Contact: Shelby Meizlik, 212-207-7466
Gypsy Lovett, 212-207- 7464
Based on the Bestselling Program That Has Helped Millions Regain Vitality to
Feel and Look Younger Than Their Years
Cooking the RealAge Way
Michael F. Roizen, M.D.,
John La Puma, M.D.
In his breakthrough bestseller RealAge, Michael Roizen, M.D., provided compelling
evidence that aging is not strictly dictated by the calendar but determined by a menu of choices,
including habits of eating. Your RealAge is the actual age of your body as opposed to your
calendar age, the number of birthdays you’ve celebrated. And your RealAge can be many years
older or younger than your calendar age. How to make your RealAge younger deliciously is
what this book is about. Building on his scientifically sound and successfully patient-tested
principles, Dr. Roizen teams up with John La Puma, M.D., a professionally trained chef as well
as a doctor, to present a comprehensive guide to creating a fountain of youthful energy and good
health in any home kitchen, Cooking the RealAge Way: Turn Back Your Biological Clock
with More Than 80 Delicious and Easy Recipes (HarperResource; June 2003; $24.95).
“By making some easy choices, such as eating well, you can contol your genes rather
than be controlled by them, and slow down or even reverse aging,” Dr. Roizen attests. “And the
best way to begin eating well is by revising key elements of the most important room in your
home—the kitchen.” A kitchen IQ quiz lets you see how small changes in your kitchen can
make your RealAge importantly younger.
Starting with a first course of easily digestible science, Cooking the RealAge Way
explains how simple, small changes in food choices can have dramatic effects on two systems
vital to keeping the body young and healthy: the cardiovascular system and the immune system.
(Numerous studies show, for example, that regular consumption of tomato sauce—as little as 10
tablespoons a week—decreases the likelihood of cancer.) From this firm foundation, the doctors
prescribe 27 easy-to-follow daily practices for preventing disease and turning back the calendar,
biologically speaking, by as much as 14 years. First and foremost, Dr. Roizen and Dr. La Puma
emphasize the most important rule of eating and cooking the RealAge way for life: Make every
calorie you eat delicious and nutrient-rich.
Aiming to make healthy cooking easy and the results delicious for chronically busy,
hardworking people of all lifestyles and ages, Cooking the RealAge Way features:
A “Kitchen IQ” quiz, weighed in part by the contents of one’s pantry, and a sweeping
plan to make any kitchen smarter, armed with the right ingredients and equipment
A crash course in cooking for the health of it, complete with lessons in grilling, sautéing,
baking, microwaving, and freezing
The skinny on fat—the essential, the healthy, and the detrimental . And why eating some
healthy fat first is a key principle in all eating and cooking
More than 80 easy, delicious, age-erasing recipes—for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert,
and snacks—all taking advantage of the health benefits of fresh, in-season produce
At-a-glance charts of health-enhancing herbs, spices, vegetables, and fruits, plus pointers
on growing nutritious culinary staples in your own backyard
Tips on eating out the RealAge way, without sacrificing flavor or pleasure
With easy recipes for enticing dishes from Apricot Breakfast Polenta to Barbecued Red
Snapper with Spicy Red Beans and Rice, plus an arsenal of rejuvenating tools—complemented
by the RealAge quiz available to all readers at—Cooking the RealAge Way
makes the dream of feeling and looking younger an attainable reality, bite by bite.
About the Authors
Michael F. Roizen, M.D., is a professor of medicine and anesthesiology. He also directs the
Program for Executive Health at the University of Chicago. John La Puma, M.D. is a board-
certified specialist in internal medicine and a professionally trained chef. He is medical director
of the Santa Barbara Institute for Medical Nutrition and Healthy of Weight in Santa Barbara,
California, and research director for is the second most accessed medical web site according to independent media
Cooking the RealAge Way; Turn Back Your Biological Clock with More Than 80 Delicious and Easy
By Michael F. Roizen, M.D., and John La Puma, M.D.
