Third Year Reading List

Government – Third Year
Semester I
1. Strategic Intelligence – Dr. Oded Eran
Part One: Intelligence surprises – historical perspectives
The lessons of several historic intelligence omissions:
1. The “Barbarossa” Operation.
2. “Pearl Harbor”.
3. The Yom Kippur War.
4. The Islamic revolution in Iran.
5. The demise of the Soviet Union.
6. September 11, 2001.
Background reading
D. Arbel&R. Edelist, Western Intelligence and the Collapse of the Soviet Union: Ten
Years that didn’t Shake the World, Frank Cass, 2003.
U. Bar Joseph, Watchmen Fell Asleep: The Surprise of Yom Kippur and Its Sources,
Forthcoming July 2005.
L. K. Johnson&J. J. Wirtz (eds.), Strategic Intelligence: Windows into Secret World,
Roxbury Publishing House, 2004 pp. 153-163.
E. Kam, Surprise Attack: The Victim’s Perspective, Harvard University Press, 2004
edition. pp. xvii-xxvi, 1-84.
Part Two: The Intelligence Process
1. Intelligence requirements and Collection.
2. Intelligence processing and analysis.
3. Intelligence and the decision makers.
4. Intelligence pathologies.
Background reading
U. Bar Joseph, Op. Cit.
L. K. Johnson&J. J. Wirtz, Op. Cit. pp. 41-165, 219-286.
E. Kam, Op. Cit. pp. 85-233.
M. M. Lowenthal, Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, CQ Press 2003, pp. 41-112.
Part Three: Comparative Intelligence Communities – philosophy and structure
1. The “counterintelligence state”, Intelligence in non-democratic and totalitarian
2. Intelligence communities in democratic societies, executive controls,
parliamentary oversight, secrecy versus “the right of the public to know”, civil
liberties, and finally: organizational reforms as alleged remedies.
Background reading
U. Bar Joseph, Intelligence Intervention in the Politics of Democratic States, 1995.
pp. 70-255.
L. K. Johnson&J. J. Wirtz, Op. Cit. pp. 5-39, 167-217, 345-460.
M. M. Lowenthal, Op. Cit. pp. 25-40, 234-246.
Part Four: Counterintelligence and covert actions, the lessons of the Cold War
and its aftermath
1. The impact of successful, or failed, Intelligence operations on the outcome of
conflicts and crises (special reference to WW2 and Cold War cases of
2. Counter intelligence, covert actions, and national security.
Background reading
L. K. Johnson, Op. Cit. pp. 253-286, 287-343.
M. M. Lowenthal, Op. Cit. pp. 113-138
Useful web sites:
The following websites have excellent collections of links on strategic, military
espionage and intelligence. Some of the links require special authorization to enter.
Others, contain recently declassified intelligence documents from around the world.
Optional background literature:
D. Arbel&R. Edelist, Op. Cit.
U. Bar Joseph, Op. Cit. (part one and two)
___________, Op. Cit. (part three)
B. Berkowitz,& A. E. Goodman, Best Truth: Intelligence in the Information Age, Yale
University Press, 2000.
R. K. Betts, Surprise Attack, The Brookings Institution, 1982.
I. Black& B. Morris, Israel’s Secret Wars: A History of Israel’s Secret Services,
Grove Weidenfeld, 1991.
R. Gates, From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents and
How They Won the Cold War, Simon and Schuster 1997.
M. Herman, Intelligence Power in Peace and War, Cambridge University Press 2002.
L. K. Johnson&J. J. Wirtz, Op. Cit.
O. Kalugin, The First Directorate: My 32 Years in Intelligence and Espionage
Against the West, St. Martin’s Press 1994.
E. Kam, Op. Cit.
Walter Laqueur, The Uses and Limits of Intelligence, Transaction publishers, 1993
A. Levite, Intelligence and Strategic Surprises, Columbia University Press, 1987.
M. M. Lowenthal, Op. Cit.
J. Richelson, A Century of Spies, Oxford University Press, 1995.
__________, The United States Intelligence Community, (4th. Edition), Westview
Press, 1999.
A.N. Shulsky&G.J. Schmitt, Silent Warfare: Understanding The World of
Intelligence, 2002.
