SCL Ex minutes 19th March 2014 – Chair approved

Minutes of the SCL Executive Committee meeting held in CILIP on 19 th March
Present: Janene Cox (Chair), Alison Bramley, Ayub Khan, Ciara Eastell, Elizabeth Elford,
Rosemary Doyle, Sarah Mears, Barry Clark, Christine May, Irene Campbell, Sue
Laurence, Julie Spencer, Leslie Sim, Tony Durcan, Ian Watson, Sally McMahon, Mark
Freeman, Lynn Hodgkins
Steve Hardman, Nick Stopforth, Antonio Rizzo, Bev Rice, Janet Wood, Muriel Todd, Michelle Alford,
Simon May, Mark Taylor, Peter Gaw, Neil MacInnes, Martin Burton,
Sally Curry attended the meeting for this agenda item. She outlined the background to Inspire and
highlighted its achievements. Her presentation is attached to the minutes.
The Executive agreed to continue to support the concept of Inspire and ensure that SCL is represented
on the Inspire Board.
Currently SCL’s representative is Irene Campbell.
It was suggested that Inspire could produce a work plan which could then be discussed at SCL regional
meetings. Any requests for funding submitted to SCL from Inspire, would need to be supported by a
robust business case.
The Executive agreed that MOOCs will also present an opportunity for Inspire to support learners.
Irene to keep the Executive informed about Inspire.
Sarah tabled ASCEL’s SLS Action Plan. This plan outlined ASCEL’s fundamental thinking about SLS and
also described possible future delivery models.
The Executive discussed the Action Plan and outlined other possible delivery models.
It was also agreed that the Bridge Organisations should be involved in this work.
Julie Spencer, Mark Freeman and Lesley Sim agreed to join the ASCEL/SCL Steering group on SLS. It
was noted that the Action Plan presently does not reflect the current position of schools; any future plan
must highlight the priorities of schools and should not focus on the “service” offer.
Sarah will work on the list of discussion questions for SCL regional meetings and send them to Alison for
circulation to Regional Chairs.
Advisory Council on Libraries (ACL)
The Executive discussed the DCMS consultation on the proposed abolition of ACL.
Tony will reply to the consultation on behalf of SCL.
Sieghart Library Report
Janene outlined the timetable for this work and it was noted that the Panel hope to produce a draft
report by 30th September 2014. The closing date for the submission of evidence is 23 rd March 2014 and
the Panel will meet in May to sift the information received and decide who they wish to meet. William
Sieghart has visited several Library Authorities and met with library staff. These visits are still on-going.
The Executive then discussed the SCL’s response to the Panel and made several suggestions for
Janene and Alison will amend the submission and forward it to DCMS.
Janene thanked Ciara for producing SCL’s response.
A War Memorial for the Digital Age
Tom Forrest and Rebecca Abraham joined the meeting for this agenda item. Tom had prepared a
briefing about this work which had been circulated to Executive members.
SCL has been awarded a grant of £196,110 for this project.
Public libraries will facilitate and support a range of projects that enable community groups to work with
artists to express their responses to the First World War. The rich and diverse collections in libraries
will be used to stimulate reflection and discussion and provide the starting point for deeper engagement
and artistic interpretation.
Tom outlined the timeline for this project and informed the Executive that the ten pathfinder project
leads will meet on 26th March 2014 to take this work forward. A Digital Curator will also be
commissioned to guide the digital element of the pathfinder projects.
SCL has commissioned We Are What We Do (WAWWD), the creators of Historypin, to provide the
platform and support to library services in uploading and managing digital content. WAWWD are also
working on The First World War Centenary Hub (working title) which is a partnership with the Imperial
War Museum, the Heritage Lottery Fund, BBC, Jisc, AHRC and the British Library. The Hub will be
hosted within a dedicated section of Historypin, through which users can:
 Discover WW1 Centenary activities taking place locally and nationally, using maps and browsable
 Participate in these activities locally and/or online
 Explore a vast range of WW1 heritage assets (images, video, audio, documents, maps etc.)
 using maps, timelines and galleries
 Contribute their own WW1 heritage assets, information and stories
 Manage and promote their local Centenary activities.
In effect the SCL resources will be a discreet sub-set of the First World War Community Hub which is a
sub-set of Historypin. Rachel then demonstrated Historypin and the Centenary Hub. Her presentation is
attached to the minutes.
Ciara commented that she expects that further bids will be generated from this project.
It was noted that BL are hosting a celebration event in September 2014 and they have also offered SCL
their assistance with matters such as “rights”, intellectual property and licencing.
Tom and Ciara will keep the Executive informed of progress.
Item 6A
SCL Work Plan
SCL website
It was noted that the new website is now live and material from the previous site will be migrated
across to the new site. It was agreed that the new “Professional Area” will be publically available.
