Списък на публикациите по темата на дисертацията

Списък на публикациите на доц. д-р Цветанка Бабева
Институт по оптически материали и технологии „Акад. Й. Малиновски” БАН
Публикации в списания с импакт фактор
1. I. Konstantinov, Tz. Babeva and S. Kitova, “Analysis of errors in thin-film optical parameters
derived from spectrophotometric measurements at normal light incidence”, Appl. Opt. 37,
4260-4267, (1998).
2. Tz. Babeva, D. Dimitrov, S. Kitova and I. Konstantinov, “Optical properties of phase-change
optical disks with SbxSe100-x films”, Vacuum 58, 496-501,(2000)
3. Tz. Babeva, S. Kitova and I. Konstantinov, “Photometric methods of determination of the
optical constants and the thickness of thin absorbing films: Selection of a combination of
photometric quantities on the base of еrror analysis”, Appl. Opt. 40, 2675-2681, (2001).
4. Tz. Babeva, S. Kitova and I. Konstantinov, “Photometric methods of determination of the
optical constants and the thickness of thin absorbing films: Criteria for precise and
unambiguous determination of n, k and d in a wide spectral range”, Appl. Opt. 40, 2682-2686,
5. I. Konstantinov, P. Sharlandjiev, Tz. Babeva and S. Kitova, “Simulation of the diffraction by
CD-R.Thickness determination of dye recording layer”, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 3, No 6,
460-465, (2001).
6. Tz. Babeva, S. Kitova, B. Mednikarov and I. Konstantinov, “Preparation and characterization
of a reference aluminum mirror”, Appl. Opt. 41, 3840-3846, (2002).
7. J. Dikova, P. Sharlandjiev, P. Gushterova, T. Babeva, “Photoinduced changes in the optical
properties of obliquely deposited a-As2S3 films”, Vacuum 69, 395-398, (2003).
8. P. Vitanov, Tz. Babeva, Z. Alexieva, A. Harizanova and Z. Nenova, “Optical properties of
(Al2O3)x(TiO2)1-x films deposited by the sol-gel method”, Vacuum 76, 219-222, (2004).
9. G. Aygun, E. Atanassova, R. Turan, Tz.Babeva , “Reflectance spectra and refractive index of
Nd:YAG laser oxidized Si surface”, Mater. Chemistry and Phys, 89, 316-320, (2005).
10. Tz. Babeva, E. Atanassova and J. Koprinarova, “Optical characteristics of rf sputtered Ta2O5
films”, Physica Status Solidi, 202, 330-336, (2005).
11. S. S. Tinchev, R. I. Nikolova, J. T. Dyulgerska, G. Danev, Tz. Babeva, “a-C:H absorber layer
for solar cells matched to solar spectrum”, Solar Energy Materials&Solar Cells, 86, 421-426,
12. J. Dikova, Tz. Babeva and P. Sharlandjiev, “Photoinduced scalar and vector effects in
obliquely deposited a-As2S3 thin films”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,
7, 361-364, (2005).
13. J. Dikova, Tz. Babeva, Tz. Iliev, “Photoinduced optical changes in vacuum deposited
nanocrystalline As2S3 films”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 7, No.
3, 1281-1286, (2005).
14. B. Mednikarov, G. Spasov, Tz. Babeva, “Aluminum nitride layers prepared by DC/RF
magnetron sputtering”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 7, No. 3,
1421 – 1427, (2005).
15. B. Mednikarov, G. Spasov, Tz. Babeva, J. Pirov, M. Sahatchieva, C. Popov, W.Kulisch,
“Optical properties of diamond-like carbon and nanocrystalline diamond films”, Journal of
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 7, No. 3, 1407-1413, (2005).
16. S. Kitova, S. Youroukov, Tz. Babeva, V. Denishev, G. Danev, “Argon ion activated
deposition of SiO2 films”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 7, No. 5,
2613-2618, (2005).
17. S. S. Tinchev, Y. Dyulgerska, P. Nikolova, D. Grambole, U. Kreissig, Tz. Babeva, “Optical
properties of PECVD deposited DLC films prepared with air addition”, Journal of
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 8, No. 1, 308-312, (2006).
18. E. Atanassova, G. Aygun, R. Turan, Tz. Babeva, “Structural and optical characteristics of
tantalum oxide grown by pulsed Nd:YAG laser oxidation”, Journal of Vacuum Science and
Technology A, 24 (2), 206-211, (2006).