A. Wnight, Spies Without Cloaks: The KGB Successors, Princeton 1996.
R. Wohlstetter, Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision, Stanford University Press,
International Journal of Intelligence Services
Studies in Intelligence
2. Rhetoric, Public Speaking and Debate – Kim Cooper
All material will be given at class
3. Negotiation Strategy –Dr. Ronen Hoffman
Negotiating Across Cultures; Raymond Cohen
4. Japan as a Political Economic Power – Prof. Ehud Harari
Ian Neary. THE STATE AND POLITICS IN JAPAN. Cambridge, UK, Polity
Press 2002.
Michael Green. JAPAN'S RELUCTANT REALISM. NY: Palgrave Macmillan,
5. Modern China: History, Politics and Int'l Relations – Prof. Aron Shai
(1978 ‫ ת"א‬,‫ )דביר‬1850 ‫ סין עד‬,‫האקר צ'רלס‬
(1990 ‫ ת"א‬,‫ ביתן‬,‫ ממלחמת האופיום עד יורשי מאו )זמורה‬,‫ אהרן‬,‫שי‬
(1998 ,‫ סין במאה העשרים )ת"א‬,‫ אהרן‬,‫שי‬
(1979 ,‫ מסורת מול שינוי )ת"א‬:‫ סין העממית‬,‫שיחור‬, ‫יצחק‬
Bianco, L., Origins of the Chinese Revolution 1915-1949 (Stanford, 1971)
Chesneaux J., Bastid, M., Bergere M., China: From the Opium Wars to the 1911
Revolution (New York, 1976) 22/9/04-Out of Print
Clubb, O.E., Twentieth Century China (New York, 1967)
Dietrich, C., People’s China: A Brief History (New York, 1994)
Fairbank, Reischauer & Craig, East Asia: Tradition and Transformation (1973)
Gittings, J., The World and China (London, 1974) 22/9/04-Out of Print
Hsu, I., The Rise of Modern China (Oxford, 1983)
Li, Chien-nung, The Political History of China 1840-1928 (California, 1956) 22/9/04-Out
of Print
Meisner, Maurice, Mao’s China and After... (New York, 1986)
Spence, Jonathan, The Chinese Century (New York, 1996)
6. Peacekeeping Operations – Dr. Issac Kfir
Anthony Parson – From Cold war to hot peace: UN interventions, 1947-1994.
Stephen Ryan – The United Nations and International Politics.
I. William Zartman & L. Rasmussen, (eds.), Peacemaking in International
William J. Durch (ed.) – The evolution of UN peacekeeping: case studies &
comparative analysis.
E. Laurd – The United Nations: How it Works and What It Does.
L. Polman – We Did Nothing: Why the Truth doesn’t always come out when the
UN goes in?
W. Shawcross – Deliver Us from Evil: Warlords and Peacekeepers in a World
of Endless Conflict.
D. Cortright, G.A. Lopez, with R.W. Conroy, Jaleh Dashti-Gibson & Julia
Wagler – The sanctions decade: assessing UN strategies in the 1990s.
Sandra Whitworth – Men, militarism, and UN peacekeeping: a gendered
N. MacQueen. The United Nations Since 1945: Peacekeeping and the Cold
B. Urquhart. Hammarskjöld
7. Negotiation Strategy – Dr. Ronen Hoffman
Negotiating Across Cultures; Raymond Cohen
8. Seminar: Nationalism, Ethnicity and Int'l Conflicts – Dr. Idit Zertal
To be announced on a later date.
9. Seminar: Palestinian Society and Politics – Dr. Matti Steinberg
1. Rashid Khalidi, Palestinian Identity, Columbia U.P., New York, 1997.
2. Yezid Sayigh, Armed Struggle and the Search for State: The Palestinian
National Movement 1949 – 1993, Oxford U.P., 1997.
10. Women in Islam and Arab Society – Dr. Ruth Roded
Required reading for the course will consist of: (1) Ruth Roded, Women in Islam
and the Middle East (London and New York: I.B.Tauris, 1999); (2) articles and
chapters from books which will be made available to the students.
11. The Int'l Jihad – Dr. Rohan Gunaratna
To be announced on a later date.
12. Role of the State and Non State Actors in Combating Terrorism – Dr.
Issac Kfir
D. Armstrong et al. From Versailles to Maastricht: International Organisation
in the Twentieth Century.
A. Bennett. International Organizations: Principles and Issues.
Jane Boulden & Thomas G. Weiss. Terrorism and the UN: before and after
September 11.
Christopher Coker - Globalisation and insecurity in the twenty-first century:
NATO and the management of risk.
A.C. Arend & R.J. Beck International law & the use of force: beyond the UN
Charter paradigm.
