Ms. Smith, Ms. Laughridge, Ms. Bolt, Mrs. Guffee, Mrs. Campbell, Ms

Ms. Smith, Ms. Laughridge, Ms. Bolt, Mrs. Guffee, Mrs. Campbell, Ms. Harris
Monday, March 18, 2013
Social Studies/Science Unit
Word Wall Words
came, fly, name, next, ride, this
7:45-8:10 Restroom, Water, Unpack, Morning Work, Announcements, Pledge, Moment of Silence
8:10-8:20 Attendance, Morning Meeting, Accelerated Reader
Morning Meeting Agenda – Continue with the first component of the Morning Meeting: “Greeting” with a greeting of the
teacher’s choice. Continue the second component: Sharing. Discuss the job of the sharer and the jobs of the students who are
listening. Use pages 65-59 in The Morning Meeting book.
Indicator: 1-6.5 Use complete sentences when orally presenting information.
Language Arts Block
Word Study:
Indicators: RF. 1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. RF. 1.3g Recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly
spelled words
TTW introduce new WWW using the activity “Guess the Covered Word.”
2. TSW write the WWW in ABC order “On the Back.”
Assessment: “On the Back”
Shared Reading:
Indicators: 1-1.1 Summarize the main idea and supporting evidence in literary text during classroom discussion. 1-3.4 Recognize
high frequency words encountered in text. 1-3.6 Use structural analysis to determine the meaning of compound words and
contractions. 1-3.2 Carry out left-to-right, top-to-bottom, and return-sweep directionality on the printed page. 1-3.3 Use
vocabulary acquired from a variety of sources. 1-3.8 Use appropriate voice level and intonation when speaking and reading aloud.
1-3.5 Use appropriate rate, word automatically, phrasing, intonation and expression to read fluently. 1-1.8 Respond to texts
through a variety of methods. 1-1.1 Summarize the main idea 1-1.7 Use relevant details in summarizing stories read aloud 1-1.2
Use pictures and words to make and revise predictions 1-1.8 Respond to texts through a variety of methods 1-6.5 Use complete
sentences when orally presenting
TTW introduce the poem “A Kite”.
2. TTW first read the poem to the students and then have the students chorally read the poem.
3. TTW then introduce the book, Curious George Flies a Kite. TTW ask students if they have ever read a Curious George
book. TTW ask students to tell what details they know about the character, Curious George.
4. TTW tell students to think about the story events and why they happen as she reads the first part of the story. TTW
read aloud pgs. 3-11 of the story.
5. While reading, TTW ask the following questions:
a. After p.4-What is the relationship between George and the man? Is it safe or unsafe and how
do you know?
b. After p.5-What causes George to go up and down?
c. After p.8-What causes George to run after the ball?
d. After p.9-What causes George to let the ball go?
e. After p.11-Predict who really lives in a house so small.
Assessment: TO of student participation.
Read Aloud:
Read aloud or Interactive Read Aloud.:_____________________________________
Indicators: 1-1.2- Use pictures and words to make and revise predictions about a given literary text. 1-3.1- Use pictures, context,
and letter-sound relationships to read unfamiliar words. 1-3.4- Recognize high-frequency words encountered in texts. 1-3.12- Use
onsets and rimes to decode and generate words. 1-3.17- Use blending to read. 1-3.20- Use pictures and words to construct
meaning. 1-3.22- Know the parts of a book (including front and back covers, the title, and the names of the author and
illustrator). 1-3.23- Carry out left-to-right, top-to-bottom, and return-sweep directionality on the printed page. 1-3.24Distinguish among letters, words and sentences.
Assessment: TO of student participation.
Writing: Writer’s Workshop
W.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. W.2:
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
TTW explain to students that this week they will be learning how to write “How-To Essays” in writing.
TTW explain to students that a “How-To Essay” explains how to do something, it gives directions.
TTW show the students “How To Essay” on
TSW write independently in writing folders while the teacher conferences with individual students.
Assessment: TO of student participation; TE of writing
*Morning Mtg
11:22-12:02 Lunch – First Grade Classes
Reviewing all math standards from 1st,2nd, 3rd nine weeks that our students needs extra help with.
TSW work in math centers while the T works with student in small groups.
