Questionnaire for prospective employees

Questions for Potential Rehab Assistants at the Canine Fitness Centre Ltd.
1. Name:
2. Do you currently or have you ever owned a dog?
3. If Yes, Please describe your experience in owning a dog and your philosophy
on good dog ownership.
4. Have you worked with animals and specifically dogs in any of your past work
or volunteer jobs / endeavors? (If YES, please describe)
5. We are likely to need assistants to work some evening and rotational
Saturdays. Are you available for those shifts? (Please quantify or qualify
your response – i.e. what is your availability specifically)
6. What is the range of your salary expectations to start?
7. Are you looking for full time or part time work? If part time, how many
hours a week are you interested in working?
8. This can be a physical job – do you have any physical limitations or injuries
that we should know about or that might require job modifications?
9. Do you have experience in working with the public (i.e. any form of public
service work, interacting with customers/clients, dealing with customer
complaints)? If YES, please describe.
10. In your opinion, what makes for good customer service and good customer
11. We look for employees who are avid learners, self-starters, motivated
individuals, who like to work hard but enjoy the environment they are in.
Can you give examples of your life that would demonstrate to us that you
would possess these characteristics?
12. What expectations would YOU have for your employer / employment
13. What are your hobbies and outside interested?
14. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questionnaire – we let you know
shortly should we wish to schedule an in-person interview.