Individual Government - natural scientific societies

In the name of Active Originator of the universe
in the past, the present and the future
Everybody as an individual government
Psychological USHW > Mankind is created as
the Creator's representative
Universal personality according to the Creation
Psychological Security(damage preventing aspect)
a. individual
b. national
c. universal
Psychological health(not damaging others)
Psychological wholeness
Security and health in the individual level
national level and
universal level
What is thought ?
What is difference between
1. man made thought and
2. Creation thought ?
Universe, nature and Human Creation?
Creational Daily Life
A. The logic of Time and its development
The future as the Past
Believing in the human intellectual and social development means that the
man made present empirical reality is not forever nor for any generation in
human history and hereby
the present becomes past
the future becomes first the present and again
this present becomes the past.
This means that,
even the future is on the way to become the past etc.
In this process of development only
value, law, intellectual and social constructions
confirmable by or compatible to
this development dynamic will survive .
Because of subjectivity, normativity and hereby irrelevance of all kind of
the Man made VLIS, WFPE and related aims Constructions or VWAC,
they will disappear and only Creational VWAC will remain. This Creational
VWAC is real and for mankind's Universal universalistic development
towards the Absolute All knower for becoming relative All knower.
B. Three different empirical realities
The empirical reality we live in is a complex of three different empirical
realities as follows,
1. The man made empirical reality(MER) constructed by man made
traditions, agreements, constitutions, ideologies etc.
2. The development dynamic (DD)of the man made empirical
realities as the actual empirical reality (AER)and
3. The Creation made (CM) or the real empirical reality (RER).
C. Three different Laws
D. Three different Science
Based on
a. the development dynamic of the man made empirical
realities and
b. the Creational development of human intellectual and
social development ISD,
will the present man made empirical realities be, replaced
by the future realities.
The development direction of human ISC is from the first man made
empirical reality to the creation made or the real empirical reality.
E. Subjectivity, irrelevance and natural scientific and Creational
scientific invalidity of the man made ideologies, constitutions and
The Creation consists of
a. pre matter existed and non material creational
VWAC and related aims. Among others organic biological and inorganic
b. Point a materialized and visualized in the natural
But human being has her own VWAC visualised and materialised in the
Man made traditions, constitutions, ideologies activities etc.
But these are not among others the creational organic biological, or
inorganic VLISC and constructions and
if we relate them to the natural and creational reality,
they are not compatible with or confirmable by the organic
biological and inorganic VLISC something leads to
their subjectivity, normativity and scientific invalidity.
F. Human Creation
A. The Creation universe
The mankind’s creation has her own universe among others with a
1. Pre matter existed non material Creational thought,
2. Pre matter existed non material brain and aimed activities
visualised and materialised in the material brain, and
her activities.
3. Pre matter existed non material mankind visualised and
materialised in the physical body etc.
In all three cases, non material has existed before the matter. In this relation,
a. the non matter has constructed and given function to
the matter,
b. the non matter has been, is and will be with the matter.
c. This invisible non matter is visualised in the human body,
the nature and the universe.
d. without this creational thought,
1. the matter can not be a being and
2. the matter can not get different shapes and
functions because
3. The matter is not,
a. the non material thought,
b. the non material thinking property,
c. non material energy etc.
B. The man made democratic universe
After human birth, through different impulses, the senses begin to react and his or her
body starts her function. This means that
All the human body both in her non material and material
shapes, has existed before she or he begin to be aware about
his or her existence and thereby,
both the body, the nature and the universe has
a pre existed relation to the point that,
the individual begins to think.
From this point forwards, She shapes her own individual, social, global and universal
thinking world, materialise in her individual , family, social, global and universal
levels, certainly so long this visualization is possible.
After the pre democratic thinking world, the humanity started democratic intellectual
and social constructions. The different democratic VLISCs, WFPEs and their aims are
the result of the human thinking development,
from the starting point of human thinking.
The Confirmability by and compatibility degree of the democratic shaped individual,
family, nation and humanity with the creational one is the degree of its objectivity,
relevance and scientific validity.
(Subjectivity of the democracy P. 22-23)
J. Every non material and material natural creature has its own
Every natural creature
a. is constructed
b. functions and
c. has its own creational aims for its creation.
Inorganic Creatures
For example
Inorganic creatures are constructed and functions according to the
pre matter existed and non material VLISC and related aims
Plants are constructed and functions according to the
pre matter existed and non material plant biological VLISC perhaps
(WFPE)**** and have their plant biological goals.