Regional Representatives will inform Elizabeth (by 31st March 2014) of the person nominated in their
region to update their regional pages
Regional Representatives to inform Elizabeth (by 31st March 2014) of their requirements for their
region’s pages on the site.
Elizabeth will prepare a guide describing how to access and edit material on the website. She will
forward this to Alison for circulation.
Universal Offer (UO) Roadshows
These are now completed; over 800 staff have attended these roadshows and the Assisted Digital
training day. The Executive discussed how to publicise the UOs to ensure they are highlighted and kept
Janene, Ciara and Alison will devise a questionnaire for the membership to discover how Authorities
have used the UOs.
Elizabeth will set up RSS feeds on the SCL website
Elizabeth will add the Google Alerts facility to the SCL website.
Elizabeth will produce a quarterly bulletin about the UOs using the information provided for SCL
Executive meetings.
Universal Offer leads will send details of the membership of their UO Steering Group to Regional Chairs.
Regional Representatives will ask their colleagues for a volunteer to join each UO Steering Group.
Advocacy leaflet
Elizabeth reported that this is now in draft format and has been sent to the designer. She will circulate
it once it is available but it was noted that amendments can still be made.
Envisioning Programme
Janene reported on the funding received from ACE to support the UOs. £45K was received originally and
an additional £42K was received in February 2014.
Public Library Narrative
Ayub reported on this work which is led by ACE. A working draft is now available.
Ayub will circulate this draft to Executive members in confidence. Comments should be sent to Ayub.
Item 6B
This was covered in agenda item 5.
Item 6C
Reading Update
Tony reported that Sue Wilkinson, the new CEO of TRA, wishes to join the Books and Reading group in
place of Miranda Mckearney.
It was agreed that the profile of the Reading Offer should be raised and Tony informed the Executive
that the Steering Group would welcome new members.
Regional Representatives will ask their colleagues for a volunteer to the Reading UO Steering Group and
inform Tony or his PA.
Item 6D
Digital Update
As Nick was unable to attend the meeting he had circulated a detailed report. Sally informed the
Executive that:
 Interviews to commission outside expertise to develop the leadership strategy for digital
technology will take place on 20th March 2014.
 The geo-locator tool tender has been awarded to Lift : creative communication design and a
meeting will take place on 21st March 2014
The Executive discussed the next steps for Bookmark Your Library (BYL), OCLC and the geo-locator
tool. It was agreed that it must be possible to use the SCL website to host BYL and the geo-locator tool
should this be necessary.
Assisted Digital Agenda
A follow up meeting has been held with Tinder and CAB. Sally will circulate the notes from this meeting.
GDS Digital Inclusion Strategy
Sally had circulated information about this strategy and she informed the Executive that GDS has
established a new Stakeholder Inclusion Group. Given the increasing workload attached to the Digital
Offer, Alison Wheeler agreed to lead the digital inclusion strand of this offer. The Digital Offer now has
four Executive members (Sally, Nick, Neil and Alison Wheeler) leading separate work streams.
Sally will send Alison Wheeler more information relating to digital inclusion.
Sally will circulate the notes from her meeting with Tinder and CAB.
Item 6E
Information Update
Eve had circulated a report to the Executive. The power point presentation (summary of the training
outline) is attached to the minutes.
The workforce development training modules are progressing well but more regional representatives are
required to attend the “Train the Trainers” sessions and then to cascade this training locally. Each
region will need six representatives.
Eve will circulate an update about the “Train the Trainers” sessions to confirm the venues.
Sally will send details of the budget breakdown to Janene.
Janene will identify funding to cover the travelling costs of volunteers attending the “Train the Trainers”
Janene thanked Eve for all her hard work preparing the various tenders; this has been a difficult and
time consuming process. She also thanked Nick and Sally for their dedication and hard work leading the
Digital and Information Offers. Much has been achieved thanks to them.
Alison Wheeler reported on the meeting held with the OU attended by herself and Neil MacInnes. Alison
and Neil hope to meet with the Head of Content at Future Learn
Alison Wheeler will forward the notes from the meeting with OU.
Item 6F
Health Update
As Martin was unable to attend the meeting he had circulated a report on recent activity. Debbie Hicks
was thanked for her ongoing commitment to this UO.
Item 6G
Government/ External Environment
Carnegie Innovation Programme
Janene reported on a recent meeting with the Carnegie Trust which she attended with Brian Ashley. The
Trust has identified funding which will be devoted to leadership in the public library sector. They may
set up a bursary programme structured around certain themes or fund a programme related to
innovation. Once this is finalised SCL will be asked to comment on the Trust’s proposals.
Meeting with Ed Vaizey
The next meeting will take place on 28th April 2014.
Janene will contact the UO leads for information to be included in SCL’s briefing for the Minister.