19. Tz. Babeva, J. Dikova and V. Rashkova, “Grain-size effect on the optical properties of
vacuum deposited nanocrystalline As2S3 thin films”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced
Materials, Vol. 9, No. 1, 170-173, (2007).
20. S. Kitova, S. Youroukov, Tz. Babeva and G. Danev, “Electron cyclotron resonance assisted
deposition of protective SiO2 films”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol.
9, No. 2, 299-302, (2007).
21. Tz. Babeva and S. Kitova, “Reflectance methods for determining the optical constants of
highly absorbing films: comparative analysis of the accuracy”, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9,
145-151, (2007).
22 T. Yovcheva , Tz. Babeva, K. Nikolova and G. Mekishev, “ Refractive index of corona-treated
polypropylene films”, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 10, 055008, (2008).
23. Tz. Babeva, I. Naydenova, S. Martin and V. Toal, “Method for real-time characterization of
diffusion properties of polymerisable systems”, Opt. Express, 16, 8487, (2008).
24. T. Babeva, R. Todorov, S. Mintova, T. Yovcheva, I. Naydenova and V Toal, “Optical
properties of silica-MFI doped acrylamide-based photopolymer”, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt.
11, 024015, (2009).
25. E. Leite, I. Naydenova, N. Pandey, T. Babeva, G. Majano, S. Mintova and V. Toal,
“Investigation of the light induced redistribution of BETA nanoparticles in an acrylamidebased photopolymer”, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 11, 024016, (2009).
26. M. S. Mahmud, I. Naydenova, N. Pandey, T. Babeva, R. Jallapuram, S. Martin and V.Toal,
“Holographic recording in acrylamide photopolymers – thickness limitations”, Appl. Optics.,
48, (14), 2642-2648, (2009).
27. T. Babeva, I. Naydenova, D. Mackey, S. Martin, and Vincent Toal, “Two-way diffusion
model for short-exposure holographic grating formation in acrylamide based photopolymer”,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 27 (2), 197 -203, (2010).
28. J. Tasseva, R. Todorov, Tz. Babeva and K. Petkov, “Structural and optical characterization of
Ag photo-doped thin As40S60−xSex films for non-linear applications”, Journal of Optics, 12,
065601 (2010).
29. E. Leite, T. Babeva, E.-P. Ng, V. Toal, S. Mintova, and I. Naydenova, “Optical Properties of
Photopolymer Layers Doped with Aluminophosphate Nanocrystals”, Journal of Physical
Chemistry C, 114(39), 16767 – 16775, (2010)
30. T. Babeva, D. Mackey, I. Naydenova, S. Martin and V. Toal, “Study of the photoinduced
surface relief modulation in photopolymers caused by illumination with a Gaussian beam of
light”, Journal of Optics, 12, 124011, (2010).
31. R. Todorov, J. Tasseva, T. Babeva and K. Petkov, “Multilayer As2Se3/GeS2 quarter wave
structures for photonic applications”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 43, 505103, (2010).
32. M. Mahmud, I. Naydenova, T. Babeva, R. Jallapuram, S. Martin and V. Toal, “Determination
of threshold exposure and intensity for recording holograms in thick green-sensitive
acrylamide-based photopolymer”, Applied Optics, 49 (28), 5276-5283, (2010).
33. I. Naydenova, E. Leite, T. Babeva, N. Pandey, T. Baron, T. Yovcheva, S. Sainov, S. Martin,
S. Mintova, V. Toal, “Optical properties of photopolymerisable nanocomposites containing
nanosized molecular sieves”, accepted in Journal of Optics
B) Публикации в пълен текст в сборници от конференции
Tz. Babeva, S. Kitova, D. Dimitrov and I. Konstantinov, “The influence of annealing on the
optical properties of amorphous Sb2Se3 thin films”, Proceeding of the 9th ISCMP Varna' 96
“Future directions in thin film science and technology”, 529-531, (1996)
J.Kaneti, T.Deligeorgiev, Tz.Babeva, S.Kitova and I.Konstantinov, “Dependence of the
optical constants of cyanine dyes for CD-R on their Molecular structure”, Proceeding of the
11th ISCMP, Varna 2000, “Materials for information technology in the new millennium”, 420423, (2001).
