Mathematics Lesson: Year 6 – Fractions decimals and percentages

Mathematics Lesson: Year 6 – Fractions decimals and percentages
Year group: 6
Interactive Whiteboard or visible computer screen.
Prepared exercise for oral and mental starter: ‘Sweet Shop’
Unit Planning Spring Term Unit 5pt.1 ‘Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Interactive Teaching Programmes (updated Nov2003) – Fractions,
downloadable from
Spreadsheet ‘Converting Fractions to Percentages’
Prepared exercise ‘Finding Percentages of Numbers’
PC calculator
Vocabulary: equivalent, percentage, discount
Oral and mental objectives:
To find simple percentages of whole number quantities
Framework reference: Section 6 p.33
Oral and mental activities (from Unit Plans):
Display ‘Sweet Shop Exercise’ on IWB / computer screen /OHP.
Ask – What would the new price of each product be?
What would be the new price if there was 20% discount on each
Use display to invent questions tailored to needs of pupils
Main teaching objectives:
To express simple fractions as decimals and percentages
To find simple percentages of whole number quantities
To develop calculator skills and use a calculator effectively
Framework ref: Section 6 p.33, 71
Main teaching activities:
Display ITP ‘Fractions’ on whiteboard or computer screen
Display three fraction lines showing equivalences between ¼, 0.25 and 25%
Display 3 more fraction lines. Display ¾ on the first line. Invite pupils to
suggest equivalent decimal fraction and percentage before revealing.
Repeat for other simple fractions. Vary the type of fraction displayed first.
Small group work: Using spreadsheet ‘Converting Fractions to Decimals’,
have small groups using PCs to do conversion with possible TA help.
Using PC Calculator, demonstrate how to find percentages using calculator.
Remind pupils how to find estimate of percentage to check against their
calculator answer.
e.g. How can we find 6% of 300?
10% of 300 is 30 and 5% is 15 so 6% should be a bit more.
Give other percentage examples for pupils to find on their calculators.
Display ‘Finding the Percentage of Numbers’. The pupils have to choose a
percentage from the first circle and a number from the second and work out
the answer with a calculator or in their heads.
Collect answers and discuss methods and estimates. Can anyone think of ways
of doing questions mentally where a calculator has been used?
 Write 420 on board.
 What percentages can pupils find in their heads.
 Record.
 Discuss methods used.
 For what percentages would we need to use a calculator?