Here are the math centers you can use/ you can add any centers you have or do in your class
Roll 3 die and add
Hungry lion (put 12 counters in the lion’s bowl, roll a dice, take that many out of the bowl and put it into the
lion’s mouth, write the subtraction sentence to show)
Addition battle (each player gets half of the deck of cards, they both flip over a card at the same time,
whoever can add the 2 cards up 1st, gets to keep the cards) *if there is a tie, 2 more cards are flipped over
and compared. The winner takes all 4 cards.
Number of the day (sheet) Give them a number and have them complete the worksheet
Ten MORE- 2 students will play each other; 1 will roll the dice and add 10 to whatever they rolled, and put
their counter on that number (ex: roll a 4, find a 14) the first student to have 6 across, down, or diagonal
MORE/LESS- Students will roll 2 yellow number dice to make a 2 digit number and then complete the t-chart
(10 more, 10 less, 1 more, 1 less) and continue this until time is up
Roll/Build/Draw/Expanded Form- The pair of students will roll 2 yellow number die to get a 2 digit numberthey will write the number, draw it with base 10 blocks, and write the expanded form
Computer- Students can do compass math or something else you have in mind
Others you could choose from:
Time index cards, they flip one over and make it on their judy clock
Subtraction flash cards
Addition flash cards
The addition/subtraction set that Amy gave us
Social Studies:
Summarize the concept of authority and give examples of people in authority, including school officials, public
safety officers, and government officials.
Identify the basic principles of American democracy, including making respect for rights, opinions, and property of
others; fair treatment for all, and respect for the rules by which we live.
Identify ways that all citizens can serve the common good, incfluding serving as public officials and participating in
the election process.
Summarize the contributions to democracy that have been made by historic and political figures in the United
States, including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Dorothea Dix, Frederick Douglass, Mary McLeod Bethune,
and Franklin D. Roosevelt
Probing Question: What does, “The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself” mean to you?
Introduce Franklin Roosevelt (1882). Add him to the class timeline.
View clip from BrainPOP, (With Tim and Moby)
“Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself”.
Franklin Roosevelt’s Contributions to Democracy:
He was the 32nd president.
He led the US during the Great Depression and World War II.
During his presidency, there was an attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.
Students will write Roosevelt’s contributions.
Explain that WWII was a great war between several countries. America tried to stay out of the war, but was pulled into the
conflict when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1914.
Students need to know that FDR guided America through problems in America as well as during WWII. America was going
through the Great Depression – a time when many Americans were out of work. He started many jobs and provided ways that
Americans could earn money. He created programs that helped American people get out of the Great Depression and over
WWII. He held weekly radio talks called Fireside chats and the people of America really respected him and looked to him as a
great leader.
*He was the only president of the U.S. that was elected 4 times due to the fact that the country did not want to bring in a new
president during a time of war.
(If needed there are Brainpop videos on WWII, but they may be over their understanding.)
Add Franklin Roosevelt to the Tree Map®.
Students will add Roosevelt to their booklets or journals and write at least three facts about him.
Sing the song, “We’re Going Back in History” as a close to the lesson.
Conclude the lesson by summarizing the contributions Franklin Roosevelt made to democracy.
2:25 Dismissal
Ms. Smith, Mrs. Laughridge, Ms. Bolt, Mrs. Guffee, Mrs. Campbell, Ms. Harris
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Social Studies/Science Unit
Word Wall Words
came, fly, name, next, ride, this
7:45-8:10 Restroom, Water, Unpack, Morning Work, Announcements, Pledge, Moment of Silence
8:10-8:20 Attendance, Morning Meeting, Accelerated Reader
Morning Meeting Agenda – Continue with the first component of the Morning Meeting: “Greeting” with a greeting of the
teacher’s choice. Continue the second component: Sharing. Discuss the job of the sharer and the jobs of the students who are
listening. Use pages 65-59 in The Morning Meeting book.
Indicator: 1-6.5 Use complete sentences when orally presenting information.
*Morning Mtg
Language Arts Block
Word Study:
Indicators: RF. 1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. RF. 1.3g Recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly
spelled words
TTW explain to students that they will be using the inflectional ending “ing” to add to verbs. TSW discuss that the
inflectional ending “ing” is added to a verb to show present tense.
2. TTW have students add “ing” to verbs ending with an “e.” TTW explain that verbs ending in an “e” lose the “e” before
adding “ing.”
