
E&ES 314/514 + 316/516
Petrogenesis of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
Lecture: MW 11-12:20 (SCI 317)
Lab: R 1:10-4 (SCI 317)
Instructor: Jim Greenwood (SCI 439)
Class Text: Principles of Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology by Anthony Philpotts
and Jay Ague
Lab text
Petrography of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks by A. R. Philpotts
Expectations: (1) Class, Lab, and Field Trip attendance
(2) Reading assignments completed prior to class
(3) Assignments due on time (HW, Labs, Final project)
In this class, we will learn how the “hot” rocks of the Earth are formed. We will
look at hot rocks on other planets too for comparison. Rocks are all around you—now
you will learn why they are there and how they formed. We will learn about crystals,
magmas, gases, volcanoes, diffusion, thermodynamics, phase equilibria, heat conduction,
how magmas cool, differentiation, and some igneous geochemistry. We will learn why
the mantle melts to form igneous rocks.
We will also learn about how the metamorphic rocks, form, which are very
different than the igneous rocks. Metamorphic rocks grow very slowly. The interplay
between kinetics and equilibrium are on full display with these rocks. They also have an
incredible memory of the tectonic forces that have shaped them, which can be gleaned
from their study.
The labs are primarily Petrography, which is the study of rocks in thin-section
under a microscope (light or electron microscopes in our case), to learn how the textures
and minerals of rocks are the fingerprints that tell us how they formed. You will be
expected to devote several hours outside of class to your laboratory exercises. The final
project will consist of undertaking a full petrologic investigation of an unknown rock and
identifying and describing this sample in detail. You will use the tools available in the
department and the skills you learn in this class, such as optical microscopy, electron
microscopy, and possibly x-ray fluorescence. This project will begin after Spring Break
and will be due MAY 15.
(1) Exam I
(2) Exam II
(3) Exam III
(4) Lab Grade
(5) Final Project
(6) Class Participation
25% (DUE MAY 15).
There will be three exams. Two exams will be in-class, and one will be take-home. Labs
will generally be due before the next lab session. Lab grades will be based on the lab
assignments and two laboratory exams.
Lectures and Lab Dates
R Jan. 22 Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic
M Jan.26 Igneous Rock classification
Readings and Homework
Ch. 1, 6 Philpotts+Ague; Ch. 4
pp 356-361 P+A
W Jan. 28 Basic igneous geochemistry
R Jan. 29 LAB 1 Basalts and Introduction to Optical
Ch 2+3+5 Philpotts
M Feb. 2 Intro. to Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Ch. 7 P+A
W Feb. 4 Silicate Melts and volatiles in magmas
Ch. 2 P+A
R Feb. 5 LAB 2 Gabbros
M Feb. 9 Phase rule and intro. to binary phase
Ch. 8 P+A; Ch. 10 P+A
W Feb. 11 Binary and ternary phase diagrams
R Feb. 12 LAB 3 Ultramafic Rocks
pp. 219-228 Winter
M Feb. 16 Influence of P, H2O and real magmas
Ch. 11 P+A
W Feb. 18 Chemical Dynamics of melts and crystals
Ch. 12 P+A; HW2 due
R Feb. 19 LAB 4 Andesites and felsic rocks
M Feb. 23 EXAM I
W Feb. 25 Magmatic differentiation
Ch. 14 P+A
R Feb. 26 LAB 5 Igneous Field Trip or Intro. to Electron Microscopy
M Mar. 2 Generation of Magma from the mantle
Ch. 23 P+A
W Mar. 4 MORB and Hawaiian Volcanism
Ch. 15 P+A; Ch. 13 Winter
R Mar. 5 NO LAB
M Mar. 23 Arc Volcanism
Ch. 16+17 Winter
W Mar. 25 Granites
Ch. 18 Winter
R Mar. 26 LAB 6 Granites
M Mar. 30 Kimberlites, Komatiites, Carbonatites, etc.
W Apr. 1 Lunar Petrology
Ch. 19 Hess
R Apr. 2 LAB 7 Extraterrestrial Rocks
M Apr. 6 Martian and other extraterrestrial Petrology
W Apr. 8 EXAM II
R Apr. 9 Final Project Preparation
M Apr. 13 Intro to Metamorphism
Ch. 16 P+A
W Apr. 15 Metamorphic rocks, minerals, fabrics
Ch. 17 P+A
R Apr. 16 LAB 8 Field Trip-Local Metamorphic Rocks
M Apr. 20 Metamorphic facies
W Apr. 22 Contact Metamorphism
R Apr. 23 LAB 9 Metamorphic Rocks
M Apr. 27 Metamorphic phase equilibria
Ch. 18 P+A
W Apr. 29 Metamorphic reactions
Ch. 19+20 P+A
R Apr. 30 LAB 10 Field Trip-Local Metamorphic rocks
M May 4 Metamorphism-high pressure
Ch. 22 P+A