
January 31, 2001
Also Present: Kurt Apthorpe, Meadows Administrator
Walter McLaughlin, Director of Building Services
Diane Carlton, Planning Director
Irene Mangulis, Employee Representative
Larry Bristol, MRB
John Ceresoli, HSP
Rick Talbot, HSP
Jeff Budrow, Fraser
Dave Harmon, Fraser
Nina Vergasssi, Public Archaeology Facility
Carl Higgins reported that the Stage 1 archeological study was completed. Several
artifacts (flakes and fire stones) were found. He had asked Nina Vergassi from the Public
Archaeology Facility at SUNY Binghamton to attend the meeting to explain what was found
and the implications. Nina Vergassi said that she conducted an archeological study as part
of the SEQR process. The Stage 1 study answers the question: Is there an archeological
site on the property or a building, which is 50 years old or older, that could be significant?
The study consisted of two parts. Part 1 consisted of a literature review by reviewing
existing historical records, maps and soil surveys. Part 2 consisted of digging several
shallow holes throughout the parcel, screening the dirt for artifacts and mapping the
findings. They did not find any remnants of a building, but did find two potential prehistoric
sites. The Stage 1 study must now be filed with the State Historic Preservation Office
(SHPO), which determines whether or not a Stage 2 study is required. Ms. Vergassi said
that SHPO will more than likely require a Stage 2 site because of the potential sites. The
Stage 2 study will determine if the sites are significant, which means that they are eligible
for nomination to the State and National Registers of Historic Places. Ms. Vergassi stated
that she did not think the sites would be significant. However, if they are, her group does
enough fieldwork on small sites during the Stage 2 study to meet the needs of a Stage 3
study. These studies will not prevent the county from building on the site and can all be
completed before a Fall construction date. The Stage 2 study cannot be started until the
ground thaws and will take about 2 weeks for the fieldwork and written report to be
completed. Representative Lord moved to contract with Public Archaeology Facility to
conduct a Stage 2 archeological study at a cost of $8,281 per site. Seconded, Puritz.
Total: 5; Ayes: 5; Absent: Swiderski, Wells. Motion carried.
Diane Carlton reported that SHPO is also concerned about how the new building will
be screened. Rick Talbot said that trees and shrubs will be planted. It was decided that
HSP representatives should meet with SHPO representatives after the design is further
developed to discuss what screening will be needed.
Jeff Budrow reported that his firm has done percolation tests and soil tests on the
site. The findings are that there is great soil for an in ground septic system and that there
is a natural gravelly aquifer located here. The septic system will be located at the
northwest corner of the property. The committee discussed whether to install a below
ground or above ground pumping station, electric backup for the system, the design layout
and building a utility building for the pumps and machines.
Jeff Budrow also stated that tests have to be done for a drinking water supply. The
tests will determine if and how this project will affect the aquifer and the neighboring
properties. He has 2 proposals for testing. The first proposal is to install four 2½ inch test
borings about 100 feet deep, run a 4 hour pump test and sample the water to assess the
aquifer. The cost would be $14,000. The second proposal is to do sampling, install two 8
inch test wells with 12 inch casings that would be built to production standards, do a 24
hour pump test and water sampling. The cost would not exceed $50,000. The advantage
of the second proposal is that if the wells are good, a pump can be dropped into the wells
for available water during construction. This would help to lower construction costs. In
January 31, 2001
Page 2
addition, these wells would be used as the permanent water supply for the new facility after
construction. The contract with Fraser includes $10,000 for water testing. An amendment
to the contract is needed for either of these two proposals. Carl Higgins asked Jeff Budrow
to provide the county with a copy of the written proposals so it can decide how to proceed.
John Ceresoli reported that HSP has conducted design planning meetings with the
residents and employees to identify what living space and work space is needed or
wanted. The original proposed building footprint should be fine. Interior spaces are being
redesigned to meet the identified needs. The mechanical and electrical engineers are also
getting involved in the process.
John Ceresoli showed a draft layout of the proposed facility. It will be a two story
building with five residential units and a downtown area. There will be three households in
each unit. A household will consist of 12-13 residents, a common dining area and a
common living area. Most of the rooms will be singles. There will be a few double rooms
on the corners.
Rick Talbot said that the building will be long and is arranged to follow the contours
of the land. It will be located on the eastern half of the property. There will be a buffer
area at the northeastern corner to shield the neighbor and two cluster parking areas around
the building. The first floor east wing will be for dementia patients. There will be courtyard
areas for the various wings.
Larry Bristol reviewed the issues raised in the NYSDOH CON approval letter. Laura
Child (1, 4 & 5), Don Evans (2), John Ceresoli (3) and Larry Bristol (6) will be handling the
contingent items.
Larry Bristol said that a traffic study of NYS Route 28 and Phoenix Mills Cross Road
might be needed to design the turning lanes. HSP has submitted a proposal for $10,000,
which includes a traffic study of NYS Route 28 for vehicles entering and leaving Phoenix
Mills Cross Road and the proposed entrance into the facility, recommendations of possible
realignments needed on both roads and borings for Phoenix Mills Cross Road to see if the
road will hold up to an increase in traffic. The committee decided to complete the design
process first and then discuss the matter with NYSDOT to see if they would do a traffic
Larry Bristol said that HSP has also submitted a proposal to delineate the wetlands
on the property. Without a wetlands delineation the Army Corps of Engineers will not sign
off, which is not required for the project. Following discussion the committee asked Diane
Carlton to contact the local NRCS to see if they could do this work for the county.
Carl Higgins said that he had a bill from Jim Smith of Smith Sacco Architects for
work performed for Otsego County prior to the CON application process. It was decided
that copies of the bill and the original contract with Jim Smith will be made for the
committee members and the county attorney to review further.
Ron Feldstein moved for an executive session to review the RFQ's for construction
management services. Seconded, Lord. Total: 5; Ayes: 5; Absent: Swiderski, Wells.
Motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Thursday,
February 22, 2001 at 9:00 am to interview construction management firms.