Vol - Springfield Heights Mennonite Church

9:30am Gottesdienst; 11:00am Worship Service
11:00am Children practice for Christmas (downstairs)
James & members of the Bläserchor are serving at Bethania
9:00am Decken nähen
1:30pm Nähverein
7:00pm Membership Meeting
7-8:30pm Bläserchor
9:00am Staff Meeting
6:30pm Bibelstunde in der Kirche
6:30-9pm Sr. Youth - Christmas Banquet Potluck! Dress up fancy
and bring a food dish to share! Dessert will be provided, so please
bring a main dish or salad. Interested in helping decorate? Come
at 6pm to help us create a beautiful Christmas setting for our party
7:30pm German Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday: 7:00pm Music Committee Meeting
7:00pm Missions Committee Meeting
7-8am Morning Prayer
7:00pm Bibelstunde in Kingsford Haus
7:00pm English Choir Rehearsal
NO Jr. Youth
8:30pm Book Study
7:30pm - Midnight Jr. Youth – Christmas Party Extravaganza!
Bring $15 and wear green and red, ugly Christmas sweaters,
whatever you need to put you in the Christmas spirit! Drop off and
pick up at the church.
6-8pm Senioren Weihnachtsfest - Alle Senioren sind eingeladen
10:00am Combined Service
2:30pm Frauenweihnachtsfest – All women – young & old – are
invited! Everyone is asked to bring along a small plate of sweets!
Financial Update
Total Income for November 18, 2012:
Income to Date:
Monthly Requirement for Nov. & Dec.:
Springfield Heights Mennonite Churc h 570 Sharron Bay Winnipeg, MB R2G 0H9
Lead Pastor James Schellenberg - shmcjames@mymts.net Ph: 663-5035
Associate Pastor Jack Dyck - shmcjack@mymts.net Ph: 663-5036
Associate Pastor Ivo Penner – shmcivo@mymts.net Ph: 663-5035
Youth Pastors Terrell & Janna Wiebe – shmcterrell@mymts.net, shmcjanna@mymts.net Ph: 663-7273
Secretary Holly Klassen - shmcoffice@mymts.net Ph: 663-7273
Caretaker Lolita Dyck - nldyck@mymts.net Ph: 667-5034
Vol. 48 No. 47
November 25, 2012
Springfield Heights Mennonite Church
November 25, 2012
Eternity Sudnay
“Be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”
Ephesians 4:3
“Seid fleißig zu halten die Einigkeit im Geist durch das Band des Friedens.”
Epheser 4:3
SHMC, a Christian community,
growing and serving together in the spirit of Jesus.
SHMG, eine christliche Gemeinschaft,
wo wir zusammen wachsen und dienen im Geiste Jesu.
We warmly welcome each person here today and are happy that
you’ve come to worship with us.
Wir freuen uns zu jedem Gottesdienstbesucher und heißen
besonders Gäste recht herzlich willkommen bei uns.
25. November, 2012, 9:30 a.m.
24. Artikel: Wir setzen unsere Hoffnung auf das Reich Gottes, das an jenem
Tage vollendet sein wird, wenn Christus in Herrlichkeit wiederkommt, um die
Lebendigen und die Toten zu richten. Er wird seine Gemeinde sammeln, alle
die Menschen, die bereits unter der Herrschaft Gottes leben. Wir warten auf
Gottes endgültigen Sieg, auf das Ende dieses gegenwärtigen, von Kampf und
Streit erfüllten Zeitalters, auf die Auferstehung der Toten und auf einen neuen
Himmel und eine neue Erde. Dort wird das Volk Gottes mit Christus in
Gerechtigkeit und Frieden herrschen, und dieser Herrschaft wird kein Ende
Leitung: Jack
Zeugnis: David, Ivo
Schriftlesung: Ivo
Musik: Männerquartet, David & Lydia
Gesangleiter: Ruben
Klavierspielerin: Courtney
Worship Service
November 25, 2012, 11:00 a.m.
24. We place our hope in the reign of God and its fulfillment in the day when
Christ will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. He will gather
his church, which is already living under the reign of God. We await God's
final victory, the end of this present age of struggle, the resurrection of the
dead, and a new heaven and a new earth. There the people of God will reign
with Christ in justice, righteousness, and peace for ever and ever.
Worship Leading: Jack
Sharing: David
Scripture Reader & Poem: Janna, Heinz
Music: Young Adult Group, Quartet, Choir, Bläserchor
Song Leader: Kevin
Pianists: Courtney, Henriette
Soloists: Jorge, Julia
December 2, 2012 – 1st Advent
10:00AM Combined Service with Communion
Flood of Mercy – Wading in Faithfulness
(Sermon – Terrell)
1. Next Sunday's service, the first Sunday of Advent, will be a combined service
beginning at 10AM, and will include communion. Let's commit to taking some
time this week to prepare ourselves for this close encounter with God.