3. TTW provide examples using the verbs: giving, coming, writing, and liking.
4. TSW practice dropping the “e” and adding “ing” using the verbs: name, ride, face, have, and smile in the activity “On the
Assessment: “On the Back” activity
Shared Reading:
Indicators: 1-1.5 Generate a retelling that identifies the characters and the setting in a story and relates the important events
in sequential order. 1-3.1 Use pictures, context, and letter-sound relationships to read unfamiliar words.1-3.12 Use onsets and
rimes to decode and generate words. 1-1.11 Read independently for extended periods of time for pleasure. 1-1.2 Use pictures and
words to make and revise predictions about a given text. 1-1.7 Use relevant details in summarizing stories read aloud.
TTW review the first 11 pages of the book read yesterday.
2. TTW introduce new vocabulary words: curious, window, another, garden, tricks.
3. TCW chorally read pgs. 12-23 together.
4. After reading, TTW ask: “What is George’s problem? How can he solve the problem?” TSW turn and talk about how to
solve the problem.
5. TTW give each student a sticky note to use as a bookmark in their books. TSW predict what George will do with the
string and write it on the sticky note.
6. TTW then put students in pairs and have them buddy read pgs. 23-31.
7. After reading, TTW have students turn and talk and discuss if their predictions were correct or incorrect. If they
were incorrect, TSW write the correction on their sticky note and put it on p. 31 to mark their place in the book.
8. TTW ask students to then predict: “What will George find on the other side of the wall?” TSW write this prediction
on their sticky note as well.
Assessment: TO of student participation.
Read Aloud:
Read aloud or Interactive Read Aloud.:_____________________________________
Indicators: 1-1.2- Use pictures and words to make and revise predictions about a given literary text. 1-3.1- Use pictures, context,
and letter-sound relationships to read unfamiliar words. 1-3.4- Recognize high-frequency words encountered in texts. 1-3.12- Use
onsets and rimes to decode and generate words. 1-3.17- Use blending to read. 1-3.20- Use pictures and words to construct
meaning. 1-3.22- Know the parts of a book (including front and back covers, the title, and the names of the author and
illustrator). 1-3.23- Carry out left-to-right, top-to-bottom, and return-sweep directionality on the printed page. 1-3.24Distinguish among letters, words and sentences.
Assessment: TO of student participation.
Writing: Writer’s Workshop
W.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. W.2:
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
TTW have a loaf of bread, jelly, and peanut butter at the front of the room.
TTW ask students how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. TSW take the teacher through the steps.
TTW use the “Organizer for How-To Article” and draw it on a piece of chart paper.
The teacher and students will work together to fill in the organizer with how to make a peanut butter and jelly
TSW write independently in writing folders while the teacher conferences with individual students.
Assessment: TO of student participation; TE of writing
11:22-12:02 Lunch – First Grade Classes
Math & Calendar
Reviewing all math standards from 1st,2nd, 3rd nine weeks that our students needs extra help with.
TSW work in math centers while the T works with student in small groups.
Here are the math centers you can use/ you can add any centers you have or do in your class
Roll 3 die and add
Hungry lion (put 12 counters in the lion’s bowl, roll a dice, take that many out of the bowl and put it into the
lion’s mouth, write the subtraction sentence to show)
Addition battle (each player gets half of the deck of cards, they both flip over a card at the same time,
whoever can add the 2 cards up 1st, gets to keep the cards) *if there is a tie, 2 more cards are flipped over
and compared. The winner takes all 4 cards.
Number of the day (sheet) Give them a number and have them complete the worksheet
Ten MORE- 2 students will play each other; 1 will roll the dice and add 10 to whatever they rolled, and put
their counter on that number (ex: roll a 4, find a 14) the first student to have 6 across, down, or diagonal
MORE/LESS- Students will roll 2 yellow number dice to make a 2 digit number and then complete the t-chart
(10 more, 10 less, 1 more, 1 less) and continue this until time is up
Roll/Build/Draw/Expanded Form- The pair of students will roll 2 yellow number die to get a 2 digit numberthey will write the number, draw it with base 10 blocks, and write the expanded form
Computer- Students can do compass math or something else you have in mind
Others you could choose from:
Time index cards, they flip one over and make it on their judy clock
Subtraction flash cards
Addition flash cards
The addition/subtraction set that Amy gave us
Social Studies:
Summarize the concept of authority and give examples of people in authority, including school officials, public
safety officers, and government officials.
