Warm Chatter Booking script

Warm Chatter Booking script
Hello __________________This is Emily Schuette The person you met at the mall that
was asking you about a portfolio project—do you remember that?? Great, I just wanted to
call you and give you more details like I promised, do you have a minute?
What I’m doing is trying to facial 100 women using our new winter looks. What we do is
get together and we do a skin care consultation, makeover and I give you a ________ gift
certificate for helping me out! The products we use are Mary Kay, have you ever tried
Mary Kay before?? (if she says yes say “if you don’t mind my asking how long ago was
_________do you work full time? Great, I handle these appointments in 2 different ways
and I want it to be really fun for you so whatever would be best for you is fine for me.
One way that I do them is Monday nights at 6:45 at the Eagan Community Center.
There’s other women there, we do skin care, makeovers, eat candy bars, and give away
free stuff, so if you want to get out that’s the place to be! Otherwise if you want
something more individualized I can come out to your home and if you have at least 2
friends join you I double your gift certificate to_________
What do you think would be more fun for you??? Book her
Then say “if you don’t mind what I like to do is send you an e-mail with our appointment
date and time and I’ll also have all my contact information in there so if you need to get a
hold of me you have it”