William C. Gilmore - Dirty money: the evolution of international measures to
counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism
13. Social Movements and Mass Media – Dr. Eitan Alimi
* Schattschneider, Erik, E. (1975) The Semisovereign People. San Diego-N.Y.London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch College Publishers (2nd Edition)
* Charlotte Ryan (1991) Prime Time Activism. Boston: South End Press
* Gitlin, Todd. (1980) The Whole World is Watching. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press
* Wolfsfeld Gadi (1997) Media and Political Conflict: News from the Middle East.
UK: Cambridge University Press
* Donatella Della Porta and Mario Diani, Social Movements: An Introduction.
Blackwell, 1999
Semester II
1. Conflict Resolution – Dr. Muli Peleg
Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury
Contemporary Conflict Resolution by Hugh Miall et al
Constructive Conflicts by Louis Kriesberg
2. Crisis Simulation – Moti Cristal and Lior Lotan
There is no need to purchase any books.
3. Governmental and Non Governmental Organizations – Dr. Leonard
There is no need to purchase any books.
4. Russia: Politics and Foreign Policy – Dr. Oded Eran
Russian Domestic Politics:
1. Michael McFaul, Russia’s Unfinished Revolution: Political Change
From Gorbachev to Putin, pp. 121-306, Cornell university Press
2001, pp. 121-306.
2. Anders Aslund, Building Capitalism: The transformation of the
Former Soviet Bloc, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 396-440.
3. Robert H. Donaldson&Joseph L. Nogee, The Foreign Policy Of
Russia: Changing Systems, Enduring Interests, ME Sharpe, 2002,
pp. 108-154
Russian perceptions of the Outside World
1. Leon Aron, “The Foreign Policy Doctrine of Post Communist Russia
and Its Domestic Context” in Michael Mandelbaum (ed.), The New
Russian Foreign Policy, A Council On Foreign Relations, 1998, pp.
2. Foreign policy Concept Of The Russian Federation, July 2000.
3. Russia’s National Security Concept, January 2000.
4. Andrei Kzyrev, “The Lagging Partnership”, Foreign Affairs, May/June
5. Vladimir Lukin, “Our Security Predicament” Foreign Policy, Fall
6. Yevgeniy Primakov, “Russia: Reforms and Foreign Policy”,
International Affairs (Moscow), vol. 44, no. 4, 1998.
7. ________________, “Russia In World Politics”, International Affairs
Russia and the Near Abroad
1. Sherman W. Garnett, “Europe’s Crossroads: Russia and the West in
the New Borderlands”, in M. Mandelbaum, Op. Cit. pp. 64-99
2. Rajan Menon, “after Empire: Russia And The Southern Near Abroad”,
Op. Cit. pp. 100-106
3. R. Donaldson& J. Nogee, Op. Cit. pp. 155-188.
4. Ahmed Rashid, Jihad: The Rise Of Militant Islam In Central Asia,
Yale University Press 2002. pp. 15-186
Russia and the West
1. Coit Blacker, “Russia and the West” in M. Mandelbaum, Op. Cit. pp.
2. Alexei Arbatov et. Al., Russia And The West, ME Sharpe for East West
Institute, 1999, 129-153, 189-208, 239-244.
3. R. Donaldson&J. Nogee, Op. Cit. pp. 189-232.
4. Talbot, Strobe, The Russia Hand: A Memoir of Presidential
Diplomacy, Random House, 2002.
5. Steve Zaloga, The Kremlin’s Nuclear Sword, Smithsonian Institution,
2002, pp. 135-228
Russia and Eastern Europe
1. Mike Bowker, “Russian policy Toward Central And Eastern Europe”,
in Peter Shearman (ed.), Russian Foreign Policy Since 1990, pp. 7192.
2. R. Donaldson&J. Nogee, Op. Cit., pp. 67-79, 218-232.
Russia in Asia and the Pacific Rim
1. Gilbert Rozman et. Al. (eds.), Russia And East Asia: The 21st. Century
Security Environment, ME Sharpe for East West Institute, 1999. pp.
13-62, 133-172, 200-212.
2. Eugene Bazhanov, “Russian Policy Toward China”, in Peter
Shearman, Op. Cit. pp. 159-180
3. Ramesh Takur, “Russian Policy toward India: A Relationship On
Hold”, in Peter Shearman, Op. Cit. pp. 225-246.Yoke T. Soh, “Russian
Policy Toward The Two Koreas”, in P. Shearman, Op. Cit. pp. 181200.