R. Todorov, Tz. Babeva and K. Petkov, “Determination of the optical constants and thickness
of thin As-Ge-S films from the transmission and reflection spectra”, Proceeding of the 11th
ISCMP, Varna 2000, “Materials for information technology in the new millennium”, 304-307,
V. Marinova, M. Gospodinov, Tz. Babeva, Shiuan Huei Lin and Ken Yuh Hsu, “Crystal
growth and photochromic effect in doped Bi4Ge3O12 eulitites”, Proceeding of International
meeting on Optics in Computing, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2002, pp 255-257.
V. Boev, Tz. Iliev, Tz. Babeva, “EDX Analysis of thin films obtained from the Ge-Se-AgI
System”, Nanoscience & Nanothechnology 3, pp 191-193, (2003), (Eds. E. Balabanova, I.
Dragieva, Heron Press, Sofia); Proceeding of the Work Shop of Nano Technology
D. Z. Dimitrov, C. Babeva, S.-T.Cheng, W.-C. Hsu, M.-H. Hsieh, and S.-Y.Tsai "GaGeSb
materials for high–speed phase–change optical recording", Optical Data Storage Topical
Meeting 2004, ODS Technical Digest, pp. 79-81 (2004).
Dimitre Z. Dimitrov, Cvetanka Babeva, Shun-Te Cheng, Wei-Chih Hsu, Ming-Hsun Hsieh,
Song-Yeu Tsai, “GaGeSb alloys for high-speed reversible phase-change optical recording”,
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5380, p. 487-492, Optical Data Storage 2004; B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar,
Hiromichi Kobori; Eds., (2004)
J. Dikova, Tz. Babeva, Tz. Iliev, “Optical properties of nano-crystalline As2S3 thin films”
Nanoscience & Nanothechnology 4, pp 180-183, (2004), (Eds. E. Balabanova, I. Dragieva,
Heron Press, Sofia); Proceeding of the Fifth Workshop Nanostructered materials application
and innovation transfer
G. Aygun, E. Attanasova, R. Turan, Tz. Babeva, “Electrical and Optical Properties of
Nd:YAG Laser Grown Si Oxides”, Turkish Physical Society Conference, Bodrum 14
– 17 September 2004, p. 177, (2004).
10. J.Dikova, Tz. Babeva, Tz. Iliev, “Optical behavior of vacuum deposited amorphous and nanocrystalline AS2S3 films before and after irradiation” - Functional Properties of Nanostructured
Materials, NATO Science series, volume 223, (Springer 2006, Netherlands), (EDITOR(S):
Rainer Kassing, Plamen Petkov, Wilhelm Kulisch and Cyril Popov), 373-378.
11. B. Mednikarov, G. Spasov, Tz. Babeva, C. Popov and W. Kulisch. “Nanocrystalline diamond
and diamond-like carbon films – resemblances and differences”. Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology 6, 195-198 (2006).
12. Tz. Babeva, J. Dikova and V. Rashkova, “Influence of the nanocrystalline structure on the
optical behaviour of vacuum deposited As2S3 thin films”, Nanoscience &Nanotechnology, ed.
Balabanova and Dragieva (Heron Press) , 2007, p. 97
13. I. Naydenova, T. Babeva, E. Leite, N. Pandey, T. Yovcheva, S. Mintova and V. Toal, ‘
Optical properties of photopolymerisable nanocomposites containing zeolite nanoparticles’
Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting, 2009, (IEEE conferences), ODS '09. Page(s): 84 - 86
14. D. Mackey, T. Babeva, I. Naydenova and V. Toal, “A diffusion model for spatially dependent
photopolymerization”, Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008, Series:
Mathematics in Industry, Subseries: The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry,
Vol. 15, Fitt, A.D.; Norbury, J.; Ockendon, H.; Wilson, E. (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, 1050 p.,
Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-12109-8, Due: June 16, 2010.
15. I. Naydenova, P. Kotakonda, R. Jallapuram, T. Babeva, S. Mintova, D. Bade, S. Martin, and
V. Toal, “Recent and Emerging Applications of Holographic Photopolymers and
Nanocomposites” - AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1288, 30-34, (2010).
16. T. Babeva, D. Mackey, I. Naydenova, S. Martin, and V. Toal, “Surface Relief Profile of
Photopolymerisable Systems in a Single Illuminated Spot”-AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.
1288, 43-46, (2010)
17. D. Mackey, T. Babeva, I. Naydenova, V. Toal, “Modelling two-dimensional
photopolymer patterns produced with multiple-beam holography”, submitted as
proceeding from the 16-th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry July 2630, 2010 Wuppertal, Germany.