
Council # 13983 4th QUARTER, OCTOBER 2012
From The Grand Knight
Dear Brothers, Officers, Families, Parishioners, and all others who find their way to this article:
As most of you are aware, the Knights of Columbus was founded by a parish priest, Fr. Michael J. McGivney. As a result, the
Knights of Columbus have always worked hard to encourage young men and women to consider God’s call to service in the priesthood
or religious life.
Under the motto “Keep the Faith Alive,” the Order’s vocations initiative has a number of programs based on prayer and
designed to reach the hearts and minds of young people, as well as to provide financial support during their years of seminary training or
religious formation. In keeping with Knights of Columbus tradition, our Council participates in many of those programs. Each and
every one of us, in fact, is a part of the Vocations Committee for St. Kieran Catholic Church.
We are now taking our role in the parish to support and encourage vocations a giant step further. On November 8, the
council will conduct a Prayer Service for Priestly Vocations at 7:00 in the church. We are offering this program as a vicariate
event, with the approval of Fr. Johnson and the Vicar, Fr. Buersmeyer. All of the K of C councils in our vicariate have been invited, as
well as the parishioners from those parishes. Unfortunately, no priest is available to conduct the prayer service, which in itself may
speak volumes about why such a prayer service is needed and why it is up to us to conduct it.
Although it seems we may be breaking new ground within the Knights of Columbus by conducting such a prayer service
ourselves, I am nonetheless confident that we can make it successful, as we did the prayer service for the Icon of Our Lady of
Guadalupe. However, it will require the attendance of as many of you as possible.
You may be wondering how it was that we even conceived of this project. The idea began on 11 April 2012, when Archbishop
Vigneron sent a letter to the Michigan Knights of Columbus asking that the Knights redouble their efforts to encourage priestly
vocations and “to think of creative new ways to help young men hear God’s call and to say a wholehearted ‘yes’ in response.”
In addition, on page 127 of the document titled "Do Whatever He Tells You" that was prepared by the Archdiocesan Office of Priestly
Vocations, one of the suggested activities for a parish vocations committee is to “organize a Holy Hour and/or Mass for Vocations at the
parish, and/or assist organizing one at the vicariate or regional level.”
Lastly, in a document released from the Vatican on 25 March 2012 titled "Pastoral Guidelines for Fostering Vocation to
Priestly Ministry," we are told that “…in the mystery of God’s covenant with us, we are called to cooperate with his providence, and to
use the powerful tool which he has placed in our hands: prayer! This is what Jesus himself asked us to do: ‘Pray the Lord of the harvest
to send out laborers into his harvest!”’ (Page 16) It goes on to tell us that “prayer initiatives… which are prepared and conducted in a
meaningful way and with a profound liturgical sense, can highlight the extraordinary importance of the priestly vocation.” (Page 24)
St. Kieran Knights of Columbus Council 13983, yes – our very own council, is attempting to accomplish exactly that. We have
been called by the Archbishop, by the Archdiocesan Office of Priestly Vocations, and by the Pope, to come together and fold our hands
in prayer for priestly vocations, and that is what we will strive to do! With the blessings of God upon our endeavor, and with the
participation of each of you, we can make this happen. Hopefully, you and your family will be at the church at 6:45 p.m. (so we can
process in together) on November 8 to pray as a council, in unison with fellow Catholics from our vicariate, that those whom God is
calling to the priesthood will hear His summons, as well as that their families and friends will nurture His call to them.
A light reception is planned for after the prayer service.
Vivat Jesus!
Ron Koscierzynski
1: Columbus Day Memorial Mass at 07:00pm Monday October 22, 2012 at St. Kierans.
2: Snookers Poker Event November 6, 7, 8 & 9, 2012 from 03:00pm to 02:00am.
3: Prayer service for Priestly Vocations at St. Kierans on Thursday November 8, 2012 at 07:00pm.
4: Membership drive and Coffee & Donuts served after Mass on December 9, 2012.
5: Council Christmas Party December 11, 2012.
6: JINGO scheduled for May 17, 2013.
05 Michael Wood
10 Frank Gozdor
14 Tim Meyer
17 Steven Sawchuck
24 Joe Vogel
23 Joe Moore Jr.
09 Al & Rosie Jankowski
22 Wally & Bev Jakubowski
25 Larry & Lottie Grincewicz
11 John Trenkamp
21 Ed Kettner
22 Christopher Okeh
25 Larry Grincewicz
29 Paul Kuligowski
01 Gerald Willaert
05 Mike Snider
09 Al Jankowski
09 Ray Weyland
10 Chuck Horton
21 John Dziwanowski
02 Dick Bejnar
05 Russ Morgan
08 Ralph Engler
17 Doug Wozniak
22 Bob Ansell
22 Ray Pospy
28 Guy Miller
We are members of the oldest Christian religion in the world…The Catholic Church was founded in the year 33 by our Lord Jesus
Christ. We have the real body and blood of Christ in our communion.
The next oldest Christian Church is the Lutherans and they have only been around for about 500 years. The Mormons have only been
here since 1829.
In the year 33 there were no hospitals. Today, one out of five people in this country receive their medical care at a Catholic hospital.
In the year 33 there were no schools. Today, the Catholic Church teaches 3 million students a day, in its more than 250 Catholic
Colleges and Universities, in its more than 1200 Catholic High Schools and its more than 5000 Catholic grade schools.
