Jan 2012 - Town of Langdon

Langdon Heritage Commission
Min. January 4, 2012
Quorum in attendance: Caroline Cross, Dennis McClary, Carole A. Centre, Cliff Oster, Katie Gallagher,
Ron Batchelder, Gina Beach
Acknowledge Guests : none
Motion to accept Dec. 2011 min. : Katie, Ron Second all in favor
Treasurer’s Report : Checking account = $19,883.19 , included 2 anonymous donations of $4,000 @ +
$1,000 from McDonald Trust Fund + $500. from town fund
Received a $100. donation from Lucius Fowler
For the next phase of the TH rehab LCHIP will award LHC /town $10,725.
Fall Festival Committee will award LHC $300 for their continued efforts to preserve Langdon’s heritage.
Katie will transfer funds from PayPal account in Jan.
Correspondence: LCHIP phone Dennis on December 13 to inform us of winning our grant for $10,725.
With the winning of the grant LHC has enough funds to put in a mandated bathroom as an approximate
cost of $26,445 .
Carole Anne met with Village Painters on December 30 and Dana Torrey will email the estimates in Jan.
Estimates will be given per side of the building to present to the Select Board. Dana had painting
guideline information regarding historic buildings. Village Painters has lead Paint guidelines booklet.
Andrea will get a letter form the school indicating how many hours the children use the building.
Suzanne Harris contacted LHC & the town for information on her family roots in Langdon. Cliff will do
research on her questions.
Fund raising and activities ; Winter mailer to include invitation to Informational Meeting, Rebecca Rule
event , brochure on Friend of Langdon’s Heritage and Winter Update. Reviewed and okayed by LHC.
Goal to mail during first tow weeks of Jan. 2012. Gina of Aebi Co. generously will print all the brochures,
Katie donated a box of paper. LHC voted on spending funds on the mailer.
Prepare for Informational Meeting on Feb 12 : Dennis will prepare slide show and welcoming
presentation. Discussion of what materials are required for presentation (screen, projector, lap top).
Enlargements of plans, significance of building, old photos of foundation, steeple, rafters, new
foundation and chimney to be displayed. Include information on the communities overall goal of
rehabbing this historic town building that has been rehabilitated with mostly donated or granted funds
in order that it be used by all citizens for traditional town activities. The historic value of the building will
not be compromised in the process. It is our intention to preserve the town’s heritage and promote the
building’s use. Refreshments served. Set up of the building for the event will take place Sunday, Feb 5
2pm. Katie has an old map of Langdon she will display. Rebecca Rule Event Feb. 11; Potluck deserts,
beverages provided by LHC members, selling of raffle tickets for Caroline’s painting, free raffle for
membership to NH historical Society, exhibit of some historical items and items discovered in the dig .
Archival Room Status: Cliff has offered to purchase a scanner for LHC. Cliff suggested a trip to Brown
Computer Systems in Brattleboro to talk with Patrick Brown about selecting an appropriate scanner for
archival needs. Other than a large scanner bed, at least 11” x 17” . The LHC needs to research a system
for scanning and inventorying historic Langdon items in one process. Suggestion to find assistance in
the archiving, possible an intern or eagle scout project. Suggestion to contact Bruce Bellows to see how
Alstead preserves their historic items.
Web Site Status: Carole-Anne will work on updating the home page w/ winter update and 2012 events.
Andrea and Katie will work on FOLH page and add paypal to becoming a member of FOLH.
Old Business: Application for getting the TH on the NH Registry of Historic Buildings still in process,
Andrea and Katie need some information from Dennis before completing.
Moving the safe to the Municipal building will be scheduled in the spring. Old propane toilet removal
will be attempted by Katie and volunteers if possible.
New Business: Gina will review inventory of Town Meeting records to be sure if we have met here each
year, especially between the years of the great renovation, 1849-1853.
During the meeting with Village Painters, it was noted there was a window pane broken on the second
floor and the door sill on the Walker Hill Door should be treated. Carole-Anne will write a not to the
Select Board regarding those repairs.
LHC membership: Alternate members should be considered and confirm non active alternates still
want to remain on commission. Dennis will contact members .