
<Workform Definition>"Abstract","Author(s)","---","---","Title","---","---","--","---","---","Journal Title","---","Reprint Status","---","---","---","---","--","---","---","Date of Publication","---","Volume ID","---","Issue
ID","Page(s)","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Art Work","Artist","Artist Role","--","Title/Subject","Medium","Connective Phrase","Author, Monographic","Author
Role","Title, Monographic","---","---","Reprint Status","---","---","Edition","--","---","Place of Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","---","--","---","---","Location in Work","---","---","Size","---","---","---","Series
Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Audiovisual Material","Author, Analytic","Author Role","--","Title, Analytic","Medium Designator","Connective Phrase","Author,
Monographic","Author Role","Title, Monographic","---","---","Reprint Status","--","---","Edition","Author, Subsidiary","Author Role","Place of
Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","---","Volume ID","---","--","Location in Work","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","Size","---","Series
Editor","Series Editor Role","Series Title","Series Volume ID","Series Issue
ID","---","Connective Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","--","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Bill-Resolution","Author(s)","---","---","Act Name","--","---","---","---","---","---","---","Reprint Status","---","---","---","--","---","Code","---","Date of Code","Date","Bill/Res Number","---","--","Section(s)","---","---","---","---","---","---","History","---","---","--","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Analytic","Medium Designator","Connective Phrase","Author, Monographic","Author
Role","Title, Monographic","---","---","Reprint Status","---","---","Edition","--","---","Place of Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","--","Volume ID","---","Issue ID","Page(s)","---","---","---","---","Series
Editor","Series Editor Role","Series Title","Series Volume
Identification","Series Issue Identification","---","Connective
Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Monographic","Author Role","Title, Monographic","---","---","Reprint Status","--","---","Edition","Author, Subsidiary","Author Role","Place of
Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","Date of Copyright","Volume
ID","---","Issue ID","Page(s)","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","---","--","Series Editor","Series Editor Role","Series Title","Series Volume ID","--","---","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","--","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Status","---","---","---","---","---","Place of Publication","Publisher
Name","Date of Publication","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","--","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Book Whole","---","---","---","---","---","---","Author,
Monographic","Author Role","Title, Monographic","---","Translated
Title","Reprint Status","---","---","Edition","Author, Subsidiary","Author
Role","Place of Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","Original
Pub Date","Volume ID","---","---","---","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","--","---","Series Editor","Series Editor Role","Series Title","Series Volume
ID","---","---","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","--","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Title","Computer Program","Connective Phrase","Author/Programmer","Author
Role","---","---","Title","Reprint Status","---","---","Version","---","--","Place of Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","Date of
Copyright","---","Report ID","---","---","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","--","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","Connective
Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","--","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Role","Author Affiliation","Paper/Section Title","Medium Designator","Connective
Phrase","Editor/Compiler","Editor/Compiler Role","Proceedings Title","---","--","Date of Meeting","Place of Meeting","---","---","---","---","Place of
Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","Date of Copyright","Volume
ID","---","---","Location in Work","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","---","--","Series Editor","Series Editor Role","Series Title","Series Volume ID","--","---","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","--","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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(Data File)","Connective Phrase","Editor/Compiler","Editor/Compiler
Role","Title, Monographic","---","---","Reprint Status","---","---","Version","--","---","Place of Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","---","--","---","---","Location in Work","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","---","--","---","---","Series Title","Series Volume ID","---","---","Connective
Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Analytic","Medium Designator","---","---","---","---","---","---","Reprint
Status","---","---","---","---","---","Place of Publication","University","Date
of Publication","Date of Copyright","---","---","---","---","Extent of
Work","Packaging Method","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","Connective Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Status","---","---","Edition","---","---","---","Publisher Name","Last
Update","Access Date","Volume ID","---","---","Page(s)","---","---","---","--","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Message","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","---","---","---","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Analytic","---","---","Author, Monographic","---","Title, Monographic","Journal
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Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","Date of Copyright","Volume
ID","---","Issue ID","Location in Work","---","---","---","---","Series
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ID","Location in Work","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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of Publication","---","Volume ID","---","Issue ID","---","Extent of
Work","Packaging Method","---","Frequency of Publication","---","---","---","--","---","---","Connective
Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","CODEN","ISSN","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Status","---","---","---","---","---","Place of Publication","---","Date of
Letter","---","---","---","---","---","Extent of Letter","Packaging Method","--","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","Connective
Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Publication","Date of Copyright","Volume ID","---","Issue ID","Page(s)","---","--","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Analytic","Medium Designator","Connective Phrase","---","---","Collection
Title","---","---","Reprint Status","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","Date of Publication","---","---","---","---","Location in Work","Extent of
Work","Packaging Method","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","Document
Type","Connective Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","Date of Copyright","---","--","---","---","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","Size","Scale","---","--","Series Title","Series Volume ID","Series Issue ID","---","Connective
Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Monographic","Author Role","Title, Monographic","---","---","Reprint Status","--","---","Edition","---","---","Place of Publication","Publisher Name","Date of
Publication","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","---","---","---","---","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","--","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Publication","Distributor","Date of Publication","---","---","---","---","--","Timing","Packaging Method","Size","---","---","---","Series Title","---","--","---","Connective Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","--","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Music Score","Composer","Composer Role","---","Title,
Analytic","Medium Designator","Connective
Phrase","Editor/Compiler","Editor/Compiler Role","Title, Monographic","---","--","Reprint Status","---","Medium Designator","Edition","Author,
Subsidiary","Author Role","Place of Publication","Publisher Name","Date of
Publication","Copyright Date","Volume ID","Report ID","Plate Number","Location
in Work","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","---","---","Series Editor","Series
Editor Role","Series Title","Series Volume ID","Series Issue ID","--","Connective Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","--","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","---","Section","--","Column Number","Page(s)","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","---","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
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Journal Date","Country","Document Type","Patent Number","---","---","Abstract
Journal Title","---","Date of Patent Issue","Application No./Date","Abstract
Journal Volume","---","Abstract Journal Issue","Abstract Journal
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Monographic","Author Role","Report Title","---","---","Reprint Status","---","--","Edition","Author, Subsidiary","Author Role","Place of
Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","---","---","Report ID","--","---","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","---","---","---","---","Series
Title","Series Volume ID","Series Issue ID","---","Connective
Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","CODEN","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Sound Recording","Composer","Composer Role","---","Title,
Analytic","Medium Designator","Connective
Phrase","Editor/Compiler","Editor/Compiler Role","Recording Title","---","--","Reprint Status","---","---","Edition","Performer","Performer Role","Place of
Publication","Publisher Name","Date of Publication","Date of
Copyright","Acquisition Number","Matrix Number","---","---","Extent of
Work","Packaging Method","Size","Reproduction Ratio","---","---","Series
Title","---","---","---","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","--","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Statute","Author(s)","---","---","Statute Title","---","--","---","---","---","---","---","Reprint Status","---","---","---","---","--","Code","---","Date of Publication","Date","Title/Code Number","---","--","Section(s)","---","---","---","---","---","---","History","---","---","--","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Trade Catalog","Catalog Author","---","---","Catalog
Title","Medium Designator","---","---","---","---","---","---","Reprint
Status","---","---","Edition","---","---","Place of Publication","Publisher
Name","Date of Publication","---","Catalog Number","---","Issue ID","--","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","---","Connective Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Unenacted Bill-Resolution","Author(s)","---","---","Act
Title","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","Reprint Status","---","---","--","---","---","Code","---","Date of Code","Date","Bill/Res Number","---","--","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","History","---","---","---","--","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Unpublished Work","Author(s)","---","---","Title","---","--","Editor(s)","---","---","---","---","Reprint Status","---","---","---","--","---","---","---","Date of Publication","Date of Copyright","---","---","--","Page(s)","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Video Recording","Author, Analytic","---","---","Title,
Analytic","Medium Designator","---","Producer","Producer Role","---","---","--","Reprint Status","---","---","---","Director","Director Role","Place of
Publication","Distributor","Date of Publication","---","---","---","---","--","Extent of Work","Packaging Method","Size","---","---","---","Series Title","--","---","---","Connective Phrase","Address/Availability","Location/URL","--","---","ISBN","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
<Workform Definition>"Web Page","Author(s)","Author Role","Author
Status","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","Date of Publication","Date of
Access","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","--","---","---","---","Address/Availability","Location/URL","---","---","--","Notes","Abstract","Call Number","Keywords"
"Ballesteros, E. //Sanson, M. //Reyes, J. //Afonso-Carillo, J. //GilRodríguez ,M. C." ""
"Bot. Mar." ""
"35" ""
"Yoshida, T. //Nakajima, Y. //Nakata, Y." ""
"Jap. J. Phycol." ""
"38" ""
"Christensen, T." ""
"Bot. Tidssk."
