Minutes of the joint RT2B/WP6.2 meeting

Joint meeting RT2B and WP6.2.
Monday 12 November 2007 (1400-1500), Prague
1) Clare Goodess
Tailoring of ENSEMBLES regional climate scenarios outputs to users needs, a questionnaire for
users stakeholders and scenario developers – written up in deliverable D2B.18
The focus of the discussions has been on:
Scenario generator tools and outputs;
Note: it is rather too early for applications users to know what capabilities would be most
appropriate and useful
 What regional data do users need?
- standard surface variables such as: temperature, mean daily precipitation, heat
- daily and/or sub daily ? - more accent has been put on daily time series output
- 25 km and/or station data
Discussions concerning the format for probabilistic projections:
- time series;
- PDFs and threshold exceedences;
- maps, percentiles;
- joint probabilities
Recommendations and guidance on methods for the construction of probabilistic regional
climate change projections and their impact modelling – this is a joint RT2B/WP6.2
deliverable – D2B.26/D6.13 – due at month 48.
- will develop the IPCC downscaling guidelines (Mearns/Wilby)
- will provide more illustrative examples of probabilistic output formats
- will aim to integrate existing tools with outputs
- will facilitate data archive access
There are some relevant suggestions from the Lund cross-RT discussions concerning
weighting, ensemble averaging, use of multi-model ensembles
2) Tim Carter
Focus on: a) evaluating impacts on extreme events
b) complex impact model- two approaches, one is a multiple scenarios approach and
the other is a response surface approach.
Response surface approach (e.g., hydrological response) – need to:
- aggregate climate information to basin level
- need climate information to adjust response surfaces
Discussion focused on the joint probability plot (precipitation and temperature) presented by Tim
for a grid box.
WP 6.2 data requirements:
- direct model output as time series
- uncertainty/probabilistic analysis to be undertaking in WP6.2
- some interest in statistically-downscaled information (time series)
Discussions on the type of outputs, format…
- monthly, seasonally or annually averaged multi-model changes by grid box for key driving
variables (commonly temperature and precipitation)
- Joint PDF for key variables may be useful
- Regional averaging of information important for some applications (e.g., river-basin scale)
Clare: joint PDFs could be useful for the impact studies but also regional averages could be
interesting. Perhaps, a catalogue of available climate information could be useful.
 Clare: a catalogue of RT2B scenario outputs, including statistical downscaling will be
Jaime Ribalaygua, Clare, Hans von Storch, Albert Klein-Tank - information for impact
assessment: raises the questions = station data or gridded data? Which is better?
Another problem: format of the data that will be provided for the impacts group people?
Stations or grid level? In which way will the data be provided and also the scale?
The Rockel regions (as used in PRUDENCE) may provide a useful aggregation scale,
e.g., for joint PDFs
Joint deliverables - proposal for RT2B/WP6.2 collaboration
D6.13/D2B.26- guidelines on use of probabilistic information – due August 2008 – and related
paper (D6.14/D2B.34) due 6 months later (month 54).
Need to decide who is going to contribute to discussions/work.
Meeting Action
Agreed to appoint a data contact person for RT2B (Clare Goodess) and WP6.2 (Stefan Fronzek).
Websites on RCM data availability:
See the RT3 web pages
Also Data section in the RT2B regional scenarios portal – see link from the ENSEMBLES home
page (results section).
Minute taker: Rodica Tomezieu
Editing: Clare Goodess