Identify the basic principles of American democracy, including making respect for rights, opinions, and property of
others; fair treatment for all, and respect for the rules by which we live.
Identify ways that all citizens can serve the common good, incfluding serving as public officials and participating in
the election process.
Summarize the contributions to democracy that have been made by historic and political figures in the United
States, including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Dorothea Dix, Frederick Douglass, Mary McLeod Bethune,
and Franklin D. Roosevelt
Review booklets or journals made by the students. Discuss each historical figure and their contribution to American Democracy.
Have clues written out on index cards. Read the clue to the students and allow them to play “Guess who I am.” By listening to the
clues. You can play this several times with teams or as a whole class.
Have the students sit back down as a group. Have the names of the Historical figures written on slips of paper. Using the
information reviewed, have the students come and choose a name. They will tell or act out something important that the
historical figure did. The students will guess who the figure is by the clue given or the actions.
Response Writing: “How can you make a positive contribution to our country?”
Have the students write: “How can I be a good leader?”
2:25 Dismissal
Ms. Smith, Mrs. Laughridge, Ms. Bolt, Mrs. Guffee, Mrs. Campbell, Ms. Harris
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Social Studies/Science Unit
Word Wall Words
came, fly, name, next, ride, this
7:45-8:10 Restroom, Water, Unpack, Morning Work, Announcements, Pledge, Moment of Silence
8:10-8:20 Attendance, Morning Meeting, Accelerated Reader
Morning Meeting Agenda – Continue with the first component of the Morning Meeting: “Greeting” with a greeting of the
teacher’s choice. Continue the second component: Sharing. Discuss the job of the sharer and the jobs of the students who are
listening. Use pages 65-59 in The Morning Meeting book.
Indicator: 1-6.5 Use complete sentences when orally presenting information.
*Morning Mtg
Language Arts Block
Word Study:
Indicators: RF. 1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. RF. 1.3g Recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly
spelled words
TTW place a star by the word wall words: make, thing, like, and will.
2. TTW tell students that she will share some sentences, and in each, they will need to spell a word that rhymes with one
of the four WWW.
3. TTW emphasize the word that students need to spell and let students decide which of the WWW will help them spell
the new word.
4. TSW complete the activity “On the Back.”
5. Sentences: I was so scared that I started to shake. We will sing at the concert on Saturday afternoon. I want a new
bike. We like to cook burgers on the grill.
Assessment: “On the Back”
Shared Reading:
Indicators: 1-5.2 Create narratives about people, places, or things. 1-1.1 Use pictures and words to make and revise predictions
about a given text. 1-1.11 Read independently for extended periods of time for pleasure. 1-1.10 Explain cause-and-effect
relationships presented in literary text 1-1.2 Use pictures and words to make and revise predictions.
TTW ask students to think about their predictions they made yesterday. TSW turn and talk and tell their partner what
their predictions were.
2. TTW read aloud page 32 and ask the students if their predictions were correct or incorrect. If they were incorrect,
TSW write the correction on their sticky note.
3. TTW then put students in pairs and have them buddy read pgs. 33-49.
4. After reading, TTW instruct students to come back together. TTW ask the following questions:
a. Why did George run home as fast as he could?
b. What causes the fish to be curious?
c. Why does George eat the cake?
d. What causes George to fall into the lake?
5. TSW predict “What will George do now? TSW write their predictions on their sticky note.
Assessment: TO of student participation.
Read Aloud:
Read aloud or Interactive Read Aloud.:_____________________________________
Indicators: 1-1.2- Use pictures and words to make and revise predictions about a given literary text. 1-3.1- Use pictures, context,
and letter-sound relationships to read unfamiliar words. 1-3.4- Recognize high-frequency words encountered in texts. 1-3.12- Use
onsets and rimes to decode and generate words. 1-3.17- Use blending to read. 1-3.20- Use pictures and words to construct
meaning. 1-3.22- Know the parts of a book (including front and back covers, the title, and the names of the author and
illustrator). 1-3.23- Carry out left-to-right, top-to-bottom, and return-sweep directionality on the printed page. 1-3.24Distinguish among letters, words and sentences.
Assessment: TO of student participation.
Writing: Writer’s Workshop
W.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. W.2:
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
TTW use the organizer from yesterday to write out the essay on chart paper.
TSW help the teacher use the “Revising Checklist” to revise the “How To Article.”