"19" "69" ""
"Christensen, T." ""
"Bot. Tidssk."
"52" ""
"Sears, J.R. //Wilce, R.T."
"Ecological Monographs" ""
"45" ""
"John, D. M. //Pugh, J. A. //Tittley, I." ""
"Bull. nat. Hist. Mus.
Lond. (Bot.)"
"24" ""
"Price, J. H. //Tittley, I." ""
"Proc. int. Seaweed Symp."
"Autor(Tittley)" ""
"Stegenga, H. // Mol, I."
"Acta Bot Neerl" ""
"32" ""
"Otten, B. G. //Prud' homme van Reine, W.- F." ""
"Gorteria" ""
"18" ""
"Koster, J. Th." ""
"Acta Bot Neerl" ""
"Benhissoune, S. //Boundouresque, C. -F. //Verlaque ,M."
Mar." ""
"44" ""
"Hardy F. G. //Scott G. W."
"Transactions of the Natural history
society of Northumbria, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Hancock Museum"
"57" ""
"Neto, A. I. //Cravo, D. C. //Haroun, R. T."
"Bot. Mar." ""
"44" ""
"Yakovleva, T. A."
"Bot. Journal"
"81" ""
"Brady,G. S."
"Transaction of the Tyneside Naturalists Field
Club" ""
"Tittley, I. //Farnham, W."
"Fauna and flora of the Atlantic
islands, Proceedings of the 3rd symposium - partb, Arquipélago life and marine
science, Ponta Delgada" ""
"Brattegard, T. //Holthe, T." ""
"Research report for DN No.1997-1" ""
"Wynne, M. J. //Heine, J. N." ""
"Nova Hedwigia"
"55" ""
"Tittley, I. //Price, J. H." ""
"Transactions of the kent field club"
"Stegenga, H. //Mol, I. //Prud'homme van Reine, W. F. //Lokhorst, G. M"
"Gorteria" ""
"Supplement 4"
"Nielsen, R."
"Schr. Landschaftspflege Naturschutz"
"72" ""
"Nielsen, R. //Gunnarsson, K."
"49" ""
"Gallardo T. //Cobelas M. A." ""
"Actas simposio Espanol de estudios
antarticos" ""
"Conde, F. //Gallardo, T."
"Actas simposio Espanol de estudios
antarticos" ""
"Gallardo T. //Cobelas M. A." ""
"Actas simposio Espanol de estudios
antarticos" ""
"Kukk, H." ""
"Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Ecol." ""
"Garcia, T.G //Garreta, A. G. //Siguán, M.A.R. //Cobelas, M.A. //Poyales,
F.C." ""
"Sørensen, J. //Brunster, G. //Gunnarson, K. //Nielsen, R."
"48" ""
"Izquierdo, J. L. //Navarro, M. J. //Gallardo, T."
"18" ""
"Gallardo t. //Garreta A. G. //Ribera M. A. //Furnari G. //Giaccone G.
//Boudiuresque Ch. F." ""
"Bot. Mar." ""
"36" ""
"Ribera,M. A. //Garreta, A. G. //Gallardo, T. //Cormaci, M. //Furnari,
//Giaccone, G."
"Bot. Mar." ""
"35" ""
"Kylin H." ""
"Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift"
"Schories, D. // Albrecht, A. // Lotze, H."
" 51
"Knowledge on the distribution,
abundance and species richness of
intertidal macroalgae occurring on sandy and muddy flats of the
German Wadden Sea is still incomplete. We summarize published and
unpublished information available on the presence of macroalgae on
the on tidal flats of Koenigshafen Bay (island of Sylt, North
Sea), one of the more extensively studied areas of the Wadden Sea.
