
Adem UZUN Ph.D., Asst. Prof. Aysan ŞENTÜRK
Uludag University, Computer Education and Instructional Technologies,
The purpose of this study was to analyze learners’ needs for Computer Literacy Course and develop some teaching strategies for this course.
The needs analysis of the learners concerns their expectations about course content, learning environment, teaching methods chosen by
instructor and materials used in instruction. The study was conducted during the fall semester of 2006-2007 academic year. 176 randomly
selected students from Uludag University Faculty of Education participated to this study. An instructional design based on Dick and Carey
Instructional Design Model was developed for Computer Literacy Course in education faculties. A needs analysis questionnaire concerning
teaching environment, teaching methods and content for the Computer Literacy Course was given the students. Data was collected from
electronic form located on a web site. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data. According to the frequency analysis of the questions
in needs analysis questionnaire, pupils believed that, instruction must be learner centered. They think that teachers must be aware of subjects
that pupils want to learn, teachers must be careful about individual differences of pupils, pupils’ active participation is very important,
collaboration and cooperation must be considered by teachers and subjects must be applicable in their daily lives. Pupils believed that all of
the subjects of Computer Literacy Course are important for them. They were asked if there is any other subject to add course’s content, but
they didn’t suggest any other subjects.
Keywords: Needs Analysis, Needs Assessment, Instructional Design, Dick and Carey Instructional Design Model
design and development of learning materials necessititates
careful accounting of student needs and learning styles and
thus requires flexibility of materials and diversity of
presentations in order to engage and stimulate each
student’s interest (Harman, 2007).
Recently a paradigm shift in education has happened. This
paradigm shift introduced a new concept called LearnerCenteredness. The new concept has changed the definition
of teaching and learning. In a learner-centered environment,
learner should be given an opportunity to process
information, solve problems and make decisions at his/her
own. In this process, the knowledge is not imparted to the
learner but acquired by him/her through an open enquiry
process. We need to know more about the learners’ needs
before designing the instruction in order to achieve a
learner-centered environment.
Needs assessment should result in a definition of the exact
problem. There should be clear distinction between “What
is” and “What should be”. The real problem must be
identified. Sometimes symptoms are addressed instead of
what is actually causing the problem (Fenrich, 2005).
Technological improvements have provided us the use of
variety of media, such as web-based supplementary
audio-visual materials,
instructional programs, in today’s traditional and web based
learning environments (Mutiara, Zuhairi, & Kurniati, 2007).
The use of various media in instruction should enable the
students various learning experiences. Although technology
is an integral part of an instructional design, any successful
learning environment must focus on the instructional needs
of students, rather then on the technology itself.
Needs analysis is one of the major components of every
instructional design model. Özen (2008) states that when
the literature is examined, it can be seen that needs
analysis is considered as an important, essential and
necessary phase, stage and component of an instructional
design. During needs analysis phase you must define the
problem, identify the source of the problem and determine
possible solutions. Therefore needs analysis phase is the
foundation for all other phases of instructional design
process. The outputs of this phase often include list of tasks
that must be instructed and instructional goals. Needs
assessment is the formal process of identifying
discrepancies between current outcomes and desired
outcomes for an organization. Instructional design starts
with needs assessment.
Several instructional design models have been suggested in
the literature. Most of these models offer the core elements
of a basic model known as ADDIE: analyze learners’
training needs through needs assessment, design
instruction through writing measurable learning objectives,
develop training materials for teachers and learners,
implement training in settings for which the instruction was
developed, and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction
through formative and summative evaluations. The Dick and
Carey model prescribes a methodology for designing
instruction based on a reductionist model of breaking
instruction down into smaller components. Dick, Carey, &
Carey (2005) state that learning is a systematic process in
which every component is crucial to successful learning.
