
by the Deputy Director general for Medical Practice
of OOO F.E. Dzerzhinsky Health Resort
L.V. Frolova (Signature)
(Seal: Russia, Voronezh Region, Ramensky District
OOO F.E. Dzerzhinsky Health Resort)
From January to April 2009 testing and evaluation of efficiency of DETA-AP device
were carried out as a part of reflex therapy in OOO F.E. Dzerzhinsky Health Resort.
DETA-AP device is designed to impact the human body through weak electromagnetic
field with a carrier frequency of 27mgHz and therapeutic impulses in the frequency range
from 0.1 Hz to 10 kHz. Test aim: To evaluate the efficiency of the impact of DETA-AP
on the agents of various pathological diseases of bacterial, viral and fungal origin by
resonance frequencies in the range from 0.1 Hz to 10 kHz. Equipment:
- DETA D device is designed to carry out electroacupuncture diagnosis and vegetal and
resonance tests.
- DETA-PHARMA device, a medical selector designed for medical testing of nosodes,
organic medicine, homeopathic drugs, toxins.
- DETA-AP device.
During this period 43 patients were examined applying vegetal and resonance tests,
among them there are: 25 women and 18 men being from 27 till 65 years old.
The patients were divided into groups according to nosologies:
1 group having pathology of the respiratory system (chronic obstructive bronchitis,
bronchial asthma, silicosis, pneumoconiosis) - 30 patients.
2 group having pathology of the ENT organs (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, frontal
sinusitis) - 11 patients.
3 group having pathology of the genitourinary system (chronic pyelonephritis,
urolithiasis, chronic prostatitis) - 2 patients.
All patients were at the state of subcompensation and unstable remission.
The following agents were detected during the diagnosing procedures:
- The patients of the 1st group had nos. Staphylococcus aureus, nos. Steptococcus
Pneumonie, Staphylo-Streptococcinum, mycoplasma pneumonie, Chlamydia psittaci,
nos. Monilia albicans, nos. Herpes simplex Typ 1, Tubeculinum, Klebsiella Pneumonie.
- The patients of the 2nd group had nos. Staphylococcus aureus, nos Streptococcus
viridans, Staphylo-Streptococcinum, nos Herpes simplex Typ 1, nos. Influenzinum,
- The patients of the 3rd group had nos Streptococcus viridans, nos. Staphylococcus
aureus, nos. Parotitis, nos Herpes progenitalis Typ 2.
All nosodes tested in rarefactions D3 - D6. Further, as a part of the complex of health
resort treatment, sessions of low intensive electromagnetic therapy of resonant
frequencies using DETA-AP device were carried out daily, the number of sessions is 10.
The control over the treatment was carried out after the 5th procedure and at the end of the
As a result of monitoring it was revealed that after the fifth procedure most of the agents
of bacterial origin were no longer tested, and nosodes of viruses and fungi were tested at
higher rarefactions: D 12 - D 30. After a 10-second procedure nosodes of viral and fungal
origin were tested in rarefactions D 100 - D 200, indicating the immunological memory
or the presence of toxins, but not the presence of viruses and fungi in the “living” form.
Some of patients experienced: improving health, less pronounced symptoms of major
diseases, and in the case of diseases of ENT organs, the diseases were cured, none felt.
Conclusions: Clinical tests of DETA-AP device showed the efficiency of treatment of the
diseases of bacterial, viral and fungal origin, which is confirmed by vegetal and
resonance test. This device is recommended for the use solely and as a part of complex
Reflex Therapy Doctor
D.L. Chuvashev