CRC RFP: E-75-2 “Diesel Unregulated Emissions Characterization”

CRC RFP: E-75-2 “Diesel Unregulated Emissions Characterization”
Questions and Answers
Q1: What is the timeframe that this study needs to be completed in?
A1: The bidder should include a schedule in the proposal, estimating the time required to
complete the project.
Q1: Is CRC looking for a detailed statistical analysis of the data or more simple average emission
factors and emission factor ranges by data group once an appropriate data grouping scheme has
been developed?
A2: At minimum - averages and ranges, along with standard deviations if there is enough data
are desired. The first priority is to get average emission factors and emission factor ranges by
data group once an appropriate data grouping scheme has been developed; part of the
averaging analyses usually provides statistical values simultaneously.
Going beyond that to further statistical analyses depends on how robust those statistical
averages and standard deviations are. The first look at averages and standard deviations may
suggest whether further analyses are valuable or not. The bidders are recommended to
approach this on a two-part basis:
1. Bid a cost for getting emission factor ranges, averages and standard deviations,
2. If data warrant further analysis, the contractors should make suggestions on what these might
be and related costs.