MEETING DATE & TIME: August 4, 2009 (EST 9:00 – 10:00)
ATTENDANCE: Paul Bell, Rose Allen, Kathy Cox, Mary Crozier
Members Not present: Jane Painter
Agenda Items: Develop an interim policy for student appeal of decisions related to the CAHS
Student Code of Conduct. Furthermore, make recommendations for a revised policy governing
violations of departmental/program academic, clinical, and non-academic standards of conduct.
Discussion: Because the CAHS faculty council has recommended discontinuing the hearing and
appeals committee, the current committee members will serve as an AD Hoc Committee for the
purpose of defining a revised, and streamlined college process that can be posted on our college
web site. This revision is requested because this committee’s work is duplicated at the university
The committee members considered the following interim language to appear immediately on the
CAHS website under the student and faculty resources pages:
“Students seeking to appeal decisions related to the CAHS Student Code of Conduct are
referred to the Dean of Student Services office. That office will assist and guide you”.
On 8/11 the membership unanimously agreed to replace the above wording with that which
appears below:
“Violations of the ECU Student Conduct Code are first addressed at the departmental
level. If resolution is not achieved, the student is referred to the office of the Dean of
Student Services. That office will assist and guide students in the appeals processes”.
Furthermore RA proposed revising the current language that appears at under the heading “Student Conduct Code” to read:
All CAHS students are expected to be familiar with university and departmental policies as
well as their professional code of ethics and to conduct themselves in accordance with
academic, clinical and non-academic standards”.
The committee agreed to meet again in order to finalize their recommendations for revisions to
the current CAHS student conduct code.
Actions Taken: 1) The chair has forwarded these minutes to the committee members for
feedback and will schedule a future meeting for the purpose of finalizing the committee’s
recommendations regarding student conduct code violations to the CAHS faculty council.