TSW write independently in writing folders while the teacher conferences with individual students.
Assessment: TO of student participation; TE of writing
11:22-12:02 Lunch – First Grade Classes
Math & Calendar
Reviewing all math standards from 1st,2nd, 3rd nine weeks that our students needs extra help with.
TSW work in math centers while the T works with student in small groups.
Here are the math centers you can use/ you can add any centers you have or do in your class
Roll 3 die and add
Hungry lion (put 12 counters in the lion’s bowl, roll a dice, take that many out of the bowl and put it into the
lion’s mouth, write the subtraction sentence to show)
Addition battle (each player gets half of the deck of cards, they both flip over a card at the same time,
whoever can add the 2 cards up 1st, gets to keep the cards) *if there is a tie, 2 more cards are flipped over
and compared. The winner takes all 4 cards.
Number of the day (sheet) Give them a number and have them complete the worksheet
Ten MORE- 2 students will play each other; 1 will roll the dice and add 10 to whatever they rolled, and put
their counter on that number (ex: roll a 4, find a 14) the first student to have 6 across, down, or diagonal
MORE/LESS- Students will roll 2 yellow number dice to make a 2 digit number and then complete the t-chart
(10 more, 10 less, 1 more, 1 less) and continue this until time is up
Roll/Build/Draw/Expanded Form- The pair of students will roll 2 yellow number die to get a 2 digit numberthey will write the number, draw it with base 10 blocks, and write the expanded form
Computer- Students can do compass math or something else you have in mind
Others you could choose from:
Time index cards, they flip one over and make it on their judy clock
Subtraction flash cards
Addition flash cards
The addition/subtraction set that Amy gave us
Social Studies:
Summarize the concept of authority and give examples of people in authority, including school officials, public
safety officers, and government officials.
Identify the basic principles of American democracy, including making respect for rights, opinions, and property of
others; fair treatment for all, and respect for the rules by which we live.
Identify ways that all citizens can serve the common good, incfluding serving as public officials and participating in
the election process.
Summarize the contributions to democracy that have been made by historic and political figures in the United
States, including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Dorothea Dix, Frederick Douglass, Mary McLeod Bethune,
and Franklin D. Roosevelt
Set: The teacher will review the presidents learned in class.
She will direct the class to a president chosen by the teacher to research.
The Teacher will review the various ways that the class can research various things.
The class will research facts about the chosen president and will make thinking maps on him.
The class will write the facts about the chosen president in sentence form.
2:25 Dismissal
Ms. Smith, Mrs. Laughridge, Ms. Bolt, Mrs. Guffee, Mrs. Campbell, Ms. Harris
Social Studies/Science Unit
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Word Wall Words
came, fly, name, next, ride, this
7:45-8:10 Restroom, Water, Unpack, Morning Work, Announcements, Pledge, Moment of Silence
8:10-8:20 Attendance, Morning Meeting, Accelerated Reader
Morning Meeting Agenda – Continue with the first component of the Morning Meeting: “Greeting” with a greeting of the
teacher’s choice. Continue the second component: Sharing. Discuss the job of the sharer and the jobs of the students who are
listening. Use pages 65-59 in The Morning Meeting book.
Indicator: 1-6.5 Use complete sentences when orally presenting information.
*Morning Mtg
Language Arts Block
Word Study:
Indicators: RF. 1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. RF. 1.3g Recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly
spelled words
TTW lead students in a “Making Words” lesson.
2. Using the letters: a, i, g, k, n, s, t students will make the words sit, kit, kin, tin, ski, skit, skin/sink, sing, king,
sting, stink, stain, taking, skating.
3. TSW sort for: s, k, t, sk, st, -it, -in, -ing, -ink.
Assessment: TE of student participation
Shared Reading:
Indicators: 1-3.1 Use pictures, context, and letter-sound relationships to read unfamiliar words.1-3.15 Identify beginning, middle,
and ending sounds in single-syllable words. 1-1.11 Read independently for extended periods of time for pleasure. 1-1.2 Use
pictures and words to make and revise predictions about a given text. 1-5.2 Create narratives such as stories and journal entries
about people, places, actions, or things. 1-5.2 Create narratives such as journal entries about people, places, actions, or things.13.8 Use appropriate voice level and intonations when speaking and reading aloud.
TTW have students review their predictions made about what George would do next.