Animals are constructed and functions according to the pre matter existed
and non material animal biological VLISC, WFPE and related aims.
Human being
Human being is created according to the pre matter existed and non
material human biological VLISC, WFPE and related aims
Irrelevance, Subjectivity of the
man made ideologies, constitutions etc.
But in human societies, mainly man made ideologies, constitutions, traditions etc.
form peoples intellectual and social constructions and thereby their deeds and
living forms.
These man made ideologies, constitutions and traditions with their respective
VLISC, WFPE and related aims,
are not , inorganic VLISC, and related aims
are not plant biological VLISC, (WFPE) and related aims
are not animal biological VLISC, WFPE and related aims
are not human organic biological VLISC,WFPE and related aims.
man made ideologies, constitutions, traditions as
constructors of human thinking , acting and goals
are subjective, irrelevant and natural scientific invalid.
man made, ISK intellectual and social constructions are irrelevant and
like the emperor's new clothes in relation to the inorganic and organic
biological universe.
As a little summary
every natural creature has its own constitution, this constitution decides
what should be done with that creature. So long mankind have not follow
the constitutions of natural creatures, she have wrong relation with those
creatures. *****
H. Utopia, visualized or materialized utopias, non materialized
dynamic realities
Human Creation
The Creation universe
The mankind’s creation has her own universe, among others, with a
1. pre matter existed non material thought,
2. pre matter existed, non material brain and aimed activities
visualised and materialised in the material brain,
3. Pre matter existed non material mankind visualised and
materialised in the physical body etc.
In all three cases, the non material has existed before the matter.
In this relation,
a. the non matter has constructed and given function to the matter,
b. the non matter has been, is and will be with the matter.
c. This invisible non matter is visualised in the human body,
d. without this creational thought,
1. the matter can not be a being and
2. the matter can not get different shapes and
functions because
3. The matter is not,
a. the non material thought,
b. the non material thinking property,
c. non material energy etc.
The man made democratic universe
After and in some cases before human birth, begin the senses to react through
different impulses and the human body starts to function. This means that
The whole human body both in her non material and material shapes, has existed
before she or he begins to be aware about his or her existence and thereby
both the human body, the nature and the universe
have a pre existed relation to the
point when, every person begins to think.
From this point forwards, the person shapes her or his own individual, social,
global and universal thinking world(conscious or unconscious, voluntary or
compulsory) and materialises it in her individual , family, social, global and
universal levels, certainly so long this visualization is possible. After the pre
democratic thinking world, the humanity started democratic intellectual and social
constructions. The different democratic VNISCs, WFPEs and their aims are the
result of the human thinking development,
From the starting point of human thinking.
The Democracy Related to the development dynamic
If we relate the democracy to the development,
time, is going forward and thereby development. The Development
Inside the democracy will lead first to the participatory, then to the direct and
at the end to the beyond or post democracy. The beyond democracy is the
starting point aimed for human creation. This means that despite all so called
technical and scientific development, mankind still is going astray.
Three different empirical realties
There are three different empirical realities,
1) the man made realities
2) the actual empirical realities or development dynamic
3) the real or creational empirical reality.
The AER or DD have changed, is changing and will change man made normative
and subjective realities
by the awareness and will of coming generations
towards the RER or the CER. The real or creation empirical reality is the nature
and creation without the man made norms that will lead to an absolute higher
creational scientific life than, the present and all future man made lives.
The Creational Organic biological and the democratic universes
A. The Organic biological and inorganic universe
non material organic and universe consists among others of thelarutan The
inorganic laws visualised in the organic and inorganic creatures.
1) The Organic creatures
organic biological creatures are created and functions according
their non material VLISC , WFPE and their aims.
2) The Inorganic creatures
Inorganic creatures are created according to the non material
inorganic VLISC.
3) The Organic – Inorganic interrelations
And hereby the interrelation activities should be according to the
Organic – inorganic, value and law system and
Organic – inorganic, intellectual and social constructions.
B. The Democratic universe
As mentioned before democracy in its general definition means
ruled or governed by the people.
There are different democracies from democratic centralism led by the
dictatorship of the proletariat to the direct democracy without any state and
written law.
All of these democracies follows their own kind of
democratic value and law constructions and
democratic Intellectual and social constructions.
Not one of them are organic, inorganic and interrelated Relations.
