My Declaration of Independence Essay

My Declaration of Independence Essay (Title of your essay)
Pre-thinking reading: The colonies declared independence from being under Great
Britain’s control. They believed that they could have a healthier, more productive life if
they lived under different rules than the ones Great Britain imposed on them. While this
was the feeling of many colonies, we are able to individually feel that our lives would be
better if we rid ourselves of certain controlling factors.
My Declaration of Independence Essay (Title of your essay)
Pre-thinking reading: The colonies declared independence from being under Great
Britain’s control. They believed that they could have a healthier, more productive life if
they lived under different rules than the ones Great Britain imposed on them. While this
was the feeling of many colonies, we are able to individually feel that our lives would be
better if we rid ourselves of certain controlling factors.
Writing Prompt:
1. Write a topic sentence that defines what it means to declare independence. Use a
dictionary if necessary to help you define these terms.
2. Write a sentence that shares how the colonies declared independence. Include the
Declaration of Independence in your ideas.
3. Use the suggestions below to decide on what you would like to declare yourself
independent from. Then, write a sentence that states what you would like to declare
yourself independent from.
a. a bad habit
b. people that negatively influence you (cannot be family or teachers)
c. negative personal beliefs about yourself
d. a personal fear that you have
e. stereotypes or prejudices you are faced with
f. unreasonable expectations by others
g. social norms (having to fit in, being cool)
h. guilt over something that happened in the past
4. Add a sentence that describes one way that your choice negatively impacts your life.
5. Provide a specific example of how it has negatively impacted your life in the past.
For example, if you declare yourself independent from having low self-esteem, give
me an example of a time when someone has said or done to make you feel that way.
6. Begin the next sentence with a transition phrase. You may choose one from the
options below:
a. Also,
f. In addition,
b. Furthermore,
g. Secondly,
c. Moreover,
h. As well as,
d. Similarly,
i. As a result,
e. In fact,
j. Likewise,
7. Finish your transition phrase with a second way that your choice has negatively
impacted your life.
8. Expand on this by providing another specific example of a time that your choice has
negatively impacted your life.
9. Write a sentence that states how being independent of your choice will positively
affect your life. Be specific.
10. Provide a possible scenario that shows how you will demonstrate your independence
from your choice. For example, if you declare yourself independent from allowing
other people to hurt you with the things they say, give an example of what you will
do when faced with that situation in the future.
11. Choose a conclusion transition phrase below:
a. In conclusion,
d. In brief,
b. For these purposes,
e. In summary,
c. With this in mind,
f. In short,
12. Finish the conclusion phrase by restating your original topic sentence, using slightly
different language than the first time.
Writing Prompt:
1. Write a topic sentence that defines what it means to declare independence. Use a
dictionary if necessary to help you define these terms.
2. Write a sentence that shares how the colonies declared independence. Include the
Declaration of Independence in your ideas.
3. Use the suggestions below to decide on what you would like to declare yourself
independent from. Then, write a sentence that states what you would like to declare
yourself independent from.
a. a bad habit
b. people that negatively influence you (cannot be family or teachers)
c. negative personal beliefs about yourself
d. a personal fear that you have
e. stereotypes or prejudices you are faced with
f. unreasonable expectations by others
g. social norms (having to fit in, being cool)
h. guilt over something that happened in the past
4. Add a sentence that describes one way that your choice negatively impacts your life.
5. Provide a specific example of how it has negatively impacted your life in the past.
For example, if you declare yourself independent from having low self-esteem, give
me an example of a time when someone has said or done to make you feel that way.
6. Begin the next sentence with a transition phrase. You may choose one from the
options below:
a. Also,
f. In addition,
b. Furthermore,
g. Secondly,
c. Moreover,
h. As well as,
d. Similarly,
i. As a result,
e. In fact,
j. Likewise,
7. Finish your transition phrase with a second way that your choice has negatively
impacted your life.
8. Expand on this by providing another specific example of a time that your choice has
negatively impacted your life.
9. Write a sentence that states how being independent of your choice will positively
affect your life. Be specific.
10. Provide a possible scenario that shows how you will demonstrate your independence
from your choice. For example, if you declare yourself independent from allowing
other people to hurt you with the things they say, give an example of what you will
do when faced with that situation in the future.
11. Choose a conclusion transition phrase below:
a. In conclusion,
d. In brief,
b. For these purposes,
e. In summary,
c. With this in mind,
f. In short,
12. Finish the conclusion phrase by restating your original topic sentence, using slightly
different language than the first time.