4. Hiroshi Kimura, “Politics And Economics in Russo-Japanese
Relations”, in Ted Hopf (ed.), Understandings Of Russian Foreign
Policy, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999.
5. Ahmed Rashid, Op. Cit., pp. 187-227.
Russia and The Middle East
1. Vladimir Zakharescu&Stefany Hoffman, “The Empire Does Not
Strike Back”, International Security, 1998.
2. R. Donaldson&J. Nogee, Op. Cit. pp. 254-269.
3. Oded Eran, “Russia In The Middle East: The Yeltsin Era And
Beyond”, in Gabriel Gorodetsky (ed.), Russia Between East And West,
5. Seminar: Leadership, Psychology and International Relations – Dr.
Ronen Hoffman
No books are required.
6. Cultural Perspectives of Conflict Management – Dr. Deborah Haifetz
There is no need to purchase books.
7. Psychological Warfare and Public Opinion in International Conflicts –
Dr. Ronen Hoffman
Psychological Operations and Political Warfare in Long-term Strategic Planning;
Edited by Janos Radvanyi
8. Seminar: Israeli Counter- Terrorism Policy – Dr. Boaz Ganor
1. Ganor Boaz, "The Counter-Terrorism Puzzle; A Guide for Decision Makers."
Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick and London, 2005.
2. Janke Peter, "Terrorism and Democracy; Some Contemporary Cases."
Macmillan Academic and Professional Ltd. Houndmills, Basingstoke,
Hampshire and London, 1992.
3. *"A New Strategy Against the New Terror" : Policy View No. 10, The Shalem
Center – National Policy Institute, January 19, 1995.
4. *Ganor Boaz, "Israeli Counterterrorism in the Shadow of Oslo." : Policy
View No. 17, The Shalem Center – National Policy Institute, December 10,
5. *Hafez Mohammed M. & Hatfield Joseph M., "Do Targeted Assassinations
Work? Evaluating the Repression-Rebellion Nexus in the Palestinian Al-Aqsa
Uprising, 200-2003."
6. *Ayalon Ofra, "Coping With Terrorism, Psycho-Educational Aspects."
7. *Cordesman Anthony H. & Burke Arleigh A., "Israel Versus the Palestinians:
The 'Second Intifada' and Asymmetric Warfare." (Working Draft), Center For
Strategic and International Studies October, 2001.
The Readings marked by an asterisk (*) are articles that will be put together in a
9. Honors Seminar – Dr. Alisa Peled
There is no need to purchase any books.
10. Islam and Fundamentalism in the Middle East – Dr. Mati Steinberg
1. Bernard Lewis, The Arabs in History, Hutchinson University Library, London,
Last Edition.
2. Mitchell P. Richard, The Society of the Muslim Brothers, Lat Edition
11. Between Militarism and Politics – The Israeli Case – Kobi Michael
Ben Meir, Yehuda. Civil-Military Relations in Israel. Colombia University Press
New York 1995.
Feaver, D. Peter and Richard H. Kohn (ed). Soldiers and Civilians – The CivilMilitary Gap and American National Security. MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts
London England 2001.
Huntington, P. Samuel. The Soldier and the State in the 1970s, in Civil-Military
Relations, edited by Andrew J. Goodpaster and Samuel P. Huntington. American
Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research Washington D.C. (1977).
Peri, Yoram. The Israeli Military and Israel’s Palestinian Policy From Oslo to the Al
Aqsa Intifada. Peaceworks No. 47.
Peri, Yoram. Between battles and ballots – Israeli military in politics. Cambridge
University Press 1983.
Janowitz, Morris. The Professional Soldier: A Social and Political Portrait. New
York: Free Press, 1971.
12. Gender and Society – Dr. Ruth Barzilai – Lumbroso
Judith Lorber (ed.), Gender Inequality: Feminist Theories and Politics, 3rd ed.
(Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Company: 2005).
Rosemarie Tong, Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction (Boulder &
San Francisco: Westview Press, 1989).
Yael Azmon and Dafna Izraeli (eds.), Women in Israel: Studies of Isreali
Society, Vol. VI (New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 1993).
Marilyn J. Davidson and Ronald J. Burke (eds.), Women in Management
Worldwide: Facts, Figures and Analysis (ASHGATE, 2004).
13. Politics of Ethnicity and Citizenship – Dr. Lauren Basson
No books are needed
14. Arabic – Mr. Kabha Kosai
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic - Part 1 by Peter F. Abboud Ernest N.
Cambridge University Press Isbn 0-521-27295-5