A total of 46 green algal species, 36 brown algal species and 26
red algal species has been recorded within the last 120 years on
soft and hard substrata of Koenigshafen Bay (disregarding species
found unattached or drifting). Several of these species were only
temporarily resident on the tidal flats. Today, at least 35 green,
15 brown and 12 red algal species occur within or close to
Koenigshafen Bay. Significant long-term changes in species
abundances have occurred in all three major groups of algae: Since
the late 1970s, dense green algal mats dominated by Enteromorpha
flexuosa, E. radiata and E. prolifera have occurred regularly on
the intertidal flats, whereas a general decrease of brown and red
algae has been documented. Two red algal species, Gracilaria
verrucosa and its epiphyte Callithamnion corymbosum, were
conspicuous members of the macro-flora until the middle of this
century. Although still present in the 1980s, they have now
disappeared completely. On the other hand, the brown alga
Sargassum muticum has begun to colonize mussel beds. The causal
background of long-term changes in the macroalgal flora of
Koenigshafen Bay is discussed. Owing to substantial nomenclatural
changes during the last 120 years, a revised species list with
authors' names and synonyms is included.
"Reinke, J."
"Atlas deutscher Meeresalgen, Parey Verlag,
Berlin, Hpft 1"
"Reinke, J."
"Atlas deutscher Meeresalgen, Parey Verlag,
Berlin, Bd. 2"
"Whyte, R. S. //Francko, D. A."
"Lakes and "
"Lakes and Reservoir
management: an intern. journal of the North American" ""
"Coppejans, E."
"Bull. Soc.Roy. Bot. Belg."
"113" ""
"Porphyra" ""
"Selivanova, O. N. //Zhigadlova, G. G. " ""
"Botanica Marina. "
"40" ""
"Floristic investigations on the shelf of the Commander
Islands revealed 32 species of Phaeophyta, with 6 being recorded for the first
time. Nomenclature and taxonomy have been brought up to date. Most previous
records have been confirmed, but some species are excluded from the flora.
Alaria esculenta, Laminaria digitata and Fucus inflatus are considered to occur
only in the Atlantic. Nereocystis luetkeana not present as attracted
populations. The presence of Costaria costata needs to be verified."
"Clarke, K. R. //Warwick, R. M. " ""
"Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser." ""
"216" ""
"A further biodiversity index is proposed, based on taxonomic
(or phylogenetic) relatedness of species, namely the 'variation in taxonomic
distinctness' (VarTD, Lambda super(+)) between every pair of species recorded in
a study. It compliments the previously defined 'average taxonomic distinctness'
(AvTD, Delta super(+)), which is the mean path length through the taxonomic tree
connecting every pair of species in the list. VarTD is simply the variance of
these pairwise path lengths and reflects the unevenness of the taxonomic tree.
For example, a species list in which there are several different orders
represented only by a single species, but also some genera which are very
species-rich, would give a high Lambda super(+) by comparison with a list (of
equivalent Delta super(+)) in which all species tended to be from different
families but the same order. VarTD is shown to have the same desirable sampling
properties as AvTD, primarily a lack of dependence of its mean value on the
sample size (except for unrealistically small samples). Such unbiasedness is of
crucial importance in making valid biodiversity comparisons between studies at
different locations or times, with differing or uncontrolled degrees of sampling
effort. This feature is emphatically not shared by indices related to species
richness and also not by properties of the phylogeny adapted from proposals in
other, conservation contexts, such as 'average phylogenetic diversity' (AvPD,
Phi super(+)). As with AvTD, the VarTD statistic for any local study can be
tested for 'departure from expectation', based on a master taxonomy for that
region, by constructing a simulation distribution from random subsets of the
master list. The idea can be extended to summarizing the joint distribution of
AvTD and VarTD, so that values from real data sets are compared with a fitted
simulation 'envelope' in a 2 d ( Delta super(+), Lambda super(+)) plot. The
methodology is applied to 14 species lists of free-living marine nematodes, and
related to a master list for UK waters. The combination of AvTD and VarTD picks
out, in different ways, some degraded locations (low Delta super(+), low to
normal Lambda super(+)) and the pristine island fauna of the Scillies (normal
Delta super(+), high Lambda super(+)). The 2 indices are also demonstrated to be
measuring effectively independent features of the taxonomic tree, at least for
this faunal group (although it is shown theoretically that this will not always
be the case). The combination of Delta super(+) and Lambda super(+) is therefore
seen to provide a statistically robust summary of taxonomic (or phylogenetic)
relatedness patterns within an assemblage, which has the potential to be applied
to a wide range of historical data in the form of simple species lists."
