Ca in plants & animals

This is about 75% of everything that has been written.
Skulan J, DePaolo DJ (1999) Calcium isotope fractionation
between soft and mineralized tissues as a monitor of calcium
use in vertebrates. PNAS 96: 13709–13713
A paper that restarted the Ca isotope game, after a long hiatus.
Wiegand BA, Chadwick OA, Vitousek PM, Wooden JL (2005) Ca
cycling and isotopic fluxes in forested ecosystems in Hawaii.
Geophysical Research Letters 32: L11404,
doi:10.1029/2005GL022746, 2005
A paper on the Ca cycle in soils and trees. Short and sweet.
Heuser A, Eisenhauer A (2010) A pilot study on the use of
natural calcium isotope (44Ca/40Ca) fractionation in urine as a
proxy for the human body calcium balance. Bone
A new paper looking at how body Ca balance affects isotope values.
Builds off work by Skulan et al. (2007) and others.
DePaolo DJ (2004) Calcium isotopic variations produced by
biological, kinetic, radiogenic and nucleosynthetic processes.
Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry 55: 255-288
Still the only large, comprehensive review. Much geology.
Page BD, Bullen TD, Mitchell MJ (2008) Influences of calcium
availability and tree species on Ca isotope fractionation in soil
and vegetation. Biogeochemistry 88: 1-13
A new paper (that I haven’t yet read) that examines Ca isotope
variations in trees and soils.
Clementz MT, Holden P, Koch PL (2003) Are calcium isotopes a
reliable monitor of trophic level in marine settings?
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 13: 29–36 (2003)
In a word. No. However some interesting foodweb data and one of the
few studies on fossils.
Chu N-C, Henderson GM, Belshaw NS, Hedges REM (2006)
Establishing the potential of Ca isotopes as proxy for
consumption of dairy products. Applied Geochemistry 21:
Attempt to ground-truth Ca isotopes as a way to monitor milk
consumption and weaning. Not obvious it works.
Skulan J, Bullen T, Anbar AD, Puzas E, Shackleford L, LeBlanc A,
Smith SM (2007) Natural Calcium Isotopic Composition of Urine
as a Marker of Bone Mineral Balance. Clinical Chemistry 53:
A paper looking at how body Ca balance affects isotope values.
Attempt to find a way to monitor osteoporosis.