ACE Update
Janene reported that she has attended several meetings with Brian Ashley over the past three months.
It was noted that ACE are setting up a Public Voice Forum which will be a stakeholder group and meet
LGA Update.
SCL supported the LGA’s recent seminar and Janene led a workshop session at the CLOA conference.
LGA plan to set up some action learning sets for members.
E Lending Pilots
These have now started.
DEFRA rural libraries' work
Ciara reported that she attended the meeting held on 24 th February 2014 along with Alison Wheeler and
Ayub Khan. This meeting brought the pilot Authorities together. It is hoped that there will be a draft
report on this research by Easter. OPM have published a paper on the value of libraries.
Ayub will circulate Locality’s paper.
Reaching Rural Communities; Bid to the Big Lottery Fund (BLF)
Janene reported that although SCL’s bid was unsuccessful, she had received very positive feedback
about SCL’s application. BLF suggested that SCL may wish to consider becoming a strategic partner to
one or more of the successful applicants.
Janene will follow this up.
Byelaws: possible collective approach through SCL to devise some new model byelaws
Christine reported that she has met with DCMS but they wish to consult with their legal advisors before
any further action is taken.
Jen Beardsmore has volunteered to work with Christine who will keep the Executive informed of
SCL Seminar 2014
Alison reported that bookings are going very well and eight companies have confirmed their
NLD 2014
This had been extremely successful and was a positive celebration of libraries. CILIP are setting up a
planning group for 2015.
Janene reported that she had a very positive meeting with Sue Wilkinson and the notes from this
meeting have been circulated. A framework for future working between TRA and SCL has been agreed.
Branding and key messages will be agreed at the start of future joint working.
BBC Meeting
Neil MacInnes had attended this meeting.
Neil will keep the Executive informed of progress.
IFLA Public Libraries Satellite 2014
Janene reported that many papers had been submitted and the programme is now finalised.
SCL and ASCEL working together
ASCEL’s work plan had been circulated. Sarah reported that a new version of the Children’s Promise is
posted on the ASCEL website.
Item 6H
Access to Research Initiative
Irene reported that the launch had been very successful and more publishers are now joining this
initiative. 141 Library Authorities have expressed an interest in participating in this project and training
sessions are planned. As there has been some negative blogging Irene would welcome evidence and/or
case studies of how library customers are using information gained from this initiative.
Executive members to send Irene any relevant evidence.
Item 6I
Corporate Status & Finance update
There was nothing to report.
Item 6J
Minutes of the last meeting: 22nd January 2014
These were agreed as a true record
Actions Arising
Item 1 Booksellers Association
Janene and Ayub are attending the Booksellers Association meeting on 20th March 2014
Item 4F Health Update
Martin will circulate the names of those Authorities not participating in this offer to Regional
Item 4G Meeting with Ed Vaizey
It was noted that Colin Gibson is temporally filling the post of DCMS Library Advisor.
Cultural Commissioning Programme: July 2013 – June 2016 Arts, Museums and Libraries
This programme is looking at supporting arts and cultural organisations engage in public sector
commissioning. Ian reported that he is currently looking at the methodology for this work and he would
like examples of case studies for events in June.
Ciara will discuss with Martin Burton the possibility of using the Health Offer as a case study.
TRA Advisory Group for work with adult learners
Rosemary reported that she attended a recent meeting of this group and she will circulate further
information about NIACE’s draft ‘Reading Champions’ initiative.
Ian reported that DCMS have agreed to fund a second year of Authority profiles.
Mark Freeman reported that the new team is in place at RNIB and suggested that SCL invites the new
RNIB President to a future Executive meeting.
Janene/Ciara to progress this action.
Reference Online
Ayub reported that the new Framework will be launched at the end of March 2014 and he will circulate a
report on Reference Online to the Executive.
A meeting with ACE’s Regional Director for the SW has been held and the role of NPOs highlighted. In
particular, the topic of how to persuade NPOs to support libraries was discussed. It was agreed at the
meeting that this is relevant as the aims of Envisioning map to those of NPOs.
Janene and Ciara will explore this further.
CILIP Local Studies Awards
Janene reported that she has recently received a request from Terry Bracher, Chair of CILIP’s Local
History Group, asking for assistance in publicising two local history awards. The Executive agreed that
these awards still have value and it was decided to circulate Terry’s request to SCL Regional Chairs.
Alison will circulate this request to SCL Regional Chairs.
New Year’s Honours Awards
Janene has received a request from DCMS asking for nominations for these awards. Previously SCL had
agreed to ask Heads of Service to nominate front line staff for an award.
Alison will circulate the request to the Executive
Dates of Meetings in 2014
June 4th – Scarman House
September 17th – CILIP
November 26th – CILIP
Dates of Meetings in 2015
January 21st
March 25th