"nur Zitat" ""
"Journal, Article"
"Anderson, R. J.//Mckune, C.//Bolton, J. J.//Declerck,
O.//Tronchin, E." ""
"African Journal of Marine Science" ""
"27" ""
seaweed communities of the northern coast of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) have not been
studied before. At Sodwana Bay, we tested the hypotheses that the seaweed
communities would (1) differ floristically with depth, (2) be more species-rich
in shallower water, (3) show similar biomasses within the depth range sampled
and (4) be affected (biomass and/or species composition) by sand. Samples were
collected (using SCUBA) from reefs ('sites') at depths of about 1m, 7m, 10m, 15m
and 26m. Each sample comprised all macroscopic (non-crustose) seaweeds within a
25cm x 25cm quadrat (five quadrats per depth). Environmental factors, including
percentage sand cover and depth, were recorded. The seaweed communities were
mainly compact turfs; a total of 82 Rhodophyta, 14 Chlorophyta and eight
Phaeophyta were recorded. Ordination (canonical correspondence analysis) and
classification (Twinspan) of the data showed clear differences in the floristic
composition (either as species biomass or presence/absence) with depth, mainly
between shallow subtidal communities (0.5-1.0m depth) and those at intermediate
depths (5.5-15.0m), followed by the deepest communities (25.7-29.0m) and those
at intermediate depths. The shallow samples showed the greatest species
diversity. Total seaweed biomass decreased significantly with depth and
percentage bare (seaweed-free) substratum increased significantly with depth,
possibly because of lower wave action, light penetration, or different grazing
patterns. Sand (as percentage sand cover) also affected seaweed community
composition, but this showed no pattern with depth. The algal communities on
these reefs at Sodwana Bay showed exceptional a-diversity, with 104 taxa (> 20%
of the recorded KZN flora) occurring in the total sample area of only 1.56m(2).
The seaweed communities of northern KZN are structurally and floristically
similar to those of other tropical coral reefs around the world."
"Journal, Article"
"Vermeersch, S.//De Genst, W.//Vermoesen, F.//Triest,
"198" ""
"TWINSPAN is a widely applied method for
hierarchical classification. Particular options such as the minimum group size,
the maximum split levels and both the amount and score of cut levels to be used
are left to the judgement of the researcher. When using small and homogeneous
data sets, the score assigned to the cut levels can be derived from intermediate
transformations of the cover-abundance values, rather than transformations
obtained with a strong weighting on presence, or an emphasis on dominance. Our
research question is to know whether these coefficients have the same robustness
for more heterogeneous and larger data sets. with a large amount of transition
communities. A comparison was made between five different sets of cut levels in
order to determine I he most effective one for the classification of data on a
floristic gradient. The analysed cut level sets differed in the number of cut
levels and in the weight provided to the cover-abundance coefficients. The
classifications resulting from the different sets of cut levels were compared,
by determining the amount of identical associations that were clustered
together, by visualising the results of the different cut level types through
DCA, by comparing the correlations between the median values of the abiotic
factors in each TWINSPAN group and DCA-values of the first axis of the different
cut level types. The analysis showed that the cut level types in particular
derived from the original values of the Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance
coefficients, reflect best the floristic gradient and the underlying structure
of the data. Results on heterogeneous data sets are complementary to the
previous findings in literature where better results were achieved with a
combined transformation for more homogeneous data sets."
"nur Zitat" ""
"Journal, Article"
"Leliaert, F.//Anderson, R. J.//Bolton, J.
J.//Coppejans, E."
"Botanica Marina" ""
2000" "43" ""
"The subtidal
understorey seaweed communities were studied along a coastal distance of 104 km
around the Cape Peninsula, which is situated in an overlap region between two
marine provinces and characterized by a considerable temperature gradient.
Sampling was carried out at six sites (4 to 10 quadrats per site) around the
Cape Peninsula. For each of the quadrats, biomass of each species, grazing, and
environmental variables such as temperature, wave exposure and sand cover were
determined. The data were analysed using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA)
and two way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). A total of 142 seaweed taxa
were found at the six sites (21 Chlorophyta, 14 Phaeophyta and 107 Rhodophyta).