Components such as instructor, learners, materials,
instructional activities, delivery system and learning and
performance environments interact with each other to bring
about the desired student learning outcomes. Dick and
The needs analysis process is a series of activities
conducted to identify problems or other issues in the
workplace and to determine whether training is an
appropriate response. A need analysis is usually the first
step in order to make an effective change in an education
environment. This is because a need analysis defines the
gaps between current and desired situation (Mc Ardle,
Instructional design methodologies begin with the analysis
of learners and learning environment and proceed to clarify
the desired objectives of the learning process. The phase of
interconnected steps:
In order to analyze learner needs, a questionnaire
concerning teaching environment, teaching methods and
content for the Computer Literacy Course was administered
to the students. Expert opinion was obtained to sustain
content and face validity. Twenty close-ended and two
open-ended questions were determined after the
discussions with the subject-matter experts.
Identify Instructional Goals
Conduct Instructional Analysis
Analyze Learners and Contexts
Write Performance Objectives
Develop Assessment Instruments
Develop Instructional Strategy
Develop and Select Instructional Materials
Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation of
Revise Instruction
Design and Conduct Summative Evaluation
Data was collected at the beginning of the Computer
Literacy Course via a web site designed for this course.
SPSS 15.0 for Windows was used for data analysis.
Percentages of Needs Analysis Questionnaire regarding
students’ needs for Computer Literacy Course were shown
in Table 1. This questionnaire includes answers of two
questions stated in Purpose of Study section.
First three steps of the model are related with the needs
analysis. The instructional goal may be derived from a list of
goals, from a performance analysis, from a needs
assessment, from practical experience with learner
difficulties of the students, from the analysis of people who
are doing a job, from some other requirement for new
instruction. This is followed by instructional analysis which
clarifies what people are doing when they perform that goal.
In the third step, the analysis of learners takes place and
context including learners’ current skills, preferences, needs
and attitudes. As mentioned before, Dick and Carey
Instructional Design Model is a systematic model. Therefore
each step is crucial to successful learning but needs
analysis phase is one of the most important components of
instructional design model.
Findings regarding the first research question
First research question was “What are the expectations of
the students from learning environment and what are the
expectations of the students from teaching methods used by
Results showed us that nearly 90 percent of students
agreed with all of the items given in the questionnaire
between 1 and 7. Students believed that their opinion about
the contents of the course should be considered and the
subjects in the course should be revised according to their
thoughts and needs before the instruction (%39 agreed,
%51 completely agreed). Learning activities should be
designed in order to be learner-centered (%48 agreed, %43
completely agreed). Teaching methods should be chosen by
taking students’ preferences, needs and individual
differences into account (%39 agreed, %55 completely
agreed). Students’ active participation should be provided
by instructor (%51 agreed, %40 completely agreed).
Samples given in the lessons should be related with the real
world problems (%39 agreed, %55 completely agreed).
Students should be encouraged in order to make group
work to solve problems given to them in the classroom (%59
agreed, %33 completely agreed). Teaching methods should
enable students to communicate with each other effectively
in order to solve problems given to them in the classroom
(%55 agreed, %40 completely agreed). They thought that
computers can be learnt by doing pointing out that
Computer Literacy Course should be instructed in laboratory
(% 65 of them have chosen “Applied in laboratories on 8.
item of questionnaire).
Students believed that class
shouldn’t be crowded and instructor plays most important
role in their success for Computer Literacy Course.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to identify students’ needs about
Computer Literacy Course given to them in Uludag
University Faculty of Education. After making appointments
with subject-matter experts, it is decided that, there are
some performance problems of students about Computer
Literacy Course. Problems are mostly because of students’
individual differences such as prior knowledge or needs.
Therefore a need for a new instructional design occurred.
Dick and Carey Instructional Design Model was selected
because it is a widely used model and since it is systematic
model. First thing to do was needs analysis in this model. In
order to achieve this purpose, research questions were
constructed as follows:
1- What are the expectations of the students from learning
environment and what are the expectations of the students
from teaching methods used by instructor?