2. Nächsten Sonntag, am ersten Advent, beginnt unser Gottesdienst um
10:00. Es ist ein gemeinsamer Gottesdienst, der mit dem Abendmahl
abschliesst. Wir wollen uns in dieser Woche auf dieser Begegnung mit Jesus
3. A request from your youth pastors: We need help with a Christmas game
for our youth Christmas party. You can help us by filling out a simple survey
about Christmas in the foyer after each service. After you have completed the
anonymous survey, please place it in the box where it will be collected and
tallied. The more people who fill it out, the better! Thanks!
4. You are warmly invited to a membership meeting tomorrow at 7:00 PM.
The focus of the meeting will be to look at the draft budget for 2013, and to
discuss concrete steps we will take in implementing our vision. Come to help
us discern what exciting things God is calling us to as a congregation.
5. Alle sind herzlich zu einer Gemeindestunde morgen, 7:00 abends,
eingeladen. Wir wollen den Haushaltsplan für 2013 besprechen, und darüber
reden was wir konkret unternehmen um Gottes Vision für unsere Gemeinde
in die Tat umzusetzen. Kommt und nehmt an dieser Diskussion, und an
diesen Entscheidungen teil.
6. A note from Church Council: We’re grateful for strong giving in September
and October, but a close look at our financial statement reveals that we are
still well behind where we need to be to fulfill our budget obligations by the
end of the year. We will need approximately $50,000.00 in both November
and December to be able to do all that we decided to do in 2012. God has
been so good to us this year! We invite you to prayerfully consider how you
can respond to God's goodness with generosity of your own.
7. Vom Gemeinderat: Wir sind dankbar für die starke finanzielle Unterstützung
im Herbst. Der letzte Finanzbericht zeigte uns aber dass wir immer noch im
Rückstand sind. Also brauchen wir ca $50,000.00 monatlich für die letzten
zwei Monate, um alles gerecht zu werden was wir uns als Gemeinde für 2012
vorgenommen haben. Wir haben Gottes Gnade und Güte so reichlich
empfangen in diesem Jahr. Wir wollen gebetsvoll überlegen wie wir Gottes
Güte mit unserer Grosszügigkleit erwidern können.
8. From the Nominations Committee: We are grateful for all of the people
who have volunteered for, and agreed to responsibility for next year. Just a
few more opportunities to get involved: We are looking for one person for
each of the following: Music Committee, Projector (Powerpoint) Committee,
and on the Funeral Assistance team. Talk to members of the committee
(Evelyn, David, Ivo, Debby) if you would like more info, or to volunteer!
9. The Bläserchor will be at the Christkindle Markt on December 1 at 3:30pm at
the Fort Garry Mall. All are invited to come!
10. Worship + Imagination (formerly Refreshing Winds) will take place Feb. 7 –
9, 2013 at CMU. Please see poster for more details. If anyone is interested,
please let Holly know by December 10.
11. CMU’s Alumni invites nominations for the 2013 CMU Blazer Award for
Distinguished Alumni. The goal of the award is to celebrate alumni who,
through their lives, embody CMU’s values and mission of “service, leadership
and reconciliation in church and society.” The award is presented annually at
the Fall Festival. To nominate someone, or for a complete listing of
recipients, visit: http://www.cmu.ca/blazeraward.html.
12. Come this summer to learn with other peacebuilders – local and international,
young and old, students, practitioners and those new to peacebuilding – at
the fifth annual Canadian School of Peacebuilding. We invite you to
participate in your choice of five-day courses for personal inspiration,
professional development, or academic credit. More information is available
at csop.cmu.ca or csop@cmu.ca.
13. The Westgate AGM will be held at the school, on November 26 at 7pm.
Please join us. Report booklets are available underneath the mail slots.
14. Westgate invites you to a fundraiser on November 30, 7:30pm at Douglas
MC. Help us bring students from the Mar Elias School in Israel to Winnipeg.
Free admission; torte and drink for purchase. For more info call, 775-7111.
15. Westgate would like to invite you to our Christmas Concert on December
3rd at 7pm at Westminister United Church. Come join us!
16. Join the Faith and Life Choirs to experience a tapestry of Christmas music
at Bethel Mennonite Church on December 8 at 7pm.
17. Sam's Place Book & Bake Sale, December 8, 159 Henderson Highway.
18. MCC Manitoba is seeking a volunteer Maintenance Person for the
building at 159 Henderson Highway - For more info visit mccmanitoba.ca
or contract Tricia Prosser at (204)261-6381 or triciaprosser@mennonitecc.ca.