Accents & Syllables

Accents and syllables Spanish
Pronunciation, Syllabification and Accentuation
Rules for pronunciation of words in Spanish.
A. Any word ending in a vowel (a,e,i,o,u) or an ‘n’ or ‘s’ receives the heavy stress in pronunciation
on the SECOND to LAST syllable. Examples: churro, casa, timbre, libros, escriben
B. Any word in Spanish ending in any other consonant receives the heavy stress on the FINAL
syllable. Examples: hablar, carril, tapiz, reloj
C. Words which are pronounced in a way that does not follow the above rules are considered
EXCEPTIONS, and must be written with an accent mark on the syllable receiving the HEAVY
stress. Examples: lápiz, encontré, aquí, mostró, árbol
D. Vowels in Spanish are either strong or weak. A, O and E are called strong and U & I are called
weak vowels. When dividing a word into syllables if it contains two strong vowels together, those
vowels are considered separate syllables. Examples: teatro (te-a-tro), veamos (ve-a-mos),
lean (le-an)
E. If a word contains a combination of a STRONG and a WEAK vowel, or the TWO WEAK vowels
together, the combination is called a dipthong (a combined vowel sound), and is considered a single
syllable. Examples: fie-bre, vie-ne, cuo-ta, trein-ta, cua-les, bai-le, Lui-sa
F. Any word whose normal pronunciation splits the dipthong (by accentuating the weak vowel) must
be written with an accent mark over the weak vowel. This in effect makes the weak vowel a strong
vowel and divides the word into another syllable. Examples: dí-a, le-í-a-mos, ha-cí-an,
G. Any word in Spanish which is pronounced with the heavy stress on the THIRD to LAST syllable
or further to the left in the word MUST ALWAYS carry a written accent. Examples:
có-mi-co, pú-bli-co, rá-pi-da-men-te, hé-ro-e, At-lán-ti-co
1. Divide las palabras que siguen en sílabas por escribirlas separadas por línea diagonal.
Ejemplo: satisfecho > sa / tis / fe / cho También pon un círculo en la sílaba que lleva la
pronunciación fuerte: sa / tis / (fe) / cho (Answers on reverse side.)
1. fiesta
2. fraile
3. atleta
4. paciencia
5. incluir
6. viajero
7. nosotros
8. actitud
9. continuar
2. Algunas de las palabras siguientes necesitan escribirse con acento y otras no. Decídete
cuáles necesitan el acento escrito y ponlo sobre la vocal correcta. (Answers on reverse side.)
1. pagina
2. corregir
6. accion
7. lapiz
11. poesia
12. corrio
3. levantese
8. frio
4. ausente
9. filosofia
13. encontraste
5. obsesion
10. baul
14. escribi
15. caminabamos
Ejercicio 1
1. fies – ta
2. frai – le
3, at – le – ta
6. via – je – ro
7. no – so – tros
4. pa –cien – cia 5. in – cluir
8. ac – ti – tud
9. con – ti – nuar
Ejercicio 2
1. página
9. filosofía
3. levántese
10. baúl
5. obsession
6. acción
11. poesía 12. corrió
7. lápiz
14. escribí
15. caminábamos