2- What are the needs of students for context of Computer
Literacy Course? Is it different from predefined computer
literacy concepts in this course?
The study was conducted during the fall semester of 20062007 academic year. This study was a sub research of a
PhD Thesis titled as “Assisting the Computer Literacy with
Web Based Instructional Design in Education Faculties”.
Sample and Population
Population of this study was students at Uludag University
Faculty of Education. Sample of this study was randomly
selected 176 students consisted of 53 students from The
Department of Educational Science, 38 students from The
Department of Turkish Education, 85 students from The
Department of Primary Education.
Research Model
Descriptive research model was used in this study.
Frequency analysis was used to analyze the data collected
from the students.
Data Collection Tools, Reliability and Validity Studies
Table 1. Percentages of Needs Analysis Questionnaire Regarding Students’ Needs for Computer Literacy Course
1- Students’ opinion about the contents of the course should be considered and the subjects in
the course should be revised according to stundents’ thoughts.
2- Learning activities should be designed in order to be learner-centered.
3- Teaching methods should be chosen by taking students’ preferences, needs and individual
differences into account.
4- Students’ active participation should be provided by instructor.
5- Samples given in the lessons should be related with the real world problems.
6- Students should be encouraged in order to make group work to solve problems given to
them in the classroom.
7- Teaching methods should enable students to communicate with each other effectively in
order to solve problems given to them in the classroom.
8- In which environments
Computer Literacy Course
should be offered in order to
provide the best learning?
a) Theoretical in a class
b) Applied in a laboratory
c) Both theoretical and
d) Web based
e) Other (Please explain)
9- What is the ideal
population of the class for
Computer Literacy Course?
a) 20
b) 30
c) 40
d) More than 40
10- Who/What can be the
most important person/thing
for you in order to be
successful in Computer
Literacy Course?
a) A friend of mine
b) Instructor
c) A book
d) Training CD
e) A web site
Please choose the importance degree of the subjects predefined for Computer Literacy
Course below.
11- Basics of computer literacy and short history of computers.
12- Computer hardware and software concepts, hardware devices.
13- Operating systems, Windows XP, basic folder and file operations.
14- Desktop, Start Menu, Control Panel and Programs components of Windows XP
15- Introduction to Word, basic formatting operations.
16- Menu components of Word. Adding images and drawing tables in Word.
17- Introduction to Excel. Explaining Cells in Excel.
18- Writing formulas to make automatic calculations, adding charts in Excel.
19- Introduction to PowerPoint, using menus, preparing presentations, adding audio, video
and special effects to presentations.
20- Internet and a web site concepts, reaching the information by internet, communication,
sending and receiving e-mails.
21- Please list the subjects that you want to add Computer Literacy Course below.
22- Please write down your suggestions to the instructor about Computer Literacy Course below.
Findings regarding the second research question
When the results of items between 11 and 20 are
considered, it could be said that most of students agreed
with the predefined course content. According to results it is
clear that “Basics of computer literacy and short history of
computers, computer hardware and software concepts,
hardware devices” subjects of Computer Literacy Course
Second research question was “What are the needs of
students for context of Computer Literacy Course? Is it
different from predefined computer literacy concepts in this
(Questionnaire item 11 and 12) were less beneficial for
them. “Internet and a web site concepts, reaching the
information by internet, communication, sending and
receiving e-mails” subjects of Computer Literacy Course
(Questionnaire item 20) were more beneficial for them. They
were asked two open-ended questions at the end of
questionnaire (Item 21 and 22) but only a few students
observed these items.
Bayrak, B., & Karlı, U. (2007). To Compare The Effects Of
Computer Based Learning And The Laboratory Based
Learning On Students’ Achievement Regarding Electric
Circuits. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational
Technology , 6 (1).
Bose, K. (2003). An e-Learning Experience-A Written
Analysis Based on My Experience in an e-Learning Pilot
Project. Campus-Wide Information Systems , 20 (5), 193199.