We are members of the oldest Christian religion in the world…The Catholic Church was founded in the year 33 by our Lord Jesus
Christ. We have the real body and blood of Christ in our communion.
Every day, the Catholic Church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other organization in the world. We should
all be proud to be Catholic.
There are more than 77 million Catholics in this country. It takes an estimated 50 million votes to be elected president. I am asking all
of you to go to the polls and be united in voting for a president, as well as your congressman/senator, that will respect the Catholic
Church in this country.
*Catholic Heart Attack*
A man suffered a serious heart attack while shopping in a store. The store
clerks called 911 when they saw him collapse to the floor. The paramedics
rushed the man to the nearest hospital where he had emergency open heart
bypass surgery.
He awakened from the surgery to find himself in the care of nuns at the
Catholic Hospital he was taken to. A nun was seated next to his bed holding
a clip board loaded with several forms, and a pen. She asked him how he was
going to pay for his treatment.
"Do you have health insurance?" she asked.
He replied in a raspy voice, "No health insurance."
The nun asked, "Do you have money in the bank?"
He replied, "No money in the bank."
"Do you have a relative who could help you with the payments?", asked the
irritated nun.
He said, "I only have a spinster sister, and she is a nun."
The nun became agitated and announced loudly, "Nuns are not spinsters! Nuns
are married to God."
The patient replied, "Perfect. Send the bill to my brother-in-law."*
You are invited!
All the parishes of the North Macomb Vicariate
are invited
to attend and participate together with
the Knights of Columbus
in a
Prayer Service for Priestly Vocations
St. Kieran Catholic Church
53600 Mound Rd.
Shelby Twp., MI 48316
Thursday, November 8, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Light Refreshments served afterward
Please contact Ron Koscierzynski
at gk13983@mikofc.org or at 248-805-4651
with questions or for further information.
St. Kieran
Knights of Columbus and Their Families
Christmas Party
and White Elephant
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
St. Kieran Green Room
Come and Launch the Christmas Season with your
Brother Knights and their Families!
No Admission Charge
The Council will provide such refreshments as summer sausage, meat
balls, cheese and cracker tray, Ham Spread, Turkey Spread, Wine, Pop
Please RSVP with the number attending to Ron Koscierzynski no later than
Sunday, December 2 – either drkosc47@hotmail.com or 248-805-4651
Pope Benedict XVI Joined by Cardinal Dolan and President of Canadian
Bishops in Commending Knights of Columbus
In remarks to the 130th international convention of the Knights of Columbus, U.S. and Canadian Bishops’ Conferences joined Pope Benedict XVI in
expressing concern over restrictions on religious liberty and praising the Knights of Columbus for their work in its defense. Both Cardinal Timothy
Dolan of New York – president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – and Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton – president of the
Canadian Bishops Conference – expressed their gratitude for the Knights’ tireless defense of religious liberty and asked them to continue their
leadership in that work especially at this time.
A letter of greeting to the Knights’ convention signed by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, conveyed Pope Benedict XVI’s
gratitude to the Knights for their help “during these difficult times,” noting that “the Knights of Columbus have worked tirelessly to help the Catholic
community recognize and respond to the unprecedented gravity of these new threats to the Church’s liberty and public moral witness.”
The letter stated: “By defending the right of all religious believers, as individual citizens and in their institutions, to work responsibly in shaping a
democratic society inspired by their deepest beliefs, values and aspiration your Order has proudly lived up to the high religious and patriotic
principles which inspired its founding.”
In remarks broadcast worldwide on Catholic television networks, Cardinal Timothy Dolan told the 2000 Knights and family members gathered for
the convention: “We need you now more than ever.”
Dolan thanked the Knights for “the generous and unfailing loyalty of the Knights of Columbus to the pastoral goals of the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops…especially – especially – the defense of religious freedom.”
Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton, president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, echoed the statements of Pope Benedict and
Cardinal Dolan.
The Archbishop said: “Our call at this moment is to affirm the right of religion to be active in the public square … to defend the freedom of people of
faith and of religious institutions to act in accordance with their beliefs and nature; to maintain healthy church state relations; to understand
conscience correctly and to form it according to objective truth; and to protect the right to conscientious objection. Believers are summoned now to
stand up for their faith, even if they must suffer for doing so.”
“The Knights of Columbus do not shy away from this,” he concluded. “And we bishops are very grateful for your witness.”
Ralph E. Engler
Knightletter Editor greenrpeng@att.net
2012/2013 OFFICERS
District Deputy
Grand Knight
Deputy Grand Knight
Trustee 3rd Year
Trustee 2nd Year
Trustee 1st Year
Inside Guards
Outside Guards
Financial Secretary
Program Director
Church Director
Youth Directors
Membership Director
Field Agent
Parish Council Liaison
Knight Life Editor
Fr. H. Thomas Johnson
Dave Kuptz
Ron Koscierzynski
Larry Hojna
Ken Kwasnik
Ralph Engler
Mark Kicinski
Ron Hansinger
John Benincasa
Chuck Filar
Joe Kaparal
John Koscierzynski
Scott Soumela, Joe Vogel, Darryl
Chris Doran & Ray Pospy
Roger Quitter
Tom Petz
Joe Moore
Ralph Engler
Ron Hansinger & Russ Morgan
Ken Kwasnik
Ted Czarny (Retired)
RalphEngler Ron Koscierzynski
Ralph Engler
Family Director
John Koscierzynski
Ken Kwasnik
Community Directors
Pro Life
Chuck Filar & John Churilla
Ed Cybulski