The Soul and its Truth in Koran

The Soul and its Truth in Koran
Dr. Rania Mohammed Aziz Nazmy
Teaching, at Arabic Langrage Department and Literature at Faculty of Arts, -University of Alexandria
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Summary of Research:
We realize that the recent and modern view for explaining Koran seeks for the miraculous
and wondrous nature of the Holy Koran which discovers the abilities of the psychological
Koranic Text, and what it includes from human values which exceed the limits of the Age, its
linguistic environment and its main directions for all people, and there are those who are to be
trusted in informing others, through whom the “ Holy Koran” exists and is not to be copied as
well as a miracle that challenges humankind.
There is a close connection between the literary explanation and the examination of the
psychological, miraculous nature of Koran, since we find that the illustrative explanation has
been related to the basis of the language and the meaning of terms without using basic texts,
differently is the psychological explanation which dispended on the elements of believing and the
aims of emotions as well as the elements of affection and of faith and security, the relation
between them is deep and is far from the artistic change in the Koran, and its illustrative
explanative means expressed in shapes and expressive species seen in emotions of people and in
the mental and psychological meanings.
We can say that there is a relation between the literary explanation for the Koranic Text and
the psychological experience of understanding the Koranic verses .Amen El-Kholy assures that
since the Koran is a guiding and religious method, no one can comment on, except based on a
human psychological policy and its athletically also, Art is the condifidential talk of emotions,
while religion is believing and affecting hearts, its relation to the conscious and affecting souls is
clear without having proof.
Having a good look at Koran and a correct understanding for what is read and its
explanation is based on realizing what has been used from psychological elements on which it
has been attractive, convincing, augmenting, threatening so that this explanation is based on
psychological elements and what old and modern science has reached in this matter. The word “
Soul “ is stated in “ Holy Koran” about (295 Times) in the different verses but in different forms,
it has appeared in a lot of meanings as in the books of “Wgooh and Njear”, after examining
books explaining Mohammed’s Sonna, the researcher finds that the word “ Soul” has came in “
Holy Koran” and Mohammed’s Sonna in different forms:
1- God’s Self
2- Soul
3- Heart
4- Stubbornness
5- Certain Peron
6- Our Religious, Moslems People
7- Yourself and Themselves 8- Blood
9- Eye
10- Human’s Self
11- Human Consciences 12- Man’s body and Soul
Purpose of Study :
1- Proving that the “ Holy Koran” is an open book which treats all recent issues, because it
is God’s Miracle book which will rennin till the end of time and it stresses on the reality
of the soul in some of the verses in “ Koran” .
2- Searching for the core of the soul and the essential nature of it, if a person wanted to be
happy and secure as well as to search in the bottom of human soul, you will find it the
clarity of “ Koran” because it is from which we feel relief.
3- Literary and eloquent writers have competed in describing the merits and favors of the
“Holy Koran”.
4- The scientific secrets in “ Koran “ which is represented in the richness of its meanings.
5- “Koranis Studies” care for the eloquence of explanation and the miraculous style.
6- The “Koranic “ style is related to the realties of human soul.