Pompeii: Buried Alive Video Notes

Pompeii: Buried Alive Video Notes
1. What is the name of the volcano that erupted in AD 79?
a) Mount Etna
b) Mount Vesuvius
c) Mount St. Helens
2. Caecilius Jucundus commissioned a bas-relief of the earthquake of AD 62; what was his
a) A lawyer
b) A senator
c) A Banker
3. Who was Julius Caesar’s father-in-law?
a) Pliny the Elder
b) Caecilius Jucundus
c) Lucius Calpurnius Piso
4. Which river flowed through Ancient Pompeii?
a) Tiber
b) Sarno
c) Arno
5. Which naval fleet commander was killed by the eruption?
a) Lucius Calpurnius Piso
b) Pliny the Elder
c) Pliny the Younger
6. At which town was the local Roman naval fleet based?
a) Herculaneum
b) Misenum
c) Stabiae
7. Which mountain people occupied the site of Pompeii around 400 BC?
a) Etruscans
b) Samnites
c) Oscans
8. What were many slaves in Pompeii required to wear?
a) A neckband with their name on it
b) A thick belt with the slave owner’s name on it
c) A tunic with black arrow painted on it
9. Between two surges of ash and lava were the most bodies buried at Pompeii?
a) First and second
b) Third and fourth
c) Fourth and fifth
10. How many surges of gas, lava and ash caused destruction at Pompeii?
a) One
b) Three
c) Six
Pompeii: Buried Alive Video Notes
11. What date did the well-diggers rediscovered the buried city of Herculaneum?
a) 1500
b) 1709
c) 1920
12. What is the name of the archeologist who developed the plaster cast method?
a) Michele Ruggerio
b) Sir Mortimer Wheeler
c) Giuseppe Fiorelli
13. What year was the eruption of the volcano that buried Pompeii?
a) 80 BC
b) AD 62
c) AD 79
14. How many names did most men have in Pompeii?
a) One
b) Three
c) Five
15. What was the name of the main street of Pompeii?
a) Decumanus Maximus
b) Peristylum Maximus
c) Triclinium Maximus
16. What date was the amphitheater built at Pompeii?
a) c.80 BS
b) c.20 BC
c) c.AD 40
17. Where would you expect to find a fresco?
a) Ceiling
b) Floor
c) Wall
18. What name was given to an open garden with columns around it?
a) Triclinium
b) Peristylum
c) Palaestra
19. In which villa would you find the Dionysian frieze?
a) House of Papyri
b) House of Marine Venus
c) House of Mysteries
20. How many people visit Pompeii each year?
a) About 100,00
b) About 1 million
c) More than 2 million