
[[1]] [coloured illustrations of parts of Hodgsonia heteroclita appear here, annotations
read "tube of corolla" "Dry not green -- it is quite velvety root[?]"
[[2]] Hodgsonia heteroclita or whatever sp. name you please
"Kat'hion pot" Lepcha
"Tasy" Bhothea
Kernels eaten raw & roasted. Neither sweet nor agreeable
Sikkim Himalayah Inner & outer ranges, from the foot of the hills (300 ft) to 5000 ft
elevation climbs lofty trees from which the branches descending & matted together,
form broad screens & festoons of deep green foliage.
Fl[owers] May & June.
Stems no thicker than finger -- bleed when cut to most copiously from whichever end
of the section is held downward. Large vessels always empty. Juice flows from
external ring bundles of small vessels is limpid & tasteless.
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