2. TTW put students in pairs and have them buddy read pgs. 50-65. TSW discuss with their partner if their predictions
were correct or incorrect. If they were incorrect, TSW write the correction on their sticky note.
3. TTW ask “If you were the man with the yellow hat, how would you get George down?”
4. TSW turn and talk to answer the question.
5. TTW lead a discussion about the ways that the man is a good friend.
6. TSW write about where the kite took George and what he saw on a kite pattern.
Assessment: TO of student participation.
Read Aloud:
Read aloud or Interactive Read Aloud.:_____________________________________
Indicators: 1-1.2- Use pictures and words to make and revise predictions about a given literary text. 1-3.1- Use pictures, context,
and letter-sound relationships to read unfamiliar words. 1-3.4- Recognize high-frequency words encountered in texts. 1-3.12- Use
onsets and rimes to decode and generate words. 1-3.17- Use blending to read. 1-3.20- Use pictures and words to construct
meaning. 1-3.22- Know the parts of a book (including front and back covers, the title, and the names of the author and
illustrator). 1-3.23- Carry out left-to-right, top-to-bottom, and return-sweep directionality on the printed page. 1-3.24Distinguish among letters, words and sentences.
Assessment: TO of student participation.
W.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. W.2:
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
TSW brainstorm a “How To” that they would like to write while the teacher makes a list of choices on the board.
TTW give each student an organizer to complete.
Assessment: TO of student participation; TE of student writing.
11:22-12:02 Lunch – First Grade Classes
Math & Calendar
Reviewing all math standards from 1st,2nd, 3rd nine weeks that our students needs extra help with.
TSW work in math centers while the T works with student in small groups.
Here are the math centers you can use/ you can add any centers you have or do in your class
Roll 3 die and add
Hungry lion (put 12 counters in the lion’s bowl, roll a dice, take that many out of the bowl and put it into the
lion’s mouth, write the subtraction sentence to show)
Addition battle (each player gets half of the deck of cards, they both flip over a card at the same time,
whoever can add the 2 cards up 1st, gets to keep the cards) *if there is a tie, 2 more cards are flipped over
and compared. The winner takes all 4 cards.
Number of the day (sheet) Give them a number and have them complete the worksheet
Ten MORE- 2 students will play each other; 1 will roll the dice and add 10 to whatever they rolled, and put
their counter on that number (ex: roll a 4, find a 14) the first student to have 6 across, down, or diagonal
MORE/LESS- Students will roll 2 yellow number dice to make a 2 digit number and then complete the t-chart
(10 more, 10 less, 1 more, 1 less) and continue this until time is up
Roll/Build/Draw/Expanded Form- The pair of students will roll 2 yellow number die to get a 2 digit numberthey will write the number, draw it with base 10 blocks, and write the expanded form
Computer- Students can do compass math or something else you have in mind
Others you could choose from:
Time index cards, they flip one over and make it on their judy clock
Subtraction flash cards
Addition flash cards
The addition/subtraction set that Amy gave us
Social Studies:
Summarize the concept of authority and give examples of people in authority, including school officials, public
safety officers, and government officials.
Identify the basic principles of American democracy, including making respect for rights, opinions, and property of
others; fair treatment for all, and respect for the rules by which we live.
Identify ways that all citizens can serve the common good, incfluding serving as public officials and participating in
the election process.
Summarize the contributions to democracy that have been made by historic and political figures in the United
States, including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Dorothea Dix, Frederick Douglass, Mary McLeod Bethune,
and Franklin D. Roosevelt
The teacher will review facts on chosen president from previous days lesson.
The children will take the facts written and will compile this information in a written form. Choices may include: reports, story
about him, factual brochure, a class book.
The children may present their written pieces to the class.
2:25 Dismissal
Ms. Smith, Mrs. Laughridge, Ms. Bolt, Mrs. Guffee, Mrs. Campbell, Ms. Harris
Friday, March 22, 2013
Social Studies/Science Unit
Word Wall Words
came, fly, name, next, ride, this *kite
7:45-8:10 Restroom, Water, Unpack, Morning Work, Announcements, Pledge, Moment of Silence
8:10-8:20 Attendance, Morning Meeting, Accelerated Reader
Morning Meeting Agenda – Continue with the first component of the Morning Meeting: “Greeting” with a greeting of the
teacher’s choice. Continue the second component: Sharing. Discuss the job of the sharer and the jobs of the students who are
listening. Use pages 65-59 in The Morning Meeting book.
