Rossett School PTA

Notes of Meeting held on Thursday 26 April 2012
Vic Smith Dunn (Chair), Carol Inglehearn, Tracey Terry, Richard
Terry, Wendy Walker, Angela Thompson, Meriam Hutchinson,
Roger Henderson.
Pat Hunter, John Lawton, Debra de Brunner, Claire Major.
The notes of the meeting held on 29 February 2011 were
agreed as a correct record.
Constitution to be updated.
Posts to be filled at AGM in June include :-
Event Co-ordinator (Merriam Hutchinson indicated she is
prepared to be proposed for this role subject to 2 more to
support her).
Julie Fairweather has indicated that she is prepared to organize
A letter has been received from 6th formers seeking financial
support to take part in a Volunteering project – see PTA
Challenge item below.
The School Update was discussed and included details of the
School Exchanges, New Technologies in use in School, the
positive Ofsted Citizenship Inspection and Events
Copy of the full Update is attached below.
Vic SmithDunn/Deborah
de Brunner
Agreed Bids :- PicoBoards have been paid for.
- The Bridge - £572 for software.
- Textiles - £250 for materials.
- 6th Form - £300 for furnishings.
- Drama - £1,700 for curtains
Further Bids include :- Bid by Business Studies for £400 for SimVenture Business
- Bid by Modern Foreign Languages for £100 for DVD’s.
- Bid by Media Studies for £100 for DVD’s.
- Bid by Art for £257 for new artificial flowers.
- Bid by Art for £250 for new Printing Rollers.
- Bid by PE for £220 for cameras.
- Bid by 2 students currently completing GCSE’s who seek
financial support to take part in a Frontier Volunteering project in
Tanzania– Vic Smith is to discuss with Pat Hunter/John Lawton.
Auction raised approximately £1,170 – Thanks to Philip Mc
Hardy for items.
Bags for School Big Spring Clean – opportunity to clear out
and help fundraising.
50:50 Club now has 112 members. More members are
needed, and renewals will begin to come due in September.
Please sign up through the PTA website.
Giving Machine - £55 earned.
Popcorn Machine - Investigations have been undertaken into
a “Standard” “hire” agreement and guidance from NPTA.
Proposal is for a £25 hire fee + £10 for corn for 100, together
with a £50 deposit.
Possible BBQ & Bingo event in September ?.
If anyone can help with events please enquire or respond
to Vic Smith Dunn (email - ).
School Events Requiring PTA Assistance
To find out when help is needed and to volunteer, please see
the refreshment rota on the PTA website
which is constantly updated.
11 July – Year 6 Parents Evening
14 July – Year 6 Family Learning Day
Newsletter to be circulated shortly.
Further consideration of use of Right Angle to publicise PTA
where appriopriate.
To find out when help is needed and to volunteer, please see
the refreshment rota on the PTA website
which is constantly updated. If you are not already, please sign
up to the website as we use this to keep you informed of what
we are doing and where we need help.
Our June meeting will include the AGM.
Nominations/volunteers are needed for the following roles :Chair:
Vice Chair:
Committee Secretary:
Events Co-ordinator:
Refreshment Co-ord:
Publicity Co-ord:
Health & Safety:
External Funding:
(Currently Vic Smith-Dunn)
(Curr. Deborah de Brunner)
(Volunteer needed)
(Volunteer needed)
(Meriam Hutchinson to consider)
(Curr. Carol Inglehearn/TraceyTerry)
(Curr. Angela Thompson)
(Curr. Louise Longbottom-Smith)
(Curr. Shelley Walker)
Next meeting is at 7.15 for 7.30pm on Tuesday 19 June
2012 and will comprise a short AGM followed by a General
Future dates for meetings for the academic year 2012/13 are
proposed on :Wednesday 12 September 2012
Thursday 15 November 2012
Tuesday 15 January 2013
Wednesday 6 March 2013
Thursday 25 April 2013
Tuesday 11June 2013 (and AGM)
(2nd week of each new term/half term)
PTA Update April 2012
Our USA Exchange partners came over during the Easter Break and returned to the US after
another really successful trip. Our host parents have been fantastic - organising lots of visits and
events and the US partners felt this had been one of the best exchanges in terms of 'matching'
the students and the way in which they all seem to have gelled together as a group.
Plans are underway for the next one (current Y8) being led by Rob Beever (Achievement Coordinator of Year 8 and Kirsty Birkett (a Year 8 form tutor and teacher of Business Studies &
I believe this will be the 25th year of the exchange so there will be some special celebrations to
organise at both ends.
Japan - Kanako Watanabe (member of Rossett staff) was in Japan over Easter visiting her
family and kindly made the long journey from her home town in the South to the North to visit
Ishigami Junior High School. The students and staff have just returned to the building and are
using the money we raised for them to buy in much needed resources. Kanako said that the
area is still quite devastated and it will be a while before we can think of taking our students
there again. However we have agreed that they will come here in November and that we will run
the exchange again for our students in 2013 although not taking the trip to the north but
remaining in Tokyo and Kyoto where they will come and visit us. We are hoping to launch this to
students this week.
Morocco - a small number of students and two staff visited two partner schools in Morocco just
before Easter. Fund raising before they went enabled them to buy stationery for a local primary
school. They were all struck by the relative poverty and the difference that even an ordinary
pencil, that we take for granted, can make to education over there.
Sports tour to Norfolk
A very successful tour with lots of matches played and won and some very tired students (and
staff) after a busy weekend away.
New technologies
We have continued to forge ahead in teaching and learning with our Realsmart site - if you
haven't logged on to it then do so to have a look at what it is:
We are also using twitter @Rossett or @MrsH100 to demonstrate work and give out information.
Following a trial before Easter all staff now have ipads and we are sharing information with each
other as to the best apps and ways to use them in the classroom to improve teaching and
Ofsted Citizenship Inspection
I am delighted to report that during a recent Citizenship themed Ofsted inspection, the inspector
commented that respect for diversity and the urge to help others in the local, national and global
community are at the heart of what we do. She observed for herself that citizenship was 'Not a
subject but an ethos'. She noted the positive impact of the Listeners as well as the work we are
doing with Stonewall as a lead school for anti homophobic bullying.
We are really proud that she was so impressed, that a return visit is planned to gather more
details for the Ofsted good practice web site.
Events this term (or some of them)
26 April
Performing Arts examination at Seven Arts in Leeds
2 May
Senior Concert -Pavilions - Harrogate
8 May
Oxbridge talk for G& T students from visiting professor
11 May
Y12 study leave commences
30 May
Y13 last day
1 June
Y11study leave commences
18-22 June Olympic week at Rossett - various events all week including - sports event for over
600 primary students here organised by our Young Sports Leaders, Olympic Torch coming
through Harrogate (arrangements tbc) and our Sports day
Summer Spectacular - Royal Hall
Music tour
Rossett Independence Day - more details later - aimed at helping our students to become more
independent learners
staff training day
India trip departs
Family Learning Day (for Y6 students coming to Rossett)
20 June 28 June 3 July
6 July 13 July 14 July
Pat Hunter
April 2012