Developing the Federation to provide a voice for museums in Wales

Development Officer, Wales
Contract Specification
Title: Development Officer, Wales
The Development Officer will work with the Federation Committee to develop
and strengthen the Welsh Federation of Museums and Art Galleries. He/she
will work towards raising the profile of museums in Wales and will take a lead
on policy development for museums in Wales. He/she will make an important
contribution to workforce development and will be responsible for taking
forward a range of MA programmes in Wales, particularly those related to
professional development and the implementation of Collections for the
Major activities
Developing and co-ordinating the Federation, working to expand
membership, raise funding and take forward a range of projects
Working with the Federation Committee to develop its business plan
Contributing to the development of a strategy for museums in Wales
Leading on routine policy work for the Federation, for example coordinating responses to consultation
Influencing broader MA and Federation policy development by
gathering information and reflecting current concerns of the museum
sector in Wales
Contributing to workforce development for the museum sector in Wales
and supporting the implementation of a number of MA-led workforce
development programmes
Promoting and supporting the MA’s professional development
programmes, including delivering workshops and supporting those
undertaking professional development. Delivering other MA workshops,
including ethics.
Taking forward with partners the MA’s programme of collectionsrelated work, including the project supported by the Esmée Fairbairn
Foundation to encourage long-loans, transfers and disposals, and
other externally funded programmes
Organising policy-related events and helping to inform people working
in museums in Wales about the work of the Federation and the MA
Attending meetings as the representative of the Federation or the MA,
as required
Other duties which may reasonably fall within the remit of this post as
required with the agreement of the Federation and the Association
This list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive and may be altered from time to
Person Specification
Experience of working with the museum sector in Wales
Understanding key policy issues for museums in Wales
Excellent written and oral communication skills, including the ability to
broker relationships between organisations and communicate with
decision-makers at senior levels
Ability to contribute to development of policy
Understanding of and support for Continuing Professional
Understanding of key issues related to museum collections
Understanding of museum ethics
Ability to deliver training sessions
Ability to organise and chair events and meetings
Willing and able to undertake regular travel across Wales and to
London and to stay overnight where necessary
Driving licence and access to transport
Experience of policy development
Experience of organising events and chairing meetings
Experience of delivering training
Experience of undertaking or supporting CPD
It is not a requirement of the post to be able to speak and write Welsh, but the
successful applicant will need fully to understand the importance of the
bilingual environment in Wales.
Supporting Information
1. Background
The funding for this post has been provided by CyMAL, with the support of the
Federation and the MA, with the aim of developing museums in Wales, and
strengthening the Federation so it can provide a strong independent voice for
museums in Wales. The creation of this post represents an exciting
opportunity to develop and strengthen the museum sector in Wales.
The Development Officer will contract with the Museums Association to
undertake work for both the Federation and the MA. A similar post is currently
being developed in Scotland, through a partnership between the MA and the
Scottish Museums Council. The two development officers will have
opportunity to work alongside one another and share experiences and
information. Both Development Officers will report to the Policy Officer at the
MA but the MA and the Federation will develop the work plan for the post
holder jointly. Within the MA, he/she will be part of the department dealing
with policy, professional development, ethics and collections development and
will have the opportunity to work with colleagues from across this department.
2. The role – further information
Developing the Federation to provide a voice for museums in Wales
Since the Council for Museums in Wales ceased to operate in 2004, the
Federation of Museums in Wales has taken on a greater range of
responsibilities, including that of providing an independent voice for museums
in Wales. However, this has stretched to the limits what Committee members
can undertake on a voluntary basis. The Development Officer will provide
additional capacity for the Federation in carrying out these new
responsibilities, with a particular responsibility for policy work. He/she will
work with colleagues at CyMAL and with other partners to develop a strategy
for museums in Wales, distilling the sector’s aspirations and priorities. The
Development Officer will also develop the Federation’s business plan and
help to determine its future role and direction.
Workforce Development
The Development Officer will work with colleagues in other relevant
organisations to identify key workforce development needs for the museum
sector in Wales. He/she will contribute to developing strategies for addressing
these needs and will have some responsibility for implementation (for
example, developing training courses).
The Development Officer will also take a lead on MA workforce and
professional development programmes within Wales:
The MA runs 3 professional development programmes, Associateship (AMA),
Fellowship (FMA) and extended Continuing Professional Development. The
Development Officer will take responsibility for some aspects of these
programmes in Wales. Key areas will include encouraging take-up of the
programmes, delivering training associated with them and providing on-theground support to people involved in the programmes, to complement the
support provided by London-based staff.
The MA has a range of programmes that aim to shape the museum
workforce, including Diversify, Pay in Museums and a new programme
looking at entry to the museum workforce. The Development Officer will help
to ensure that these programmes are developed appropriately in Wales and
then work to promote them.
Collections Development
The Development Officer will work with MA staff to implement the
recommendations of the MA’s Collections for the Future report. In the first
instance the Development Officer will contribute to a project supported by the
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation to promote better use of stored collections. The
project will encourage long loans between museums, transfers and disposals.
The Development Officer will work closely with the London-based National
Co-ordinator to add value to the programme in Wales, assisting in brokering
relationships and setting up projects. If additional funding is secured, the
Development Officer will also be expected to contribute to other collectionsrelated projects led by the MA.
The Development Officer will also be expected to liaise closely with
colleagues at the National Museums and Galleries of Wales and to ensure
that any new initiatives complement the Sharing Treasures scheme and
ArtShare Wales.
Museum ethics
The Development Officer will work with MA staff to offer ethics training and
basic advice to people working in museums in Wales.
Local knowledge to support the MA
The Development Officer will contribute to a range of MA programmes and
priorities in Wales. So, for example, they will inform MA policy development
and advocacy work and will assist the events team in planning events.
3. The selection process
Applications must be received by Friday 30th June.
A first round of interviews will be held in Cardiff on Tuesday 18 th July. A
second round of interviews will be held in London on Tuesday 25 th July. At
second-interview stage, candidates will be expected to prepare a presentation
to a number of MA staff and a representative of the Federation.
4. Contractual arrangements and practicalities
The Development Officer will be required to develop good contacts with
museums across Wales. They will spend a large proportion of their time –
some weeks more than half - attending meetings and events. They must be
able to attend meetings across Wales.
They will be required to travel to London up to once a month to liaise with MA
staff. These trips will be timed to coincide with key MA meetings; the
Development Officer for Scotland will travel to London at the same time. They
will also be required to attend Federation meetings in Wales on a regular
basis. Some overnight stays will be necessary both in Wales and London, and
for occasional events such as the annual MA conference.
The Museums Association will engage the Development Officer to provide
contract services over a two-year period. He/she will not be an employee.
The fee of £25,000 a year to include some travel costs (see note below). The
contractor will be expected to provide the equivalent of 3 days work a week
and the additional time required for necessary travel and overnight stays.
The contractor will be home-based when not travelling and will provide their
own office equipment. Telephone, internet, postage and other office costs will
be covered by the fee.
Note on travel costs: the fee will include some travel expenses. The
contractor will be expected to cover the costs of up to 2,000 miles by car each
year and of 8 trips to London each year. Expenses will be paid for agreed
travel over and above those limits.