/answer questions and read it with a good
Homework for Friday week 4, January 25: Learn at least 15 words to do with crime from the
"crime wordlist". If you´re not done you finish the exercises that belong to the texts you´ve read.
Homework for Friday week 5/Wednesday week 6: Write on your article. It is to be handed in on
Wednesday, January 6, at the latest.
Week 2-3
Wednesday w.2- Introduction
Friday w.2- oral presentation of a crime you have heard/read about on the news. You start working
with one of the texts below.
Monday w.3 -You have a substitute teacher. Work with text and exercises. You are supposed to be
done with all the exercises after this lesson. If you´ve got time you left you do the "if you´ve got time
left - exercise" or you start reading next week´s text.
”Was it a crime?” p. 44-45
 Read the text and make sure you understand it. Read a part of the text aloud a couple of times
to practise pronunciation.
 Do the exercises A-D on p.37-38 in WB.
 Learn the following words and explain five of them in English: crime, note, purse, complain,
nightmare, crowded, certain, sales assistant, con artist, stealing, notice, wages, embarrassed,
rude, proud, chat.
If you´ve got time left: Make a wordlist of all the words to do with “Crime” from the texts "Was
it a crime", "Whose fault was it "and "The great train robbery." Write the list in your notebook.
”The great train robbery” p.48-50.
 Read the text and make sure you understand it. Read a part of the text aloud a couple of times
to practise pronunciation.
 Do the exercises A B, D, p.40-41 WB.
 Learn the following words and explain five of them in English: lead, abandoned, be about to,
clue, butt, government, avoid, accomplice, plastic surgery, flee, commit, amount, daring,
innocent, suffer from, medical care, sentence, arrival, approach, appearance.
If you´ve got time left: Make a wordlist of all the words to do with “Crime” from the texts "Was
it a crime" and "Whose fault was it" and "The great train robbery." Write the list in your
Red (Tough Stuff)
“Organised crime?” p. 38-40
 Read the text and make sure you understand it. Read a part aloud to practise pronunciation.
 Do the exercises A, B, C, D p.41-42
 Learn at least twenty words from the text. Write them in your notebook in English and
Swedish. (you can choose to learn the words in exercise B, p.41)
If you´ve got time left:
1. Make a wordlist of all the words to do with “Crime” from the texts "Was it a crime", "Whose
fault was it" and "Organised crime." Write the list in your notebook.
2. Do one of the writing tasks in exercise E p.43.
Week 3-4:
EA + Friday w.3 - Homework test. You start working with the new text. Work efficiently and try to
do as much as possible of the exercises that belong to the text.
Monday w.4 - Instructions: write an article about a crime. We talk about two recently committed
crimes in two English-speaking countries.
“Whose fault was it?” p.46-47
Read and translate the text. Make sure you can read the text with a good pronunciation.
Do the exercises A-C, p.38-39 WB
Learn the following words and write sentences with five of the words: fault, criminal, rob, in
the first place, properly, stocking, wool, no wonder, seriously, scary, reason, getaway, van,
disguise, drive crazy, I see your point.
If you´ve got time left:
 Make a wordlist of all the words to do with “Crime” from the texts "Was it a crime" and
"Whose fault was it." Write the list in your notebook.
“Organised crime?” hand-out
Read and translate the text. Make sure you can read the text with a good pronunciation.
Do the exercises A, C, D on the hand-out.
Learn at least twenty words from the text. Write them in your notebook in English and
Swedish. (you can choose to learn the words in exercise B, p.41)
If you´ve got time left:
3. Make a wordlist of all the words to do with “Crime” from the texts "Was it a crime", "Whose
fault was it" and "Organised crime." Write the list in your notebook.
4. Do one of the writing tasks in exercise E.
Read the two articles about India
Check up the words you don´t know (if there are many words you don´t know you
check up at least fifteen.) and write them in your notebook in English and Swedish.
What do you think/feel when you read the articles? In the articles you can outline
different opinions about how it has become the way it is (who/what to blame) and
what you can do about it. What are the opinions? Compare to Sweden, how is
Sweden different from India when about these issues?
Week 4-5
Wednesday w. 4 - You finish the exercises to do with the last text (if you´re not done after
this lesson you do the rest at home until Friday). Write on your article.
Friday w.4 - Homework test. Write on your article.
Monday week 5: We talk about some grammar and then we discuss different questions to do
with crime.
Write an article about a crime
Use your imagination (or read the newspapers/watch the news to get ideas) and write an
article about a crime. What happened? When? Where? How? Do the police have any clues?
Any suspects? …
Kom ihåg att du ska bearbeta din text innan du lämnar in den. Skriv ett första utkast. Läs
igenom. Be gärna en kompis läsa igenom. Vad kan du förbättra?
Hand in your article on Wednesday week 6, February 6, at the latest.
Week 5-6
Wednesday week 5: Write on your article. Work with the grammar on p.
Friday week 5: Write on your article. Work with the grammar on p.
Monday week 6: We discuss different questions to do with crime.
Wednesday week 6: Hand in your article. Work with the grammar.
Friday week 6: test - words to do with crime,