SDS Appx C3 Class Desc.

Data Dictionary
Class Description
Name of Attribute
Data Type
Method Signature
Class Name
Type of Relationship
Data Dictionary
Class Description
Name –
Name of the class EXACTLY as it appears on the class diagram. Remember the name
should be a noun or noun phrase with the first letter of the name capitalized.
Description – Brief description of the general purpose of this class.
Attributes –
In the name column, list each attribute EXACTLY as it appears on the class diagram. For
each attribute, define the data type and give a brief description.
Methods –
Note: This section will be done during the design workflow; do not fill this portion out for
the SRS.
In the name column, list each method EXACTLY as it appears on the class diagram. For
each method, provide a brief description of the method.
Relationships – For each relationship shown on the class diagram for this class, list the name of the
connecting classes and the type of relationship. The comments column is for any additional
information that aid in the understanding of this relationship.
Grading Criteria
Data Dictionary – CLASS and ATTRIBUTE Descriptions
1. Lateness of deliverable:
1 day late 20 points
2 days late 40 points
3 days late 80 points
After 3 days late a zero grade is recorded.
2. Correctness (80 points total):
a. Class (40 points total – grading only one class description)
i. Name does not match class diagram
ii. Description missing or incorrect
iii. Attributes missing or incorrect
iv. Relationships missing or incorrect
b. Attribute (40 points total – grading only one attribute description)
i. Name does not match class diagram
ii. Class name does not match class diagram
iii. Alternative name incorrect
iv. Type missing or incorrect
v. Length missing or incorrect
vi. Output format missing or incorrect
vii. Default values missing or incorrect
viii. Acceptable values missing or incorrect
ix. Source missing or incorrect
x. Derivation formula missing or incorrect
xi. Description missing or incorrect
3. Format (20 points total):
a. Not written in required table format as provided
b. Misspelled words – ½ point for each occurrence