10 Harvesting Chemical Energy

Harvesting Chemical Energy
As open systems, cells require outside energy sources to perform
cellular work.
Only photosynthetic organisms have the ability to harness the energy
from the sun.
During Photosynthesis:
 CO2 and H2O are the raw materials used to make glucose
 Light energy is converted into chemical bond energy
Chemical bond energy can be released to drive metabolic reactions by
cellular respiration.
Note: the chemical elements are recycled, but the energy is not!
The storage and release of Free Energy
The free energy is stored and transferred by ATP (adenosine
Recall, the phosphate bonds have stored energy; breaking these
bonds releases energy (to drive reactions); while forming new
phosphate bonds temporarily stores the chemical energy.
The compound receiving the phosphate group from ATP is said to be
phosphorylated and becomes more reactive in the process.
The phosphorylated compound loses its newly acquired phosphate
group as work is performed.
There are two types of phosphorylation:
1. Substrate level phosphorylation
 an enzyme cataslyzed reaction of Pi to ADP
2. oxidative phosphorylation
 forming of ATP directly through a series of enzyme
catalyzed redox reactions where oxygen is the final
electron acceptor (more about this in a bit).
REDOX Reactions Also Release Energy
Oxidation-reduction reactions = chemical reactions which involve a
partial or complete transfer of electrons from one reactant to another;
called «REDOX reactions» for short.
1. Oxidation = partial or complete loss of electrons
2. Reduction = partial or complete gain of electrons
“LEO says GER”
Loss of electrons = oxidation
Gain of electrons = reduction
The electron transfers require both a donor (becomes oxidized) and
an acceptor (becomes reduced).
Since electrons lose potential energy when they shift toward more
electronegative atoms, redox reaction that move electrons closer to
elements with a higher electronegativity (like oxygen) release energy.
Cellular Respiration is a redox process that (ultimately) transfers
hydrogen, including electrons with high potential energy, from sugar
(glucose) to oxygen.
Released energy is used to convert ADP to ATP.
How is the energy transferred to a molecule of ATP?
Essentially, glucose is broken down in a series of sequential steps so
that the free energy released from breaking bonds can be harnessed
(captured) bit by bit.
Eventually this harnessed free energy is transferred to molecules of
ATP as they are phosphorylated (i.e from ADP + Pi  ATP)
Why does the process need to occur in a sequence of steps?
Activation energy = requires extreme heating to start combustion of
Exergonic reation = large amount of energy is released; would
damage cells
Therefore, the combustion of glucose occurs by a series of enzyme
catalyzed steps, that result in:
At each step of the way, hydrogen (along with electrons) are
transferred to another substance (enzymes & coenzymes)
When this happens, a portion of the reaction’s total energy is
released and stored in ATP (ie. ATP is produced).
An Overview of Cellular Respiration
There are two types:
Anaerobic respiration (fermentation) = ATP-producing pathway in
which sugars are only partially degraded (low energy yield); proton
donors and acceptors are organic molecules.
Aerobic respiration = ATP-producing pathway in which sugar is fully
oxidized (high energy yield); ultimate electron acceptor is oxygen
(inorganic molecule)
Overall Equation:
Aerobic Cellular Respiration occurs in four stages:
1. glycolysis
2. pyruvate oxidation (occurs only in eukaryotic cells)
3. Citric Acid or Kreb’s Cycle
4. Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
Breaking down
glucose to get H+
(and electrons)
Using H+ (and
electrons) by releasing
them slowly 
trapping released
energy in ATP
Glucose + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + energy
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + 38 ATP (total)
Stepwise fall of Electrons
occurs due to special electron acceptors (NAD+ and FAD) and the
electron transport chain.
Hydrogen (and electrons) stripped from glucose is NOT transferred
directly to oxygen, but are first passed to a special electron
acceptor  NAD+
NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinulceotide) and FAD (flavin adenine
dinucleotide = are dinucleotides that function as a coenzyme in the redox
reaction of metabolism. NAD+ and FAD
 are found in all cells
 assist enzymes in electron transfer during redox reactions
What happens?
 During the oxidation of glucose, the electrons are transferred and
temporarily trapped in NAD+ and FAD.
This transferred is catalyzed by enzymes called dehydrogenases,
o remove a pair of hydrogen atoms (2 electrons and 2 protons)
from glucose (substrate)
o deliver the two electrons (2e-) and one proton (H+) to NAD+ (or
2e- and 2H+ to FAD)
o release the remaining proton (H+) into the surrounding
Overall reactions:
The high energy electrons transferred to NAD+ and FAD are then
passed down the electron transport chain to oxygen, powering the
production of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation.
Electron Transport Chains
Consist of electron-carrier molecules built into cellular membranes
Accept energy rich electrons from reduced coenzymes (NADH and
Since electrons lose potential energy when they are transferred to a
more electronegative atom, this series of reactions releases energy.
Release energy from energy-rich electrons in a controlled stepwise
fashion  powering the production of ATP
Each successive carrier in the chain has a higher electronegative
then the carrier before, so the electrons are pulled downhill towards
oxygen (the molecule with the highest electronegativity), the final
electron acceptor.