Grandfather Mountain Topographic Mountain Activity

Grandfather Mountain Topographic Mountain Activity
1. If you were at the “X” at the bottom of the page, draw in the route you would take to each of the peaks marked
with a triangle. Use a dashed line and draw in a trail that would be the easiest route. You should have three
separate trails.
2. Name each of the Mountains, be sure to put it well out of the way of your trails.
3. Describe the trails you have made to each peak in terms of elevation and difficulty.
4. Now using one of the trails you have already create, make a trail that would allow you to hike to all three peaks
and back to your starting point (a loop trail)
5. Describe this route in terms of elevation and difficulty.
6. Using a third color (preferably a light one…like yellow) shade in the valleys.
7. Trace rivers and creeks in blue.
8. Place a blue “W” for where there might be a waterfall.
9. Place a red “X” on any areas that would require rock climbing.
10. Place a triangle on the top of each peak you can find. There should be more than ten when you are finished.
11. Use brown to highlight dirt roads.
12. Using the color you drew your trails in, highlight existing trails.
13. This map is using 50 foot contour intervals. Estimate the hight of each peak you drew a triangle on.
14. Find the Parkway and highlight it in purple.
15. Calculate the distance of all trails and write the distance next to the trail on the map.
Grandfather Mountain Topographic Mountain Activity
1. If you were at the “X” at the bottom of the page, draw in the route you would take to each of the peaks marked
with a triangle. Use a dashed line and draw in a trail that would be the easiest route. You should have three
separate trails.
2. Name each of the Mountains, be sure to put it well out of the way of your trails.
3. Describe the trails you have made to each peak in terms of elevation and difficulty.
4. Now using one of the trails you have already create, make a trail that would allow you to hike to all three peaks
and back to your starting point (a loop trail)
5. Describe this route in terms of elevation and difficulty.
6. Using a third color (preferably a light one…like yellow) shade in the valleys.
7. Trace rivers and creeks in blue.
8. Place a blue “W” for where there might be a waterfall.
9. Place a red “X” on any areas that would require rock climbing.
10. Place a triangle on the top of each peak you can find. There should be more than ten when you are finished.
11. Use brown to highlight dirt roads.
12. Using the color you drew your trails in, highlight existing trails.
13. This map is using 50 foot contour intervals. Estimate the hight of each peak you drew a triangle on.
14. Find the Parkway and highlight it in purple.
15. Calculate the distance of all trails and write the distance next to the trail on the map.