Related to the Objectivity, relevance and scientific validity
The democratic VNISC and WFPE are not the creational VLISC and WFPE. In
other words
In the following relations,
1. Human relations with herself ,
the democracy is not biology and hereby the democratic relations are not
the biological relations. An example,
when someone has the aim to drink or to eat etc. he or she should follow
(among the some other non material creational points) her body’s
VLISC and WFPE, not the democratic VNISC and WFPE.
2. Human relations with other human beings
The democratic relations between people are not
the Organic biological inter relations.
3. Human relations with other organic creatures
The democratic relations, between mankind and animals, and
plants etc. are not
human organic biological related to the
animal biological VLISC and WFPE or the
Human organic biological
related to the plant biological VLISC and WFPE.
4. Human relations with inorganic creatures
The democratic elations between the mankind and inorganic
Creatures Is not,
Human organic biological VLISC and WFPE to the inorganic
creatures. and thereby
The Democratic universe is an unknown and irrelevant universe for the
organic, inorganic and their interrelated universe. They are two different
universes. The first one is like the emperor’s new clothes for the second
Visualization of the
democratic thoughts and democratic living
Two sided Visualization Related to the Non matter and matter
1. Not only, in human relations with herself,
Roentgen pictures, Electrocardiography
(EKG), Electroencephalography (EEG), optometric and audiometric results,
even,are different kinds of visualizations
2. in relation to the
Non matter and Matter, this visualization is two sided,
1) the physical see able part namely pictures, diagrams etc. and
2) the non physical, non Material VLISC, and WFPE
as different elements in the creation of the
visualized body situation, reflected in the pictures, diagrams
etc. And
3. this is the same visualization,
as in the human relations with other human beings and
in the human relations with other organic biological creatures and
in the human relations with inorganic creatures.
All social and environmental abnormalities, problems etc. are visualised results
of the wrong man made invisible VNISC and WFPE
in relation to the society and environment and its contrast to the Creational
invisible VLISC and WFPE .
Certainly this invisibility is for the material eyes but
It is Visible for the intellectual eyes.
Turnings point
Turning Points Related to the democracy
There are two main and one middle turning points,
1. beginning of the democracy
and in the future development
2. replacement of the state by
an universal direct democratic construction which is neither individualist nor
socialist construction and
3. End of democracy which is beginning of
the beyond or post democratic era of human intellectual and social
Which one is utopia,
the creational reality or the democratic reality
The democratic reality
As it has been developed, the democratic intellectual and social constructions are
subjective and normative in relation to the creation and development. And, in
longer terms the democratic intellectual and logic will be replaced by the beyond
or post democratic logic and intellectual constructions.
This replaceability is the sign of its subjectivity, irrelevance and scientific
The Creational reality.
On the contrary,
1. this creational society is based on the RER and follows, among
others, the creational Organic biological and inorganic intellectual logic which is
objective, relevant and scientific valid
2. The creational VLISC, WFPE and their aims as
a potential existing dynamic
ISCs and Nare changing and will change all man made normative V
WFPEs and replace them by the Creational one.
Hereby the democratic constructions,
despite their physical presence, are
like the emperor’s new clothes,
in relation to the RER and thereby are
false visualized and materialized utopias.
1. Utopia
Utopia as a Greek term means:
2. Visualized and materialized utopias
As mentioned , man made ideologies, constitutions, traditions etc.
are constructing mainly human intellectual and social activities. And
present world with its all political, economic, psychological activities
are visualized and materialized forms of these man made ideas.
again as mentioned before, these ideologies, constitutions and
related aims are not among others, creation's organic biological or
inorganic VLISC, WFPE and related aims.
This materialized word of the man made ideologies, constitutions
and traditions, are
Visualized and materialized forms of human
utopias for different generations in different times.
These materialized utopias,
from natural and creational point of view
are irrelevant and subjective.
3. non materialized dynamics
F. unimaginable intellectual and social changes
IV. Unimaginable changes
Based on the Plato’s VNISC, WFPE and aims, the democracy was the worst
political system and rejected by him. But in the present democratic era of the
human intellectual and social development, the opposite view, is the dominant
and accepted view.
Aristotle’s world view, not only defended the inhuman slavery system, he said
even that, the slavery system was a just system.
As we can see,
one man- one vote, democracy, universal human rights etc. was unimaginable for
these classical intellectual leaders. But all these unimaginable points are
undeniable realities today.