In this study students’ needs about Computer Literacy
Course given to them in Uludag University Faculty of
Education were identified. In order to analyze learner
needs, a questionnaire concerning teaching environment,
teaching methods and content for the Computer Literacy
Course was administered to the students. According to the
analysis of this questionnaire, students agree that:
Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J. O. (2005). The Systematic
Design of Instruction. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Esch, T. J. (2003). E-Learning Effectiveness: An
Examination of Online Training Methods For Training EndUsers of New Technology Systems. Touro University
International (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
Their opinion about the contents of the course
should be considered and the subjects in the
course should be revised according to their
thoughts before the instruction.
Learning activities should be designed in order to
be learner-centered.
Teaching methods should be chosen by taking
students’ preferences, needs and individual
differences into account.
Students’ active participation should be provided
by instructor.
Samples given in the lessons should be related
with the real world problems.
Students should be encouraged in order to make
group work to solve problems given to them in the
Teaching methods should enable students to
communicate with each other effectively in order
to solve problems given to them in the classroom.
Fenrich, P. (2005). Creating Instructional Multimedia
Solutions: Practical Guidelines for the Real World .
Informing Science.
Fladd, L. A. (2007). The Effect of Instructional Delivery
Method on Interaction and Satisfaction in Distance
Education Courses at a Community Collage. Clemson
University (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
Harman, K. (2007). Learning Objects: Applications,
Implications, & Future Directions. Informing Science.
Kuzu, A. (2005). Oluşturmacılığa Dayalı Çevrimiçi Destekli
Öğretim: Bir Eylem Araştırması. Eskişehir: Anadolu
Üniversitesi (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
Mc Ardle, G. (1998). Conducting a Need Analysis. Thomson
Crisp Learning.
In the light of the information obtained from Needs Analysis
Questionnaire, some decisions were taken about
instructional design. First decision was about learning
environment of Computer Literacy Course. Since students
believe that learning environment should be learnercentered, the instruction should be designed with the
environment, students are active participants and construct
their own knowledge by interacting with the information
available. Students work in both groups and individually to
explore problems and become knowledge workers rather
than passive knowledge recipients (Bose, 2003). Another
decision was about instruction medium. Blended mode
which is defined as a combination of traditional face-to-face
and computer assisted learning was selected as learning
medium. There are lots of researchers claiming that web
based or web assisted learning is more effective than
traditional face to face learning (Esch, 2003; Tang & Byrne,
2007; Kuzu, 2005; Fladd, 2007; Bayrak & Karlı, 2007).
Therefore it is decided that a web based learning
management system should be designed for Computer
Literacy Course in order to support traditional face to face
learning activities. There can be instructional videos, screen
captures (for illustrative cases), discussion boards, selfpaced learning materials, readings, synchronous and
asynchronous communication tools and various other tools
from information and communication technologies on that
web site. (Yoon & Lim, 2007). Such a blended learning
environment can provide meaningful learning and students’
performance problems about Computer Literacy Course can
be solved. Providing a student-centered learning
environment, students can gain expertise not only computer
literacy contents but also in the learning process, such as
how to learn through discovery, inquiry and problem solving.
Mutiara, D., Zuhairi, A., & Kurniati, S. (2007). Designing,
Developing, Producing And Assuring The Quality Of MultiMedia Learning Materials For Distance Learners: Lessons
Learnt From Indonesia's Universitas Terbuka. Turkish
Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE , 8 (2).
Özen, R. (2008). Inservice Training (INSET) Programs via
Distance Education: Primary School Teachers’ Opinions.
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE , 9
Tang, M., & Byrne, R. (2007). Regular Versus Online
Versus Blended: A Qualitative Description of the
Advantages of the Electronic Modes and a Qualitative
Evaluation. International Journal on ELearning , 6 (2), pp.
Yoon, S.-W., & Lim, D. H. (2007). Strategic Blending: A
Conceptual Framework to Improve Learning and
Performance. International Journal on E-Learning , 6 (3),