The two sides of the Peninsula have a very different biomass-composition of
Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta. The biomass of Rhodophyta in the
Atlantic sites is much higher than in the Bay, and the biomass of Chlorophyta is
higher in False Bay than on the west coast. A change in floristic composition of
subtidal algal communities around the Cape Peninsula can be observed and is
principally related to seawater temperature and wave exposure. Next to these
physical factors, grazing is demonstrated to be important in determining species
composition. A lower degree of wave exposure might result in a higher number of
grazers in False Bay. The occurrence of a higher cover of encrusting corallines
in the Bay is probably a consequence of the higher grazing pressure. Distinct
community types can be recognized from TWINSPAN and CCA." "nur Zitat" ""
"Journal, Article"
"Tittley, I.//Neto, A. I.//Farnham, W. F.//Parente, M.
"Botanica Marina" ""
"May 2001" "44" ""
"Ten species of benthic marine algae,
new distribution records for the Azores achipelago, are itemised; two other
species records (Heterosiphonia crispella and Laminaria ochroleuca) are
confirmed for the islands. Six species (Bryopsis pennata, Cottoniella
filamentosa, Dasya baillouviana, Feldmannia paradoxa, Heterosiphonia crispella
and Lonlentaria clavellosa) show an amphi-Atlantic distribution pattern; four
(Bonnemaisonia asparagoides, Laminaria ochroleuca, Pterosphonia ardreana and
Stylonema cornu-cervi) show a European-African-Mediterranean distribution
pattern. The occurrence of Dudresnaya crassa, a western Atlantic warm-water
species, represents an extension of its known distributional range to the east.
hn Ahnfeltiopsis was found which resembled A. intermedia, a species that occurs
in the Atlantic Ocean to the south of the Azores."
"Wells, E.//Wilkinson, M.//Wood, P.//Scanlan, C."
Pollution Bulletin"
"55" ""
"The EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) suggests using abundance and
species composition of intertidal seaweed communities for ecological quality
classification of rocky seashores. There are two difficulties with this.
According to WFD all sensitive species should be present on a shore. There is no
accepted list of sensitive seaweed species and those which may be sensitive in
one location may not be so in another. Second, natural successions can result in
very large abundance changes of common species, e.g. from almost completely
fucoid-dominated shores to almost totally barnacle-dominated shores, without any
change in ecological quality. Studies have shown that numerical species
richness, not the list of actual species present, is broadly constant in the
absence of disturbance. The ephemeral species, possibly the sensitive members of
the community, change regularly in such a way as to conserve species richness.
It is proposed that species richness on a defined length of shore be used as a
criterion of ecological quality. A database of species found on over 300 shores
in the British Isles, under strictly controlled sampling conditions, has given
ranges of values of species richness to be expected and has allowed for
variations in these values due to sub-habitat variability, wave exposure and
turbidity to be factored in. A major problem in applying such a tool is the lack
of expertise of many workers in critical identification of seaweed species. A
reduced species list has been extracted from the database using species commonly
present and identifiable with reasonable certainty. A numerical index of
ecological quality is proposed based on scores for various aspects of the
physical nature of the habitat combined with a score for species richness which
may be based on the reduced species list. The scoring system also uses further
aspects of community structure, such as ecological status groups and the
proportions of rhodophyta, chlorophyta and opportunist species. For this system
to be effective there has to be close control of the way in which sampling is
carried out to ensure a uniform level of thoroughness."
"Kusakin, O. G." ""
"Russian Journal of Marine Biology" ""
"28" ""
"Kashenko, N. V." ""
"Russian Journal of Marine Biology" ""
"28" ""
"Selivanova, O. N."
"83" ""
" Zinova"
"Frudy Leningradskago Obscesteva Estestvoispytatelej" ""
"60" ""
" Zinova"
"Frudy Leningradskago Obscesteva Estestvoispytatelej" ""
"60" ""
"Norton, T. A. //Milburn, J. A."
"40" ""
"Holt, G. " ""
"37" ""
"Wallentinus, I." ""
from the Askö laboratory"