The Present Intellectual Leaders
A post democratic or beyond the democratic VLISC, WFPE and their aims, are
unimaginable for the present intellectual leaders who live in the democratic
societies. But this is same mistake that Plato and Aristotle made in the slavery
society in which they lived. Intellectually humanity will develop and go forward.
She will establish new societies including the post democratic societies. The
Coming generations, by avoiding mistakes of the present generations, will reject
and replace all non creational VNISC, WFPE and their aims, including the
democratic one with the creational VLISC, WFPE and their main aim.
Utopia – reality discourse
What is unreal and utopia is, absolute the man made part of the present
societies. They are like the emperor’s new clothes. Their falseness step by step,
has been revealed, is being revealed and will be revealed.
By the
1. pre matter existed development dynamic
2.with a real knowledge level of every generation of humanity and
3. free will for all the generations,
The materialised and visualized utopias both,
in their non material forms like democracy and
in their material forms like , the spoon, car, aeroplane etc.
will be revealed step by step and left behind.
Are these views against development?
The answer is no because,
instead of the spoon, car, aeroplane, TV, computer etc.
the creation has much better equipment.
This means that in the case of, every human produced,
idea or thing( if it is not according to the creation aims),
The nature has the best possible form of that idea or thing. The only thing lacking
is the Creational VLISC, WFPE and their aims, for finding the way and thereby the
already mentioned ideas and things.
The Creational Literature, culture, health and Peace
Basing human relations between herself, himself, other human beings, other
organic biological and other inorganic natural creatures, on their creational
properties means,
living healthy and in peace at global and univeral levels.
Living according to, the Creational or natural VLISC, WFPE and their aims, means,
living according to the creational literature and culture
Which means
following the
Active originator or the Creator of the all natural creatures
both in their nonmaterial and material forms.
Universal creation inter/relations
1. USHW Universal Security, health and wholeness
Difference between man/made and Creational USHW
a. Physical
b. psychological
2. USHW Education
Life long learner- teacher, education
universal mankind herself, relations
universal mankind / mankind, relations
universal mankind / other organic biological creature, relations
universal mankind/ inorganic creatures, relations
3. USHW Practice
Life long development practice
a. mankind/herself, relations
1. Security
2. Health
3. wholeness
b. universal mankind/other human beings relations
2. Security
3. Health
4. wholeness
c. mankind/ organic biological creatures, relations
insects etc.
1. Security
2. Health
3. wholeness
d. mankind/ inorganic creatures, elations
1. Security
2. Health
3. Wholeness
Every day physical and psychological control followed by both education and
Intellectual and social construction
In this study, structure is one dimensional but
construction is multi dimensional.
Everybody as an individual government
Psychological USHW > Mankind is created as
the Creator's representative
Universal personality according to the Creation
Psychological Security(damage preventing aspect)
a. individual
b. national
c. universal
Psychological health(not damaging others)
Psychological wholeness
Security and health in the individual level
national level and
universal level
Political USHW
Universal political leadership according to the Creation
Universal political security
Securing universally political right of everybody
a. universal leadership based on human
VLISC, WFPE and related aimes,
b. universal leadership based on the
universal political health
Political diseases
All kinds of non creational leaderships are different
political diseases among others, liberal, conservative
social democratic, Marxist, anarchist rabbiist,popeist
ayatollahist etc leaderships.
universal political wholeness
Following political security and avoiding
political diseases leads to the political wholeness
both in its individual, national and universal levels
In this wholeness, leadership is
a. universal
b. according to the creational VLISC, WFPE and
c. difference in views are different problem solving
alternatives, not conflict
d. those who know more than others,
have only advisor role not decider etc.
Economic USHW
Universal experimental and representative ownership according to
the Creation.
Economic security
Universal economic security by universal welfare
a. man made welfare
b. Creation made welfare
Economic health
universal economic welfare health
a. man made health
b. Creation made health
Economic wholeness
universal security and health
a. individual level
b. universal level
Scientific USHW
Scientific security
Developing towards the All Knower and becoming
relative all knower
Universal scientific development according to the Creation
Scientific security
Scientific health
relatively knowing everything among others medicine
and hereby avoiding diseases and being healthy
Scientific wholeness
Scientific security and health both in
a. individual
b. universal levels
Religious USHW
Religious security
The Creator as the Ahkamol hakemin and …
Universal, religious leadership according to the Creation.
Religious security
Religious health
a. avoiding religious diseases like RPAism
b. following directly the Creator
Religious Wholeness
following the Creator as the only fosterer and