Indicator: 1-6.5 Use complete sentences when orally presenting information.
*Morning Mtg
Language Arts Block
Word Study:
Indicators: RF. 1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. RF. 1.3g Recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly
spelled words
TTW lead students in a WWW review game.
2. TTW administer the WWW test.
Assessment: test
Shared Reading:
Indicators: 1-3.1 Use pictures, context, and letter-sound relationships to read unfamiliar words.1-3.15 Identify beginning,
middle, and ending sounds in single-syllable words. 1-1.11 Read independently for extended periods of time for pleasure.
TTW allow time for students to share writing from yesterday to review the places the kite took George.
2. TTW read aloud the rest of the book and have students retell the book from the beginning to end.
3. TSW take the Curious George Test.
Assessment: TE of test.
Read Aloud:
Read aloud or Interactive Read Aloud.:_____________________________________
Indicators: 1-1.2- Use pictures and words to make and revise predictions about a given literary text. 1-3.1- Use pictures, context,
and letter-sound relationships to read unfamiliar words. 1-3.4- Recognize high-frequency words encountered in texts. 1-3.12- Use
onsets and rimes to decode and generate words. 1-3.17- Use blending to read. 1-3.20- Use pictures and words to construct
meaning. 1-3.22- Know the parts of a book (including front and back covers, the title, and the names of the author and
illustrator). 1-3.23- Carry out left-to-right, top-to-bottom, and return-sweep directionality on the printed page. 1-3.24Distinguish among letters, words and sentences.
Assessment: TO of student participation.
Writing: Writer’s Workshop
W.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. W.2:
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
TSW use the organizer to write their “How To Article.”
TSW use the “Revising Checklist” to revise their paper.
TSW share with the class upon completion.
TSW write independently in writing folders while the teacher conferences with individual students.
Assessment: TO of student participation; TE of writing
11:22-12:02 Lunch – First Grade Classes
Math & Calendar
Reviewing all math standards from 1st,2nd, 3rd nine weeks that our students needs extra help with.
TSW work in math centers while the T works with student in small groups.
Here are the math centers you can use/ you can add any centers you have or do in your class
Roll 3 die and add
Hungry lion (put 12 counters in the lion’s bowl, roll a dice, take that many out of the bowl and put it into the
lion’s mouth, write the subtraction sentence to show)
Addition battle (each player gets half of the deck of cards, they both flip over a card at the same time,
whoever can add the 2 cards up 1st, gets to keep the cards) *if there is a tie, 2 more cards are flipped over
and compared. The winner takes all 4 cards.
Number of the day (sheet) Give them a number and have them complete the worksheet
Choice Read
Ten MORE- 2 students will play each other; 1 will roll the dice and add 10 to whatever they rolled, and put
their counter on that number (ex: roll a 4, find a 14) the first student to have 6 across, down, or diagonal
MORE/LESS- Students will roll 2 yellow number dice to make a 2 digit number and then complete the t-chart
(10 more, 10 less, 1 more, 1 less) and continue this until time is up
Roll/Build/Draw/Expanded Form- The pair of students will roll 2 yellow number die to get a 2 digit numberthey will write the number, draw it with base 10 blocks, and write the expanded form
Computer- Students can do compass math or something else you have in mind
Others you could choose from:
Time index cards, they flip one over and make it on their judy clock
Subtraction flash cards
Addition flash cards
The addition/subtraction set that Amy gave us
Social Studies:
Summarize the concept of authority and give examples of people in authority, including school officials, public
safety officers, and government officials.
Identify the basic principles of American democracy, including making respect for rights, opinions, and property of
others; fair treatment for all, and respect for the rules by which we live.
Identify ways that all citizens can serve the common good, incfluding serving as public officials and participating in
the election process.
Summarize the contributions to democracy that have been made by historic and political figures in the United
States, including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Dorothea Dix, Frederick Douglass, Mary McLeod Bethune,
and Franklin D. Roosevelt
Review by summarizing the contributions to democracy that have been made by historic and political figures.
Ask the following questions:
How did these historical or political figures become successful?
Did they go to school?
The teacher will explain the importance of the connection between education and success in life using examples from the
historical figures.
Repeat review game from previous lesson.
Students complete Our US Presidents Unit test.
2:25 Dismissal