Primary Source Reading Assignments - Online

Western Civilization 1003 from Prehistory to 1650
Dr. Edrene S. McKay  (479) 855-6836  Email:  Website:
To give the class more experience with primary sources, I am substituting these reading assignments for the civic
responsibility assignments that are now in your syllabus.
MESOPOTAMIA - Status of Women
Laws can reveal a lot about a society. As you know, in the ancient Near East women were
legally subordinate to men. Read the following excerpts from the Assyrian Code that address
the status of women. Then take a look at some Hittite laws from the Code of the Nesilim
pertaining to gender, giving particular attention to 1-4, 6, 8, 17, 18, 24, 31-34, 190-92, 194,
and 197.
For Discussion: How are these laws similar? How are they different? Would you rather be
an Assyrian or Hittite woman? What do these laws suggest about the range of cultural
tradition and practices in the ancient Near East?
Follow-Up Activity: Prepare a 150-250 word essay that responds to the above questions and
include it in Portfolio 3.
One of the now-familiar literary genres to emerge from Greek civilization was
BIOGRAPHY. Why did the Greeks (and, later, the Romans) practice this form? What did
they hope to achieve by telling the life-stories of notable people? For insight into these
questions, take a look at the comments of two early biographers, Plutarch and Theon.
Plutarch is one of the most famous ancient biographers, whose comparative lives of Greek
and Roman political figures are still widely appreciated. Take a look at this excerpt from his
biography of Alexander the Great.
For Discussion: What, for each of these writers, was the purpose of biography as a distinct
genre of writing? Why does Plutarch find Alexander notable? Does Plutarch appear to
consider Alexander truly great? If so, by what standard? If not, why.
Follow-Up Activity: Prepare a 250-400 word essay that responds to the above questions and
include it in Portfolio 3.
Early Christians endured centuries of sporadic persecution before the emperor Constantine
granted them official toleration. Read the following letter of Pliny the Younger to Emperor
Trajan and Trajan's reply. Pliny's view of Christians is far more subtle than Minucius Felix’
rather hysterical Charge of Cannibalism.
For Discussion: How did pagan Romans view Christians, and why did this view lead to
persecution? What for Pliny is the problem with Christians and their religion? What steps is
he willing to take against them? What steps is he unwilling to take? What advice does Trajan
give to Pliny? Can you detect in this document any misunderstandings of particular Christian
beliefs or rituals?
Christians did not let such accusations pass without comment. Visit the following web page
devoted to Early Christian Defenses against Roman denunciations. Scroll down to and read
the excerpt from the Letter to Diognetus.
For Discussion: On what basis does the Letter to Diognetus defend Christians against
accusations such as subversion?
Finally, take a virtual tour of the Catacombs of Saint Callixtus in Rome.
Primary Source Reading Assignments
Page 2
For Discussion: Why did early Christians descend into the CATACOMBS? What evidence
did they leave behind of their presence, and what does that evidence suggest about what the
Christians did there? What forms did early Christian art take in the catacombs, and how did
it change when they could live and worship in the light of day?
Follow-Up Activity: Prepare a 250-400 word essay that responds to the above questions and
include it in Portfolio 4.
Even before the church was fully established, Christian thinkers debated the authenticity and
value of a variety of texts pertaining to Jesus and his teachings. Ultimately the writings
gathered as the New Testament became the Official Version of Christian Teaching, and all
alternative versions were suppressed. One alternative was a collection of writings now
known as the Gnostic Gospels. Read the following Introduction to the Gnostic Gospels.
When you finish, take a look at some examples of Gnostic texts: the sayings of Jesus in the
Gospel According to Thomas, the poem Thunder Perfect Mind, and The Gospel of Pistis
Sophia, Book 1.
For Discussion: How do these texts differ from the official four Gospels of the New
Testament? How would you characterize the language of these texts? How do they present
Jesus and his teachings? How do they present the experience of understanding or knowing
God? Why do you think the proponents of the official Gospels would have wanted to
suppress such texts?
Follow-Up Activity: Prepare a 250-400 word essay that responds to the above questions and
include it in Portfolio 5.
The following sources relate to the Black Death, which reached the shores of Italy in the
spring of 1348. The first is a primary source (an eyewitness account), the second is secondary
(written by someone who was not present), and the third contains primary sources with
commentary. Examine each of these sources so that you are able to answer the questions
 The Florentine Chronicle
 Satan Triumphant: The Black Death
 The Black Death, 1348
For Discussion: How do you tell the difference between a primary and a secondary source?
What type of information (facts, artwork, interpretation, social commentary) does each of
these sources provide? Which source do you find most helpful in understanding what actually
happened in Florence in 1348? If you find discrepancies in the three accounts, which source
do you think is most accurate? Why? Which source do you find most interesting? Most
dramatic? Most shocking? If someone only had time to read one of these sources, which
would you recommend?
Follow-Up Activity: Prepare a 250-400 word essay that responds to the above questions and
include it in Portfolio 5.