HarperResource, An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
Publication Month: May 2003
Price: $24.95 ($38.95 Can.)
ISBN: 0-06-000935-7
Some sample question from the Kitchen IQ Quiz…the higher your Kitchen IQ, the more likely
your Kitchen is to make your RealAge younger—there is a conversion chart in the book:
3A. Have you retrained your palate to enjoy healthy fats?
Kitchen IQ Points
 Yes, in many ways. Skim milk, baked potato chips,
nuts, olive oil, canola oil, avocados, fish, soy, and
flaxseeds are my major fats and fat substitutes.
 Yes, in some ways. Whole milk never touches my
lips, but sometimes I eat saturated fat (animal fat)
and trans fat (Crisco-like and stick margarine-like fat).
 Huh? What do you mean, “healthy” fat?
Possible points: 0 to 10
*In the box, write the circled number.
Explanation: Retraining the palate to prefer olive oil, cold-pressed canola oil, or fish is just
that, retraining. If you drink whole milk and switch to skim, it will probably take eight weeks
before you prefer the skim milk. For baked goods, try this switch for four weeks: If a recipe
calls for 3 tablespoons of butter, try 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of an oil substitute
(drained apple sauce or prune puree). Then, for the next four weeks, try 1 tablespoon of butter
and 2 tablespoons of an oil substitute. In eight weeks, you and your family will love the taste,
and your RealAge will be 6 to 12 years younger. That’s why this particular habit gets so many
IQ points.
10A. Do you have seasonal fruit attractively displayed in your kitchen, or other commonly
frequented parts of common areas in your home; or at the spot where you are most likely
to be eating?
Kitchen IQ Points
 Always, and mostly seasonal fruit.
 One third to two thirds of the time,
and usually seasonal fruit.
 Less than one third of the time.
 Never.
Possible points: 0 to 6
*In the box, write the circled number.
Explanation: Having nutritious food handy makes it more likely you will eat healthy. The
lengthening of the average life span in America has paralleled the availability of fresh fruit.
Fresh fruit are rich in vitamins, fibers, carotenoids, flavonoids, and other phytonutrients.
Remember to wash fruit well but to keep the peel on when you can. If you peel an apple or pear,
you're tossing most of the fiber. You will make yourself over 3.7 years younger from just the
fiber and flavonoids in fruit if you have four helpings a day.
13A. Do you frequently serve nuts, fish, tomato products, and whole grains?
Kitchen IQ Points
 Yes, always.
 At least one third to two thirds of the time.
 Less than one third of the time.
 What? No red meat for the guests?
Possible points: 0 to 10
*In the box, write the circled number.
Explanation: Eating nuts five days a week makes the average woman 3.4 years younger, and
the average man 4.4 years younger, in 3 years. Eating fish three times a week makes you 1.6 to
3.4 years younger, depending on age and gender. Eating 10 servings of tomato products a week
helps prevent prostate, breast, and 10 other cancers. When eaten with a little oil, lycopene, the
carotenoids found in tomatoes provides an immune-strengthening antioxidant that seems to
inhibit many cancers. The benefit from lycopene can be as much as 1.8 years younger for men
and 1.1 years younger for women. In addition, lycopene, which is also found in watermelon,
guava, and pink grapefruit, may make your arteries younger. Whole grains contain not only
nutrients that seem to inhibit both arterial and immune aging, but also fiber. If you have 25
grams of fiber a day, your RealAge can be at least 2.4 years younger.
16A. Do you enjoy one half hour of rest prior to your guests’ arrival?
Kitchen IQ Points
 Always.
 I try to, at least one third to two thirds of the time.
 At best, one third of the time.
 You’re kidding?
Possible points: 0 to 10
*In the box, write the circled number.
Explanation: Anything that decreases stress and provides time to meditate and rest is highly
beneficial to you, making your RealAge younger.